Would be an appropriate time to say goodbye, but I just found you on ¢l0sedver$e. I'll see you there
Chany's Yeahs
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Looks like our time's almost up
Well, this has certainly been an interesting journey, hasn't it? Even though we've know this day was coming for the last couple of months, it still feels strange ...

...being MTP's months-long reign of terror. It didn't help that the incompetent admins were banning the frustrated innocent users (like me) and letting the trolls run wild. To be honest, it's for...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

It's only a couple of hours away from Miiverse ending.
Well, I don't really have anything to say, so I'm just gonna list my most memorable Miiverse users, troll or non-troll, in no particular order. Let's hope for a Mi...

Hi Chany! I'm not sure if you'll notice this but I wanted to say that I see you as a really cool friend. Even though we didn't talk much, you liked all my drawings, and that always cheered me up wh...

I don't care actually about looks. I go for personality. You're both lovable and dateable and dispite we hardly talk. I can see you're a good person. I watched you for years and I did love your com...

Oh. I didn't know that. Well I'll say this to you. I always wanted to grab your cheeks when I see your mii. Because you have a cute face.

i wanted to comment you a lot but you always had your comments disabled. So I never could comment you.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

I guess this is it...
I’ve had a lot of fun in my time here. I’ve met a bunch of amazing users like Rine, BCH, Prsboys, Riolugamer, Vulpix, Glurp, Tait, Daniel and so many more. I’ve ha...

Luckily miiverse isnt nintendos only social media platform But it would be kool if theyll make one again