Users CringeRyan Is Following
I ZK6495-02
MK7 元VR99999 (14/08/07) 現在VR8200 (16/03/20) 元NNID zk6495
will zzXeroGodzz
hey there i love ssb for 3ds
be yungboi89
on Venessa1210
youtube youyoututu
after reofumi619
miiverse Miverse-fans
ends ends4444jp
my vudan1
youtube zuralukas
salut c'est lukas et c'est mon compte miiverse alors abonnez-vous !
channel moralezcaln
Hey im channel yuhhh follow me and ill follow back freind me too!! i want alot of freinds do wii u chat (only with certain people tho) here are somethings to get to know about me -im a ♥♀♥ -my ♂ best freind is Chase -my ♀ best freind is .... MY OC name: channel age: 16 status: single personality: smart very social popular
name zombuster22
i like pie.
** sjoskogen
my zanko6
i have ADHD ( ºº )
miiverse vielzuviel2002
username username
Bessie AmiiboWars
I have many unpopular opinions and I am triggered easily. Shoto Todoroki is the precious! I love Undertale and you shouldn't judge me for it! Nor should you judge other Undertale fans! I'M GONNA FIGHT THE SUN!!!! ♥Callie is best waifu and Squid Sister!♥ Staaaay Fresh!
Jj JEG113
It’s the final day of Miiverse. I’m sad this place will be gone soon. Even through everything that happened here, positive or negative, I would do it all over again... Awesome people: aadkison ShinyGirafarig AmiiboWars chantytown9 sonicisland35 SuperYoshi1234 Mathiu02 jembeebug Doglover728 kwcabanas These 2 1/2 years have been great. Goodbye everyone.
chant spongefox
my first profile got banned but i here again and im addicted to splatoon sonic o.c name: chant the fox fur colour: pink and red bandana colour: pink and red boot colour: green age: 17 to 19 relationship: tails the fox as boyfriend
Gavin Gavin2120
My old ID was Gavin781.
Snorlaxboi aadkison
Hey guys! I'm Crazysnorlax, a HUGE Splatoon fan! But I also like Pokemon! And Legend of Zelda! And other Nintendo games! Yes, my main OC shares my name. Squid Sisters are my life, my soul, my being ~ <3 I only accept friend requests from Splatoon players. Stay fresh! Evil Callie is best waifu.
Mr. Buu LemonMaser
Hello little person, me Buu! Buu come to the 'Miiverse' to talk about video games and candy! Buu's favorite thing to do is to play, and turn people into ca-.. me mean eat candy! Buu like to play Super Smash Bros and Candy Land all the time. Buu hope we can be friends! SW-8503-5912-45
Elitetendo SuperMario37383
.Miiverse. NovaB1
Udon. Block me if you do not want to be yeahbombed. Or if you Want You can turn off yeah notifications. Im holding a disscousion on this topic. Most popular by the end will be my choice.
s Zoneaw14
w zsewqxcdq123
1 yescookie
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Adam xomu22
0 zer0crimson
8 yasaka315
1 zhouzhengye88
Epic Gamer youmyn
7 yuduki0717
* zombi45h
* zerooneeight
9 youtuberfan
1 zombiecreeper9
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
Asquid AгŁ TOWMATER100
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κιъъιε kibbledude
Hi, I'm kibble. Im chill and nice. follow my frndz snookemz chickenz32 pchicken Vg lover other peepz follow to get 800+ cringe cookiez memez: zhrek john cena bee movie every dreamworkz production memez are good i got the Nintendo Switch ayeee
gnik IIM Sptnjacob159
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adam appleadam105
Hello I'm Adam. I try to fit into communities but It doesn't work. If you want to you can follow me but at your own risk:)
LukerGMRZ. lskywalker
Even at the end of Miiverse, I'll always be roaming this place. I'll never forget the people who made this site such a fun experience. Thank you all.
"I love the Squid Sisters. Without them, my existence becomes unstable. They are my life force an...
"I love the Squid Sisters. Without them, my existence becomes unstable. They are my life force and what keeps me going each day." -me, 2017
"In life, don't ask "why?". Ask the more important question, "why not?". -also me, 2017
My entire life has been devoted to the Nintendo Switch ever since I got it. High school isn't gonna stop me either.