just finished playing my 2nd trial on alola island....whats next!
Thalia's Post

who here watches zackscottgames or *cobanerani456(don't know if thats the correct spelling) * remember to DAB I wish there was a emoji of the DAB
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon X & Pokémon Y

playing pokemon X for the second , that's right gonna love it twice DAB
Sup peeps of the world follow me and I shall do the same for you and thnx to everyone who follows...
Sup peeps of the world follow me and I shall do the same for you and thnx to everyone who follows me,later peeps remember always keep on dabing(one fact about me is that I watch anime ,draw anime people mostly girls, and i love blackpink,red velvet,twice,and I.o.I).
Shout out to @SNOWFANGES#anime bestie
thnx to all the peeps who followed me let's keep it up.