PC Penhale's Post

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

03/21/2016 9:45 PM

Day 22 i win.

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

03/14/2016 9:32 PM

dAy 21: wow try playing yoshi on a low batter lol jk it went in the edn. heh. well we git a litte fartehr further in the yoshi wrld, plent y of lvl ups oaong te way. there im typing with one hand a...

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

03/05/2016 10:43 PM

Day 20 & 20.5! had to split up uoshi time to pivk up some food.bi got an eider burger and irisyoshi git some jerk wings (chivken, noy yoshi. i know what you were thinkint) welp gotta go and unlock ...

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

03/01/2016 9:57 PM

Day 19. made an special yoshi but no green yarn?????????????? how nsteruious because despite tgere being green in the yoshi i dudbt pivj itvup. yU cant exolaing that! qanway, moing on to world 5 le...

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

02/29/2016 11:18 PM

Day 18 almost finished world 4? 5? but iris yoddhi id Away TOO TIRED.! OH well maybe next time. btw im getting there

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

02/18/2016 1:48 PM

Day 17 gamecube thats all

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

02/16/2016 10:26 PM

Day 16 The mole wasnt smart a all, got the yoshi tjough. exploding varmint part yoshi. heh thst ones a liytle joke for the rlm fans out there wink ;)anyway wow

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

02/08/2016 2:57 PM

Day 15: BEAt a world 6 lava level and boy was it somethung ekse! vrry hard. had yobtchill in somevearlier levels for a bit and got a special unlocked stage! marvelousky thirilling. and a new yoshi wow

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

01/23/2016 10:04 PM

Day 14 GOTta love some solo rigt after coop yoshi play. itis iyoshi ixs sleeoing. gif some daisy heads though! im well on ny way to unlockng sime bonus levels. :) love you yoshi!

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

01/12/2016 11:41 PM

Day 13 CRazy boss with mad music zzzhoo zzhhooo zvvb got that SHY PARKA GUY U KNOW IIIIIITTTTT

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

01/11/2016 10:42 PM

DAY 12 Got two flower bonuses but obk one bonus game yiu cant explain tat can you nopedodnt think soooo! btw one moe level.... perhaps! yoshi? needs more trousers. chicjen bakawk #:<|> 7{:<>

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

01/02/2016 2:12 PM

zDay 11 GOT REAL LOST AND Gave up for noe with tired iris yoshi in tow. will try agsin later.

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

12/25/2015 11:32 PM

Day 10 Ünlockedca panda in the frizenwasres of yoshi eorld yarnbtw. spave not wprkinf akl the tie. also typing at an odd angke so eveything is askew. thanksfor stoppubg by here in yoshi d joyrnal p...

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

12/19/2015 12:27 AM

Da9. IS Not verry cold url but hee in yoshi land ts froxen solid! g2g fish is done love u lots yoshid

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

12/08/2015 12:11 AM

day 8 NICE CChivken waddle there yoshi ...,... ;) been a while my man!

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/31/2015 6:28 PM

Day 7. Brush up with death several times. Felt a severe loss of control at one point. Absolute horror.

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/30/2015 1:54 PM

day 6. rescued a couple yoshis, one in a maze and another in theskies. rode on some clams wth wings like whoa. yours suncerely yoshi d

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/27/2015 2:44 PM

A day 5. Killerd bsome brbs and stole their babiews. and then walked over their sploded bodies. quite gnarly, oh yeah and jumped on some bubbles. whatva blast in yoshi world of yarn. ! still no p y...

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/26/2015 8:36 PM

Day n4. Good times finding yarn and thus the yoshii. onlyb two levdls, but had a blast jumpin i bkue balls and gttting squished by vookies. love yoshi d

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/24/2015 2:24 PM

Day 3. FOund a dog, and with that, food. Things lookingu up. still no sig n of the princess.

Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/20/2015 9:28 PM


Play Journal Entries Yoshi's Woolly World

PC Penhale

10/19/2015 9:21 PM

Had a real gg@ood time playing yarn yoshi with Iris. First dsh withb mwny more to come! :^)

In-Game Yoshi's Woolly World Community

PC Penhale

10/19/2015 9:16 PM