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User's Nintendo Network ID: Teddymark

Super Mario Maker


10/31/2016 1:10 PM

11,12,13... lol, cool =]

Super Mario Maker


10/31/2016 1:27 AM

Wow, top 100 global again! That's awesome sauce, thank-you everybody!

Super Mario Maker


10/26/2016 2:51 PM

A great big happy Halloween to the Super Mario Maker community!

Super Mario Maker


10/23/2016 8:55 PM

Please checkout this course SpeedrunRobban made for me, it's super fun. Epic pixel art too!

Super Mario Maker


10/19/2016 6:46 PM

I go away for three day and when I finally make it back I find this right away, awesome!

Super Mario Maker


10/15/2016 1:21 PM

This course is very simple, but it's still one of my favorite creations. A big thanks to everybody who gave it a star!

Super Mario Maker


10/04/2016 12:13 PM

For any wondering why the reload for this course, please feel free to look through the comments on the old version. Broken by Deadpool, it's pretty funny stuff. Turns out you could have just jumped...

Super Mario Maker


09/30/2016 9:11 PM

There's a bunch cats in the number one spot! As always a big thanks to all my friends and followers =)

Super Mario Maker


09/27/2016 10:31 PM

Deadpool made a super fun level, but my favorite thing about it is the pixel art kirby >8D

Super Mario Maker


09/22/2016 8:07 PM

Patrice gave Smiley, G, and I a shout-out with his newest auto course! It's super cool!

Super Mario Maker


09/12/2016 10:54 PM

This is a critter in Jeff's new course 'Shake Monster' that will chase you while launching it's babies as projectile weapons!

Super Mario Maker


09/12/2016 6:38 PM

Wow! My awesome friends and followers rocket-propelled this course to the number one spot really quickly! Thanks everybody =)

Super Mario Maker


09/12/2016 4:20 PM

I had a bug in this course. If you dive bombed into the saw blade during the Yoshi puzzle then the resulting immortality would give you enough time to run over the munchers and fly away without eve...

Super Mario Maker


09/12/2016 3:32 AM

Speedrun and I got a sweet shout-out from Meggy!

Super Mario Maker


09/12/2016 1:04 AM

Wicked cool, Deadpool made me the best spin level ever! It's crazy fun >8D

Super Mario Maker


09/10/2016 7:30 PM

Second #1 today! I really love this course and I hope the Miiverse will too =)

Super Mario Maker


09/10/2016 4:09 PM

Look at what just "coasted" to the number one spot... dad joke =]

Super Mario Maker


09/06/2016 7:51 PM

★Jordαη★ made me an amazing feather cape course! It's challenging and fun, most awesome =)

Super Mario Maker


09/01/2016 3:27 PM

I got another amazing shout-out from Lotti! Plus, it is a feather cape course, my favorite!

Super Mario Maker


08/30/2016 1:19 PM

I love coming across one of my courses while it's in the top spot! I know it's fleeting, but it still makes me very happy, because so many great players, friends, and followers enjoyed it enough to...

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y


08/29/2016 4:04 AM

Houndoom rocks!

Super Mario Maker


08/27/2016 7:27 PM

5000 Stars! So much awesome sauce! A huge thanks to all my friends, followers, and anyone who ever starred one of my courses!

Super Mario Maker


08/25/2016 2:11 PM

Wow! Top ten! Cool beans! Wicked rad! Thank-you everybody!

Super Mario Maker


08/23/2016 12:05 PM

Awesome screen shot from Sylvester's new course!