Users pöisõnïvÿ Is Following
Flight Flightz
EYP★oqueso FricknThotPatrol
I'm back boiz
seb Mr.cuddly_bunny
I'm seb... holy shnidder im 22. just a guy that loves zelda, nintendo and games in general! i speak multiple languages i make videos looove tech and gadgets i enjoy gaming on pc and i like to have fun i draw, paint and such i own many game consoles too! including many portable systems so feel free to click the subscribe button!
Lum lumshock
Hello! Hola! Bonjour! こんにちは! I'm Lumshock, an old school video game & anime fan who enjoys drawing on miiverse. I don't mind yeah bombs, so if you see something you like, feel free to yeah it. I love classic games (SNES, Genesis) and classic anime (but like some new stuff too.
Sem 123Mys
Hello I'm Sem! I Joined Miiverse Not To Long Ago...I Met Many Wonderful People, That Inspired Me, And Supported Me Throughout My Journey Through Miiverse. I Just Wanted To Say I Love You All And Thank You For Being Here With Me On Miiverse And Enjoying It With Me....Thank You And Goodbye Miiverse I Will Miss You And Everyone On Here...Love You All Very Much!!~♪
loveざわざわざわ smdkzhk
ざわ教 大司教 loveざわ ですざわ ざわ教はまたどこかを侵略しに行きます フレリク送る勇気ないので最後にフレになっておきたいって人はフレリクくださーい 交流のある人は100%おうけえいします miiverseは約5年間サービス開始直後からお世話になりました。 まだ自活があった頃、友達とチャット開きあって色々話したりして何回もBANされた記憶がありますw今でも、一回消されただけでBANされちゃうほど蓄積ダメージが大きいです。これを下積み時代と言うんですね(絶対違う) 僕の自活達は個人情報駄々漏れなので消しました 本格的に活動を始めたのはマインクラフトが発売されてからです。最初の頃は本当に意味のわからない投稿をしていました。ただ、他の人の建築をみてモチベがどんどん上がっていき、フォロワーも共感も少しずつ増えていき、楽しくなっていきました new.11.7
Hayhax bee2532
Wazzup gamers, the name's Hayley but my friends call me Hayhax so that's basically my nickname! I'm to be known as some type of tomboyish graphic novelist, artist, and gamer girl who LOVES anime and the classic Nintendo 64 games like The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, and Jet Force Gemini!
silentmoon Kid-IcarusUprise
Yo, Hello,bonjour,Hola everyone and all! I am silentmoonicarus My colorless drawings that I posted may or may not bore you but some where around this time I might get colors (now who's boring) Anyway the content i post may or may not be original Those contents ranges from anime to gaming. On future notes I might discuss on improvement, question, collaboration etc. I'm just an artistforfun
Blackjam Blackjam1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ģřęgöŕÿ TechnoVerse
Greetings i am Gregory from team Terrance my job is too fight and to make the world a better place. I wield a sword called tempest it can summon lightning and is a great companion I use the book of legends that can use the powers of legends long past. Terrance: Come Gregory QueenIvy's in danger! Me: Coming! Goodbye friend i hope you join us in our fight soon!
Silvermoon sleepykitty7
Welcome to my nightmare! (=^ω^=) Adult Animal Crossing fan, mad about Marshal. I like cats, horror movies and drawing. Please visit my town Windsong's dream address: 6D00-000F-62F6. There's a surprise by the trainstation! I guess I'll have to get used to drawing on Colors!3d now that miiverse is ending. Maybe we'll meet on colorslive!/the colors! gallery? I shouldn't be too hard to find there! :D
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
MochiBOMB★ STARGamer1
!!~Thank you Everyone for 1000 Followers~!! Thank you Miiverse and Everyone It was a great experience! Im leaving for vacation on for my Parents Anniversary. Thank you for everyone iit was fun drawing for you guys! 'Check my Following List' *•�❣️Every Artist is Special, Unique, & Amazing!❣️�•* ■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■
わしも ayakowakuwaku
яƒ☆Mouse T0adoftru3th
My favourite games are: DQ9, MK8, Legend of zelda franchise, Splatoon, Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, Bayonetta 2 and many more. I love to draw but i'm not good at it XP Im a mouse that has lived two decades Would like to make new friends but creeps need not apply. I never wii u chat so don't bother asking Catch you later. Mouse I'm a mouse wandering the vast lands of mk8
ひろきち 502hirokiti
重度のスプラ依存性です。 お絵描きも好きです。パロ絵を中心で投稿してます。共感、コメントは嬉しいですね。いつもフォローして下さる方々ありがとうございます。感謝しています。m【öωö】m あと、人が描いたイラストを観るのも好きで、沢山「そうだね」押しまくってます。絵の上手い下手に関わらず、絵好きな人が気持ち込めて描いた絵は伝わるものが有りますよね。 スプラの方では、死に急ぎの特攻隊長ですので、一緒に遊んで頂いた方にご迷惑をかける時もあると思いますが宜しくお願い致します。 なかなか、まとまらない文章でしたが読んでいただいた方ありがとうございます。
Hola a todos, actually i'm Spanish... currently we have pretty much the same games in both region, but i hope that soon there will be some great Japanese only games... i would love some Super Robot Taisen or SD Gundam G Generation, let alone a Onechanbara or Senran Kagura for Wii U.
「また何処かで出逢う日まで有り難うございました」 今さらですが気になっていた方々をフォローさせていただいています! 皆様のイラストが観れなくなる事が悲しいです! 人の褌で相撲を取る事を生業としております。 ★リアル時間、優先なのです。 失敗ばかり繰り返します 酔い絵、素晴らしい絵、真似できん!絵、羨ましい絵、尊敬等々にそうだね!!!!!連続共感してしまいます! 【一期一会】廻り合いに感謝しています★ 気味が悪いと、感じてしまいましたらごめんなさい ■主な成分:スコブル!ネガティブ☆♪
??? Sor ~· Frap_Ko03
✈ ☀ ❄ ❅ ❆ ☃ ☉ ☄ ⌚ ⌂ ⏧ ✆ ☎ ☏ ✉ ☑ ✓ ✔ ⎷ ⍻ ✖ ✗ ✘ ☒ ✕ ☓ ☕ ♿ ✌ ☚ ☻ ☯ ⚘ ☮ ⚰ ⚱ ⚠ ☠ ☢ ⚔ ⚓ ⎈ ⚒ ⚑ ⚐ ☡ ❂ ⚕ ⚖ ⚗ ✇ ☣ ☬ ☭ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✙ ✚ ✜ ✛ ♰♱ ✞ ✟ ✠ ✡ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ │ ┤ ╡ ╢ ╖ ╕ ╣ ║ ╝ ╜ ╛ ┐ └ ┴ ┬ ├ ─ ┼ ╞ ╟ ╚ ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╧ ╨ ╤ ╥ ╙ ╘ ╒ ╓ ╫ ╪ ┘ ┌ ツ Follow❹Follow 『Hello everyoneⒶ ⓐ (′^ω^ `) My Favourite Game is splatoon📑📑📑📞☎💿💻
Joonas DarkDrawer
Hi, welcome to my profile! About me: 1) a very enthusiastic drawer, so a lot of that stuff here. My absolute favourite subject is Ina (Favourite post) 2) a devoted Nintendo fan. 3) Likes: chocolate, cartoons, comics, action / adventure entertainment and background / theme music. 4) I often prefer villains over heroes. All Yeahs and reasonable comments are appreciated.
Rye Bread jooser73
Sup guys, I'm 130 pounds of handsomeness just waiting to pounce my way to stardom. I'll be there someday; I'm really feeling it! Yeah I'm also kind of lame, but what else can you expect from a sexy entrepreneur like me? I'm a sucker for puns and black hair alike. Fav game: Super Metroid Respect the classics. (While I'm gratified by the friend requests, I won't accept them without good reason)
Θκαмî тωт Okami-Pikachu
Creator and owner of Okami Animation Studio -Will be disappearing from this place November 7th, 2017 IG:okamianimationstudio -Okami øωø
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
KoHA Hemujirou.589
Kewn NorthSummer
任天堂が大好きなKewn(けうん)です。 マイペースに好きなもの描いてます。 スマブラ、スプラトゥーンコミュへの投稿が中心です。 ネタ絵やパロディ、漫画的な投稿が大好物です。 フォロー&フォロー解除はお気軽にどうぞ。 絵のリクエストは現在募集停止中です。 よろしくお願いします!
YoshiCooki YoshiCooki
The last day is here. Thank you for everything, YoshiCooki/Derpbunny will be sharing his artwork out of here.
vîx WhatSerName45
Switch • SW-8531-2318-7901 Disco • vix#3847 Insta • what.ser.name_ ♡ all ma friends I've made on here uωu)/
~*♪Dσмί♪*~ emma.dz06
Hi!I'm Domi!:P I love so much: •Nintendo&OtherGames •Miiverse;_; •Manga/Anime(ARE MY LIFE!) •Neko/Foxies Girls!! •Draw! •Marvel! •Pokemon/Zelda/Splatoon/Fantasy Life!! I have 6 ocs. I'm otaku!!And I'm proud of it!! Bye,And..#SaveMiiverse!;_;
mary maryggg
Hello! I love drawing and enjoy looking at the drawings in Miiverse. 時々Miiverseへお絵描きを投稿しています。いつも共感、フォローありがとうございます。フォロー&フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ♪ 超人見知り&コミュ障ですが、あと少しMiiverseを一緒に楽しみたいです。どうぞよろしく。 家族がSWICHを買ってきたのでごくたまに私もプレイすることもあります。お絵描きの仕方はまだ誰もわかっていないのでMiiverse終了後調べる予定です。
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Kellan Lame-chan0000
→[Banana]← BananeKawaii
Salut. Une banane aimant lire en salopette dans une baignoire vide. Voilà viens parler si tu veux 😊 🍌❤
s σ ƒ ι ♡ EnderK1ttyGirl
パチスの世界へようこそ! やαchι ♡ パチ マリオカート Follow this pure little kitten ♡ ♡ Kitten : babypaw ♡ "I wanna be a yo-yo man!" He cried. "Make me a yo-yo man!" But the yo-yo master did not answer. He just kept on yo-ing.
Shishichan Masami.mineur
°•˙Hεllσ thεrε º·.˙☆ Welcome!! I'm Shishichan =>ω<= I love play different kind of games as you can see and I draw all the time! Hope you'll find what you want in my work! ^^ #TilTheEnd
Rilee Rilee.s
Tim tum baller: floofyaxolotl Blue bird that tweets a lot: @FluffyAxolotl A deviant that does a lot of art: FluffyAxolotl
Tempuri Tippret
Ey Yo it's yo...uh...thing ere' to tell yo bout' mah page! Haha.. well, anyways, I'm Tipplet, a hobbyist artist who wishes to become big in the animation industry one day 'v' Please do not send me random friend requests, they become annoying... anywho! I'm big into splatoon, and have my own, uh...squad thing. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions! uvu
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡
♪Thank u...
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡
♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡
♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥
*Joined miiverse Dec 2012*