Tails 's Friends
Shaun Shaun2ndAccount
T h e P e y t o n 1 ' s M i i (Not Really)
juicy nwilli1984
hey everyone im back ive been gone for a while
CMasters48 CMatos3106
Hola a todos mi nombre es Jamille..me gustan los videojuegos de mario,i love cookie mama, johnny's payday panic, brush panic, pokemon shuffle, pokemon rumble and..dibujos etc..tambien tener amigos y amigas para conversar.Soy de Puerto Rico.And also i speak English follow me and i follow you love the Super Mario Series.
skylar kendallthewolf
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E●T. Steve RedstoneMaster21
Hoi!! I am Tristan and I hope you have a great day. LIKES: Minecraft, Undertale, MEMES, Mario & Sonic Games ect. [online*] [offline] [idle] Have a free cake #,^ILLUMINATI^,# I like to role play!!! MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODS OR I'LL MAKE PIECES OF YOU!!!
☃☎☜♠Osoami Nin-MaRioSt4r
Official Ninten4President Tourney Play PM SSB4 B- PL AE BRAWL MELEE! SUPER SMASH BROS.
Jreid tails123459sa
Lucas MotherLucas3
H-Hi Guys, I'm Lucas from Mother 3 and I am v-very shy and scared! Please don't be rude or put hate comments on my posts because that will make me not welcome on h-here! I k-kinda play smash as well.
χмας★Subio SubioSez99
Heyo Subio here. This account is now a gallery for my posts. I am no longer using this account. See ya on my 3ds
{Kc}★Pichu Geoff_944
♥Thanks for 400 Followers!♡ Hi. I like RPs and hugs. I'm also a Pichu. *gives cookie*
Tylex zomo12
Name.Tylex Speices.Fox Friends. Sonic Knuckles Eon my brother Games.Splatoon,Mario Kart8 Enimes.Shadow Vegeta Eggman Gender.Male Age.17 Almost Eon's Age Friendly,Nice,Helpfull Theme.Fall Out Boy Wife.Kitten My Princess :3 /////////W\\\\\\\♥ Brother.Eon ωλłćч íł ƒįιм ðƒ łуιēх λπď Ěőħ
C. Brown Pokemaster1247
Hello, I'm Charlie Brown. Many call me an insecure, wishy-washy failure. I have years of experience of kite flying and baseball. I have a pet beagle, and one sister. I follow lots of people, in hope that people will like me if I do. I'll gladly accept friend requests, but I don't Wii U chat. If you follow me, I will follow you in return. Oh, Good Grief...
Amuse me. joeysqebles
I have a PS4 now, but thank you all for everything, now please, don't make this hard. just leave
jlee meelee18
sup dude i have injustle super samsh bro,s that it but i am a pro
º☆ςøηiс★º Intheshadows1
Hey Im Sonic,Sonic The Hegdehog And I Am Good At Stuff.I Am A Good Drawer,I Post Every Weekend (Cause School Which I Hate) Miiverse Is Ending Soon Thats Terrible. If U Send Me A Friend Request On Wii U Tell Me Why We Should Be Friends And What We Will Do Together.Follow Me If U Like & Have Fun^^
10-Volt★ PierceLennon
hey .i hate doing hard mode . if you want to play minecraft just ask. plz don't be rude or put bad comments in my posts = block.AND STOP BLOCKING ME FOR NO REASON!. im a Mario Fan And do not delete plenty of my comments. but if u do i will unfollow and unfriend u.
Kai Kaicraft2
HELL- Oh Right. Miiverse Is Ending...
Mason q-1-PQ.316-q
If you play Smash,friend me, my main is Toon Link, my secondaries are Sonic, Olimar,Sheik, and Marth.And minecraft,sonic transformed, nintendo land, MK8, HW, MP10, and Sky 5 players friend me please!!!!!!?!
Dark Pit BlackAngel1995
The name's Dark Pit, and unlike Pit-stain, I'm no suck-up servant. I'm currently sided with the Forces of Nature, but don't think for one second that Viridi bosses me around, no one tells me what to do but me! Don't expect me to do rapid posts either, I'll post when I feel like it. Just because I'm not posting, doesn't mean I'm not around. Recently dumped.
Em Gamer10243
Hello everyone my name Is Andy I live in Oakland, California. I love Pop Punk and Punk Rock I love Green Day. They're the best band in the world! I play Splatoon Minecraft Pokemon Moon Overwatch and alot more games Follow me and i will follow you. :-) If im not online, than im playing the drums, or guitar, or Xbox one. Music is my life. Goodbye, Cya
★Yuvis★ yslee0815
Hello, I'm Yuvis the hedgedog~♪^•^* I like to draw splatoon, pixel paint, art academy, and super smash bros for Wii U. My favorite character is Sonic because he's cool and awesome. And another is Roslina and Luma. Those girls are pretty and powerful. So thanks for reading guys, and see you soon~♪
TCQ flipnoteHD
Hi!My name is TCQ(TCQ the dog) Yust a guy who likes countries and flags. My Favorite colors are Blue, White, Green, and Yellow. I draw countryball Toast Stuff Speed:★★★☆☆ Defence:★★★☆☆ Power:★★☆☆☆ Intellingence:★★★☆☆ HP:MEMES Im stooped Still here?! _________ / | | \ |o - ---- o | \__|_|_____ /
Soul WallyRhythm7
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Amy Rose myakshjr
Challenge me on Super Smash bros,Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed,Mario kart 7 and 8.I also love Sonic the hedgehog. I'm friends with Sonikku,Shady(shadow),Tails,Knuckles,Silver,Auriana,Cream and Blaze. I love Miiverse and I will never forget it.
Cream Biennchen
Germany/Filipino 1st acc KimberlyGayk Who likes Ice Cream? Me
DeadNinja TERENC
I'm a good gamer i alomost defeated every boss in every game i have my goal is to make peoples dream come true all you people out there believe the things want to happen i've never been aloud to do any thing but you girls and boy can become anything anyway i need friends to keep my busy have a nice life :-)
A. Steve nickgig
Hello people of miiverse! I am your boi Adrian! I love to play minecraft, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, etc.! Some of you may know me as sans ultra/sans... And also i am not depressed anymore! Now have a good day! [online*] [idle] [offline] Oh Yeah i forgot that I love Undertale! have a free cookie
»★Jοhη☆« TheDarkfox66
salut a tous ici john -mon animal préféré: Renard -JoBlaze fan Bienvenue sur miiverse Mes BFF: clivia cat, elisa T.h, Rin☆Niji★, pako the hedghog, maxv33, turquoise, silveromi, Rφse, estelle, ☆D~Ice, etc... il sont TOP bref allez si Abonner !! (^ω^)/ mes youtubeur fred et seb, hooper, speed game, glotopus, kirbendo, benzaie, squeezie, cyprien, cypiengaming, fanta et bob ♥ et plein d'autre...
ClascTails 56472mp
Me?IM MILES PROWER BUT EVERYONE CALLS ME TAILS!Im the 8 year old classic Tails.Ive been absent for sometime but now im back ready for more adventures.I Accept all friend request. My height:80cm (2,7") and my weight:44lb Likes:Sonic,friends,Chao,fixingstuff,adventures Fears:Aliens,wolfs,halloween,ghosts,lightning, Dislikes:Dr.Robotnic,Being left out,teased Btw im not DEAD
Arlo mrswaggster2201
Whats up Miiverse! Arlo here! I am a huge fan of nintendo. I am a 14 year old 8th grader who loves all things Mario, Zelda, Kirby,Pokemon, and Animal Crossing. My favorite 3DS game is Majora's Mask 3D. Please enjoy miiverse! I love BB-8 I also Act in films and Play the Drums 12.23.13 started Miiverse #miiversevet Fav Pokemon: Mega Mawile TCG 2017!! 125 CP
xzavier zae6546
i just got a duck hunt stage from challenges you have to hit 8 or more kos in a single solo cruel smash is the toughest mii i ever seen in my hole life
amanda ErickaLetcher
pj/jordan 1F90C0ACEE
EYO NINTENDO FANS! :-p My name is PJ/JORDAN and heres some things you need to know about me! I play saxophone ♪♪♭ @ I play icehockey @ good artist but dont really do art on wii u :'-( @ Favorite games on wii u(^o^) ssb4, splat, mk8,@ I dont do WII U chat srry :'( Any ways BAI!# GO STAT!
Negima88 negima88
My favorite game is mario kart 8 that I like too race but my two or three of the best anime are fairy tail dream eater merry and shakugan no shana.
I'm Miles Tails Prower, I'm a 13 year old fox that loves to work on these inventions and I really...
I'm Miles Tails Prower, I'm a 13 year old fox that loves to work on these inventions and I really don't smash really much.
I also play Mario Kart 8.
And I don't wii u chat.
★☆★Love you all★☆★
Status: Back online!