Fammy's Friends
ijφşħ JoshMS84
If u see me around say hello! because i like to talk about whatever! Other than that i love art, anime, poetry, music, dancing, movies, nature, being a goofball, and playing video games, not in that order! ... so LETS play! p.s. im a adult and i like adult stuff. check my posts! the good stuff is in there.
Bulo bulobill
yooo wiiu is fun
Kamlon KAML0N
☆FIONA☆-24 chronofugit
HEY Guys!! Welcome to my profile!!I wont beg but i love making new friends!! 1000+ So swing on by!! #1 I love Music, Singing an dancing more THAN ANYTHING! #2 My Fav' Tv show is Naruto,S.A.O. AN Bobs Burgers! #3 By knowin me, u should know my most (FAVORITE) Band is DAFT PUNK!!! ★#4 I LOVE BOYZS!★ video games like Zelda windwaker,MARIO Kart 8,an CALL Of duty :3 !ANYWAYS♥♥! L♡VE U!♥♥ CHOW! ♪♪
lionheart loki_753
This user's profile comment is private.
Vanessa VanessaNajera00
Hi I'm Vanessa and I am so excited to meet you (: Jordy Adrian Bartolo is my everything♥ Friend request me I'd love to get to know you! (: Bye Bye :)
ヘビ kobita8210
Frisk kirgayakazuto512
good luck to all and hope i can fight someone on smash + UNDERTALE is awsome
krlitroz krlitroz
que rollo
ミホジ smaz1967
ミホジです!スプラトゥーン楽しんでやってますー よければお友達になってください(^-^) プライベートやタッグマッチしたいなぁ...! ポッ拳買う予定です!ゲンガーかわいすぎる~
link 64 jodydennis
Connor LollipopNelly775
hello there the only thing i will tell you is no wii u chat i like and much more and so if u wish to know more send me a friend request with a question or something but dont send it blank ok
KEI_neve* koujinanoda
主にスプラトゥーンで深夜帯に出没中。 衝動に駆られ、絵を描いたりもしてます。 フレンドの皆さん、僕がレギュラーマッチしてたらご自由に乱入してください。 只今いろんなブキを練習中です。 楽しく遊びましょう!! 共感はご自由に。無理に共感しなくていいですからね。 いつも感謝です! neve* 所属 なんちゃってS+
Dio KittyDio
Hey this is Dio! Status: Taken! By whom: WaluigiBag ************************************************** I do follow for follow so go ahead and click that +follow button! ^_^ Z z z (\___/) (=*_*=) (")_(")D
HughPart2 EldritchGravy
Due to unforseen complications, Hugh J.Nys Inc. has had to move to these temporary premises. We apologise to our patrons. Amazing Miiversians : Tori, Bri, Dark, Gabe, Emmy, Xena, Jeanna, Zack, Omega★, Sarge, Geanie, Zombeats, Chibz, Messi, Ivy, Distorted, Pheonix, Brittany, Sana, Jahooly, Derek, MTM, Laura, Rose, Notsmart, SarLexi, Frosty,Diane,Beardlina, Mr. Left, Chibi Kurt, pk.
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Änglagård Platypus_Basil
Favorite console is SNES. I like to play: Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles & X, Earthbound, Zelda: ALTTP, Metroid, F-Zero, Kirby, Shovel Knight, WarioWare/Game & Wario, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Dungeons & Dragons, Konami shooters, Super Ghouls & Ghosts... And more. Also I like to play the violoncello, listen to music, drink and eat good stuff... Life's good!
Caleb AltAccountBlehx
Active [x] Away [] Save me, for I am dying. I will try, my son. It is already too late. Nobody will ever figure out where that quote is from. XD
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
FamDiskSys TheDerpyLink64
Hello! I'm Raneyguything64! FamDiskSys is short for Famicom Disk System I am a major Nintendo Nerd, and I plan to own all Nintendo consoles! Now, more about me: Favorite Non Nintendo game: Undertale Favorite Game: Majora's Mask Fav Anime: Blue Exorcist (Maybe Ouran High School Host Club now) Fav Game Series: Zelda Orientation: Bisexual
Kyle Xavier830
Hey there everyone! I'm Kyle Lyons, also known as Karisen and I'm an artist. I love drawing, painting, playing video games, watching movies, listing to music and going on the internet. My plans for the future is to be an Illustrator, an Animator, a Cartoonist, an Actor, a Voice Actor and a Singer. I also want to make my own comic books, animated series, movies and video games! ;D
seb Mr.cuddly_bunny
I'm seb... holy shnidder im 22. just a guy that loves zelda, nintendo and games in general! i speak multiple languages i make videos looove tech and gadgets i enjoy gaming on pc and i like to have fun i draw, paint and such i own many game consoles too! including many portable systems so feel free to click the subscribe button!
Łΐł΄Ðęмøπ VaLhAlLaSpEcTeR
†◆▲▼▲◆▲▼▲◆ ★•°˙º•.•°˙°•☆ ¤ ψ(φώφ)ψ ¤ ☆•°˙°•.•°˙°•★ ◆▲▼▲◆▲▼▲◆† ♥ Goodbye Everyone!! Thank you so much for the amazing experience. I will miss everyone I have encountered here. Hopefully I will see you elsewhere. ♥ ♡Love♡ «• Łΐł΄Ðęмøπ •»
Jailyne Random_Jailyne
There is an end to everything. Hey. I'm Jailyne. Kek. Call me Jay/Jane c: 3000+ followers. Thanks~ Been here since like April 2013.
Hugh J.Nys R.Boombox
Welcome friends, to the road less travelled. About me: - Mungo Jerry groupie - Former male model - Liar Cool Miiversians - Tori, Bri, Emmy, Gabe, Zack, Chibz, Dark, Sarge, Xena, Geanie, Jeanna, Sana, Pheonix, Omega★, Frosty, Zombeats, Knight, MTM, Laura, Brittany, Jahooly, Derek, Distorted, Ivy, EmilyAR, Angel, Messi, Diane, Mr.Left, Kurt, Girri, Pilkington,☆Ben★, pk. Fin.
dehnad dbzgokudbz
andrew big_dre21O
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
K9 MAXIMAX Maximus51
The time is drawing near so I must say I have had a great experience on the wii u. I am not sad because it is the way of life. The old must leave and the new will take over. I have equally been able to find other means to keep in touch with friends. Technology is advanced that there are ways to not loose friendships. Be safe, take care and our gaming together is far from over.
Cheshire Cheshire-yartS
Hi I am Cheshire. Fav Nintendo games: M●THER trilogy, Wario Land 2 & 4, Tales of Phantasia, Clocktower, LttP, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Sweet Home, Mega Man & MMX series, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy I to VI, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 94, the first Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, DKC series, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Mario Bros. to NSMBU, Mario64 to SM3DW and nearly every Kirby game. I don't do Wii U chat.
Aguilar Aguilar26
Caleb 6766cmjnhe
I mostly stay in the Youtube and Zelda Communities. Most of the time I reply, but I do make original posts too. Usually drawings. Yes, I am male.
ziggy h0bbits
oops! ♡
Dylan NamelessDrifter
Y Helo Thar! There is only Zuul! Fan of: Earthbound/Mother, Chrono Trigger, Kirby, Metal Gear, Earthworm Jim, Red Dead, Elderscrolls, Mana, All Fighting Games annnd Mole Mania~ Really all Nintendo! SNES Life! ‹3 Metal ‹3 Soul <3 Comedies <3 Horror ♪♪I hope to be [adultswim] bound♪♪ How many cups of sugar would it take to reach the Moon? ♪♭←(DE)(AD) Comics →♭♪ ATL <(’³‛)>
Jailyne. BackUpAccount-2
You are not allowed to read this profile comment.
Nocturne thornemorriseau
Just a Canadian Nobody… I enjoy drawing, but I'm not good at it… I'm part of the furry community… :v I don't really care what people say by that… I don't mind making friends but I'm bad at conversations… I also get mood swings sometimes… I have few other consoles such as PS4, Xbox one & Switch… Also on pc… I love the colour purple… I love The Legend of Zelda series… I also love Skyrim…
Tyler megazilla
Hello my name is Tyler.I'm 16 and i have been playing games since i was 5,Favorites are Mario,Poke'mon,Kirby,Star Fox,Sonic, Megaman etc.I'm also a big Kaiju(Japanese Monster) fan,Favorites are Godzilla,Gamera,and Ultraman.I'm also an Artist,I'm very talented,helpful,good friend,and pretty funny.I do NOT wii u chat unless for special occasions,Feel free to send me any drawing requests...Bye!
WhiteFang winstar
I love Touhou, I like Flandre, Remilia, and Marisa. I love reggae. I have over 200 video games. Everyone on here is really cool. Bob Marley is my favorite singer. You can yeah all of my post.
Animegame 052875
Come play monster hunter with me i am almost always on and i can help u out so comenjoin me in the crazy adventure also i wanna make a shoutout to jjones one of my friends also jjones if u are reading this come play with me again it would be very apppciative if u could plz.
LueLue Charlie419
guess who's back? \\^.^//not on here much, I use other profile most of the time Kharley469
Chris Revolution182
Today's Watchcast is on[x] off[] Watchblog[] Classic Doctor Who[] Misfits[x] Follow me to join Watchcast, my Miiverse discussion group. THE RULES ARE: 1) Posters must discuss the CURRENT topic. 2) MISSING and FUTURE episodes are to be discussed as *spoilers* ONLY. 3) Be civil and courteous to posters. 4) Give constructive criticism if you don't like something.
Grant Wireframewizzerd
First system was a Sega Genesis and a PlayStation 1. I don't know if that is irony or not. I'm a retro gamer at heart and I own almost every classic Nintendo system ★I only Wii U chat with people I really know.★ Things I dislike: Homestuck Pewdiepie Horror games/movies Most Modern Anime I also collect video game music
matt matthehunter
My name is Mathew. i kill monsters and play guitar. rock on friends
Bedlam Chutzpah
JEX jfurst
I love games, art, music, and scarves (GREEN SCARVES)
Alex Tantely1234
Hi. Welcome to my miiverse page. Probably the weirdest place you'll ever visit. I'm Alex. I like *deep breath* Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, DDR, jubeat, Reflec Beat, Beatmania, Touhou, Vocaloid, Bit.Trip, Golden Bomber, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Rhythm Heaven, Katamari, Minecraft, Space Channel 5, a whole lot of Youtubers, Anime, Manga, and JAPAN!!! Why do you need...? PONPONPON 女々しくて。 Im weirder than you. Bye.
Skully ultraganon
i'm odd... a huge minecraft fan... some say i'm creepy but i don't care... expect to see different sides of me often. feel free to friend or follow me, though i don't take requests from random people anymore so talk to me on a post first. I'll be posting lots of game/song/hatter related drawings and such. Imma cat wizard thing :3 skully the skeleton mad hatter #2
MasterF0x RonaldCoLtd
Live Stream: Offline нàιισ~~ ~ Developer ~ Sound Composer ~ Cartoonist Age: 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music Pieces: LOST Rockin80s Itsanormalday ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gαмеś I Oωη: 14 Dìgìtηαl Gαмеš: 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mé Tнìηgś: Create video games, draw, go out with friends, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When life gives you lemons, make frozen lemonade." ~Hoshy Bäıı~ :>
Teemu Nintendroid97
Yоur hеIpless souΙ has been sucked inside the spectral lair of a darkness-fascinating Finn. I like RPGs, horror and action games, especially sneaking sections. On my spare time I usually listen to music and/or hang out with my friends and attend gigs. Fave bands: Black Sabbath,Inquisition, Mercyful Fate,BÖC,Megadeth,Judas Priest,Dб6б,Taake,Exodus, Motörhead,Arckanum,Rοtting Сhrist
Chrıs Trickery
Fgamer fgamer
i m an veteran player and my first console has a nes(good old times)love art,football,my favorite console has my dear nintendo64,nintendo fan,sega fan,hello to everyone in the world
Gakenzi Gakenzi
Hello there! Thanks for visiting my profile! I mainly just post art here, so if you like that then hopefully you'll like me! -------------------------------------- Thanks for 1300+ followers! Yeah and comment on whatever you like, I don't mind :3 No requests. No Wii U chat. #PapiIsBestGirl "Excuse me...What did you say about my hair?!" -Josuke Higashikata
landan loglan22
bord havent been on mii verse sence last year happy to be back
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
WaluigiBag WaluigiBag
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!! Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!! Nintendo Reggie!!!! Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!
Mouser Scarr03
When someone asks you if you're "Nintendo Hard?" you say "YES!!!" Well that actually only counts if: 1)You've been playing Nintendo since the NES in a time when games made people cry and crushed their souls 2)You ran home to watch Super Mario Bros. Super Show after school 3)You've eaten Nintendo Cereal 4)Subscribed to Nintendo Power and/or Game Pro 5)Know who Kevin Keene is Where do you rate?
Ryudou Malicar
I'm Ryudou, welcome to my profile! Interests: - Retro Games - Nintendo - Anime - Japanese language/culture - Drawing (sometimes ^_^;) - Movies - Comics プロフィールへようこそ、龍道です! 趣味: - 昔のゲーム(レトロ) - 任天堂 - アニメ - 日本語と日本の文化 - お絵かき(時々 ^_^;) - 映画 - アメコミ
Happy Anniversary Ultraman!!~ 50 Years Of Kicking Kaiju(Monster) & Seijin(Alien) Butt!!!~