Theryn's Followers
********** TylerZBan
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A Mug Boi senorgoatatronio
'yo that's mad flavor' I'm going to try to post every day until Miiverse gets shut down. AUGHHHH THE END "WHAT? NO! ELMO DIED!" It was just a day like any other. You woke up, you went to work, and stopped off at the store and bought a ticket. It was just a day like any other...until it wasn't. BELIEVE IN SOMETHING BIGGER THE JACKPOT IS NOW OVER $175 MILLION POWERBALL®
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
caprisun matthewshedden
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david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
jhony Newxsour3
good at minecraft mini games glide,battle, and spleef
Tristan MadamRed72
Theryn24 TherynBelleza
This is my 2nd account I would appreciate it if followed main account Is Theryn This account is going to be about BoTW and MK8 maybe some super smash bros. more info about me on main account
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
счте :3 DankPostatoChisp
Sorry Miiverse that you cant make it you were so wonderful. I love everything you gave me. Because I have no soul. Im gonna Not post as often as usual but it seems ive already started quite a while ago. I will miss each and everyone of you my followers,my friends,and Foxy710 My marvelous companions *Foxy710♥ *Patryk_Eddworld♥ *Humbwab♡♥♡♥
Link white101kyurem
Sup peeps
★☆BUDY$☆★ juanverduzco1234
¯\_(’~’)_/¯ I will be posting less and commenting less because and don't want to get banned.
★ROY★ roy4510
Sup my name is john i have dark blue eyes and curly hair age:14 Homies are justin,★Nichole★ james,A.J. I have a sis and she is 3 i love her i get suspended from school alot Favorite youtubers are: Dangmattsmith and alex wassabie. My favorite color is red,blue,and blacki love making new friends.
Shyshu~min JDHitGirl138 my name is a very um.....specil name my friends are Mizy~chan! Gulgu~kin Vinmin_ ADMIN_NOT_HOME Pixystick_ θωθThat awkward nerd_ Anonymouslyweird: AnonymousPotatoGoust potatobibby p.s...... Follow these....peps MD⇒Jane Alonso BeNdRoNed E.j Madey roze Armondo kitten bribri Tøp Lost silver Jeff.the.killer
Kaylee kaysilv
Hey, everybody. I'm Kaylee. I recently got Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and would like to play with you guys!
MidnightXD Random-san.2
Hi, You wonderful souls!~♪ Bands: P!ATD, MCR, Falling in reverse,Peirce the Veil, Bring me the horizon,Paramore, BVB, An cafe, BTS, Babymetal Fandoms: Miraculous, disney, Musicals, SVTFOE, SU, GF, Phandom, anime, Undertale, Ever after high,Vocaloid, Crybabies, MLP,RWBY, Loid house, Total drama Thx for your time
yoselin yoselin2006
mi chiamo: YOSELIN anni: 11 io sono stata addottata e sono colombiana. mi piace ballare infatti faccio hip pop durante l'estate invece durante l'invero ginnastica acrobatica,ginnastica artistica,ginnastica ritmica e pallavolo. mi piace suonare gli strumenti il mio preferito e la chittarra. infatti la suono. mi piacciono tanto gli animali. il mio preferito e il cavallo infatti lo cavalco.
aiden.w wilsonzz
hi im aiden.w my favorite game is lego star wars tfa im a huge star wars fan also i like call of duty but i dont have that game on this console anyhoo um so yeah thats pretty much it so follow if u like then i will follow u to and so yeah thats it so bye p.s thanks for poking my face p.p.s im awesome and u p.p.p s im in firth grade p.p.p.p s i dont wiiu chat p.p.p.p.p.s i will play ps4
got cigARS groundstory
Ey I got 2017 Yeahs, so I'll stop here. XD
YeahBigley SlodowskaRadium
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WLF☆Lynx GayLynx
Name?~~~ Call me Lynx ^^ Birthday?~~~ 8.14.2006 Relationship Status?~~~ Taken Sexuality?~~~ Gay/Bi Still figuring that out Fears?~~~ Heights&My Voice Favorite Band?~~~ Twenty Øne Piløts Favorite Song?~~~ Lane Boy (TØP) Lucky Number?~~~ 47 Games Played?~~~ Splatoon&Some Minecraft(<-- No Game Chat) Random?~~~ I is random stuff ^^ Something Random?~~~ Theres nothing really else to say. ¯\_(^·^)_/¯
DozenBee07 wiimii07
i love to drawing
u died lol bonesbone8
hello im the reverse king call me teo i reverse like this ya come try battle me you wont live fans takle me cause i reverse like this call o g i swear im lit
Diddy Kong Kirader1
alter: 12. Lieblings spiele: Minecraft,Splatoon,Call of Duty black obs 2 und MK8. Hobbys: Schwimmen,Fahrradfahren,Karate Fußball. beste Freunde auf Wiiu und Vielleicht in Echt: Parssa10,katrin,rene und Noah. Lieblings Fächer: Deutsch, Sport, Englisch Und Naturwissenschaft. Unbeliebte Fächer: GL,Mathe,Kunst,Musik,AWT. OK Das wars so weit von mir aber noch eins Danke an die die mir Folgen
Noah 20nhs04
I Am A Good Guy
MLG Foxy keat2008
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Tre' Bogra23
I got my firstvideo game at 4years old and ever scince i loved videogames
Ninja-King masterofgaming98
Welcome To My Profile Don't take The drawings To Serousley Follow For Follow Miiverse Is Ending i No Its Sad ¯\(•–•)/¯ XD Good Morning If You Like My Post i'll Give You A cookie ('-') ;) Eye Patchs Thanks for 200 Followers
DJ★ DARA2007
i am bob and i love to play minecraft and i love gravity falls and steven universe friend me favourite youtuber is jake pual and stampy follow for follow and hate endermen
Sebatian 2007sebastian07
i like having freinds on my freinds list i also like having new freinds ..................................... ................................ .......................... hhii
momma bear chicken1212
wassup miivers
lulu1206 lulu120620
Hallo ich bin lulu120620 ich spiele gerne mincraft und möchte gerne freunde finden
Bryce edwardstwins
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Brаdlее Stuff108
hello i'm Bradlee, comment on my post if you want, now here are some things about me: ]1 i'm athletic ]2 i'm 12 ]3 i love meeting new people ]4 i started miiverse on feb 12 2015 ]5 i come to be shy at some points in the day but i'm also out going too last updated [6-19-17]
[TSG]Fry SuperFryWorld
Seriously, i just made this account to get past the post limit and level limit on my mains both are [TSG]Tyler/TheSmashingGamer<-(!D And my most main account [TSG]Tyler/TheSmashingGamex Well, More information on my TheSmashingGamex account...
Dan Brand1738
What's up Dudes
*peanut* peanutlovespizza
i like to play with friends meet new people and find right people to hang with
ebo_ ebo2412
hi im Ellie and i draw stuff and when im not on miiverse im sat at a computer making animations♥ y chu poke mah face? the #NARWHAL_SQUAD will live forever!! thank you all so much for 200+ followers i really appreciate it! bet u cant guess my age! /\___/\ (θ • θ ) | v v | \( > > ) bye ▲▼▲▼
☆WOLFEHHH☆ Kawaii.Kiwi2005
(ow me face) Hoi im Wolfy (/☆ω☆)/ -Cookie (Things i do for fun)• Draw And watch U-tube (Tv Shows)• Pokemon XYZ ,We Bare Bears, and Amazing World Of Gumball (Personality)• Im very nice. and i want 2 travel the whole world (Fav Games)• Fnaf, Pokemon, Acnl, And Zelda (9% of Undertale) (Pets i have) Bunny-Midnight Dog-Marily Dog-Franky (Friends)• Chris Sasha Joey And Other Alright Boi Boi
Hello there! some facts about me:
☆ I'm 11
☆ I'm in 6th grade
☆ I live in canada
☆ I play : lego ...
Hello there! some facts about me:
☆ I'm 11
☆ I'm in 6th grade
☆ I live in canada
☆ I play : lego , zelda , mario , and pokémon
☆ Favourite holiday: CHRISTMAS!
☆ I LOVE cat's / kitten's!
☆My real name is Theryn
Follow These peeps!: cherry , doctor mario , meme wizardand L.K.S.I II
▲▼ means Im out of posts
;-; means sad
•⇔•means I have HOMEWORK
I can has cheeseburger?