DJ Splatta's Yeahs

Why do commercials for medicines have to tell me not to take them if I'm allergic to that medicine? Isn't that kind of a given?

I'm glad you like it Ivy! It was a quick draw, but turned out okay I think. I hope you still have comments on your other accounts? Thanks DJ! Vampires are always ready to bite I think. You'll love ...

If I'm honest, I ain't feeling great. But I'm so thankful to have met you and everyone here. Its nice that so many are moving elsewhere to stay in touch, but I'm gonna lose others which I only hope...

beautiful, lum! thanks for all the good memories! i might make a DA just to keep in touch with you all... until then, stay fresh!!

~So true Gakenzi, miiverse became like family for so many. Real friendships were made here. ~Thanks much Toxic Lon! ~Yeah for sure Mickey keep it going for the new games coming for 3ds even if the...

I'll miss this place. Hopefully I won't miss you and the rest of the gang because we'll keep in touch... somehow.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

if anyone is reading this
thanks for all the yeahs n comments appreciate yall!!! (wanted to say something before this closes lol)
What's up! It's ya boy DJ Splatta!
The King of Splat Style!
Splat Crew is a group of friends ...
What's up! It's ya boy DJ Splatta!
The King of Splat Style!
Splat Crew is a group of friends who dominate each other in fun competition on Splatoon.
Splat Crew...See you in Turf War!
Splatoon: Mon-Thurs, 5:00-8:00 p.m. ET
I watch Anime.