My Final Post... Well... Here We Are. The Day Has Come... Our Final Day Together On Miiverse.:'( And To Sloubie, David7:), Garrett, Ruben, And Everyone Else... Thank You! Thanks For All Of The Love...
NLM★Gleπ★'s Yeahs
Super Mario Maker Community

Farewell Miiverse
Farewell Miiverse, we are going to miss this community. Thanks for all the support with getting the community together with Super Mario Maker. We can still post ou...

I'm hoping I don't have to wait to long but I decided I'll be waiting until Nintendo says if they'll do something new or not, I know they said they aren't interested in the past but that was when M...
Super Mario Maker Community

Well... this is it I guess..
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017, Miiverse will be shut down FOREVER. Goodbye, Miiverse and SMM. It's been a great 4 or 2 years.
Super Mario Maker Community

····†Last Time I Will Be On Miiverse†····
As You All Know Miiverse Is Ticking Time For It To Drown.But I Would Like Some Level Designers To Gimme Your Level ID's And I'll Play Most Of Your Levels. But Only...
Super Mario Maker Community

遂にあと2日でMiiverseが終わりますね… ということで…質問コーナー開催!!!!!!!!!!!!!! どんどん質問を書いていって下さい♪♪ どんどん応えていきます^^ ※質問は...
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have...
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!"
Miiverse ends in 6 hours. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all.
Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017.
Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)