UpCast's Followers
kittylove♪ kitapie
im nice i love foxes and i they cute. and i love a game call mk8 it fun and cool☆☆☆ L(>ω<)
cyni munchkin81
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PIZZA![SG] PizzaIsUgly99
I am PizzaIsUgly99 or just call me Pizza or King Shy-Guy i play Splatoon, minecraft, mario kart 8, Super mario maker, super smash bros, super mario 3D world, Terraira, Pokkèn tournament, follow me and i'll follow you back and sent me a friend thing i play splatoon & minecraft & terraira & Pokkèn tournament ALOT!! and thats it SOOOOO MKAY BYE!
Dark Tom TomPe35
Alola! Moi c'est Tom! Jeux: Paper Mario Color Splash, SMM, MK8, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Mario Party 10, FAST Racing NEO Best friends: Alexandre, Nicolas, CO∞øréø★, Cø∞r I ƒI, Médéric, Minette, Dark soul¤, G&K shadow, loulou02, Casper Team: Dark (la mienne), SUBARU (Alexandre), MØ (øréø) Objectifs: 900 abonnés Miiverse (894/900) Deltaplane or MK8 Costume Sonic SMM Voilà! À plus!
Sylvester vesterluke5
せりな ioserianna
スプラ、サイコー!くコ8ミ〜〜! イカよろしく!
Matyshadow MatypkmN
I'm Matilde, I'm14 Favourite games: Sonic,zelda,spltn,pkm –I'm a gothic/dark girl ♥a lot of people draw shatilde, thanks♥ ∞♥♥♥I always loved you♥♥♥∞ ♥Shadow is always mine♥ ∞♥Laura, Miry and Val Love you!!♥∞ ♥Sis forever:↓ ♥Ape¥Laura ♥Miry ♥Z★Ska ♥Val☆Lucani ♥Camilla ♥Sugαг-chαη bff ♥Shadow is my life♥ ♥Shatilde♥ ♥Daetal♥ I can't go often on Miiverse for the moment sorry Matyshadow
™yasmin hosnaMILADA
Welcome to my profile! I have a ™ clan and any one can join¦D The 3 pupils in the clan is ™jennifer ™jet yvonne Jet™abby My bff's are puplis i the clan and juila ★SCHOOL DAYS NOT ON★ ☆WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY ON☆ leaving party invation out tomorrow!party next saturday make sure to follow bye! Leaving party for me cause miiverse ending on march
Akira akradwyer
WhaleRidaX JarhedWhaleRida
looking for team mates / practice buddies for mario smash bros. I live in christchurch, New Zealand
Aiwan AiwanGeroge
Hi! My nickname is Aiwan. my favourite games are pokemon shuffle and pokemon rumble world.I am hopping to meet you in any of my favourite games.Plus follow me.If you follow me you're the best!
iiFNaTik carlosherrera193
Tσммγ trombon64
NOME: Tommaso COGNOME:Perché dovrei dirlo? BELLEZZA:Boh SIMPATICISMO:Tanto I miei giochi preferiti sono: Minecraft,Call of Duty®:Black Ops 2/3,SSB,Mass Effect 3™ Special Edition..? Sono un esperto nel fare Grief, quindi state attenti! Best Friends Forever: THE_ARES_PRO starwors01,NicFranky,Marioeluigi2001,BhiFlo,Ridino,Giulia,Ste,Simo Ita1,Angy73. MONAAAA
Shadow Shadow7127
Hi, I'm Shadow, I have been playing Nintendo games since the DS. I love the DS,3DS,PS3,Wii,Wii U, you name it (except for Xbox consoles)! You follow me, I follow you. (PS: thanks for all the follows over the years :) )
Cody grigor1976
Hi my name is Kyle.I am from Greece.I dont speak good English,but I try to do it good.So I like videogames and I have a Wii U.And If my friend reading this... .So my best friends Are:Mads,Jess,Aisha,Tobias,Josh,A friend from greece on miiverse.His name Is Kostas.Hey Kosta If u reading this I just wanna say that you are my first greek friend!So anyway if you want to be my friend just Comment to me♥
★Ryan★ ryanhunt224
Hello miiverse. Just a quick thank you for 200+ followers....wow 200!?!?!. i love games like, mario, kirby, the legend of zelda, terraria, pokemon, Splatoon, and more! heres my top 3 nintendo franchises 1.The legend of zelda 2.Super Mario 3.Kirby current hyped games:1.Super mario odyssey 2.Splatoon 2 ALLHAIL SWITCH BREATH OF THE WILD AND SWITCH IS OUT!!!!!!!!!
seàn awesomesean456
im seán and im 8 my fav game for the wii is super mario galaxy 2 my fav game for ps3 is minecraft and on the wii u super mario brows u i want to buy super smash brows . my fav nintendo character is mario my best friend is Aaron i have smash lets smash
JOE! superjoe03
hi im super joe i love mario and sonic games and my favourite game is super mario galaxy 1. my favourite game on wii u is lego city undercover.my favourite game on the 3ds is triforce heroes and the next game im excited for is the mario game on the nintendo switch. Boi! #temmie
Kelly Kelly5223
ςеbαβσστγ~ sebastian3210
6/6/16 hello im 18 years old l love to drawing thank you so much all my friends artist and thank you so much all the people gift me yeahs and follows c:
bluey superbluey55
I'm probably leaving Miiverse due to me not being on my Wii U as much, I might make posts sometimes but once every 5 months or something like that
Mari ›^ω^< buggo-23
Hi! ^ω^ I am an otaku...just so you know =∞= My name's Michaela Marcantel. I'm 12, I live in desolate Louisiana, and I'm a proud emo I have Congenial Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis (C.I.P.A.) My favourite band is Get Scared My favourite color is black My best friend is Masky (Twinkle2009) I really like to draw... I also LOVE Creepypasta! Online { } Offline {♪}
Aaron Aaronred
Hi Miivers I'm Aaron sometimes I'm mad about a game when I loose? I was born in 2007 I'm 8 today? Also I never moved house and I have been to holiday for a week then I was in holiday for 10 days that means 1 week and 3 days? And also I have two friends on miivers called William, Keelan, Supersean and Seb?
xX802Xx Lovey822
неııο му ñàме iś Eiki. Ι Ļőνε łő ŕρ... ßùł łħě υρÐàłě ĎĖŚȚΓΟΙεÐ Ιτ (ƒδľľσш ƒδŕ ƒσľľδω) łħαπķς!!! Śőřřγ ƒοг макîñğ ıł ςοοο ισηģ
dalina kvhnjj
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Cerry Katness123
lola trooper9786
WiiU Gamer wiiugamer1122
Miiverse IS NOT coming to Switch, FYI. Enjoy the last few months of your meme factory, kids.
louann louloute70
hello im 12 years my fan is very very funi sponge bob, pokemon shuffle...is finich
Domtendo Antaya15
☆Vicτørγ★ Hollywokky
Profile comment hidden by deez nutz HAH GOT EEEEMMM ☆★Im so sorry i just had to... Hi my real name is Howard i live in england.... and i 14 i like drawing and thxkbai...★☆
xs funtime3ds
Hello! I love Michael Jackson, Minecraft, Pokemon and RÒBLOX
The Amazing World Of GUMBALL, Regul...
Hello! I love Michael Jackson, Minecraft, Pokemon and RÒBLOX
The Amazing World Of GUMBALL, Regular Show, Lego Ninjago, NEXO Knights, and TeenTitansGO! are my favourite T.V shows.
Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario and Pac- Man games are my favourite videogames.
I've had a 3ds longer than a Wii U so you will see ALOT OF 3ds POSTS
#DanTDM's Awsome!
#Follow me please!