Users GS~Alex Is Following
**** ** ** porterpower
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ellie pigstaffy
hi nice to meet you guys!!!!!
Ryan julis9
hi my name is ryan im nice im going to get blue hair i dont lie and btw im more of minecraft player and i'm a great mapmaker and any one i have played with and have fun that person is my friend. p.s i love anime to death byeeee shout out to my cousin and gf their awesome
★Emmalyn★ Andrea_the_fox
I'm in Moon★ clan I Do Not Accept Blank Friend Requests!!!!!!!!!! status: Feeling good R.I.P Cody's Main Account PermaBanned Follow These People! lilangelboo50 thebeans04n05 Nahara-R Follow me too!
★~*Nya~*★ splatWoomy74
howdy●˛● i hope you guys acept me like your new friend ●v●
cyberpug lynners77
hello,it cybpug,im a cyborg pug. crush:lillie from pokemon moon top fav pokemon:deciduey,blaziken,charizard and marshtomp closest friends:ean,fussilina and kevin. fave show:spongbob. fav meme:dat boi. clan:anti-clan clan.-somebody told me too- members:none. gimme gimme gimme
☆◆Edgar◆☆ edgarftw07
hi im Edgar i like playing games like smash bros and minecraft and splatoon if you want to play just freind me!
CeCe Trauma-Family
hello my name i Sam i love mc and mario kart and splatoon!
~Prime~ PrimalTV
Hello MiiVerse! I am PrimalTV as seen up there Anyway's I play a decent bit of Minecraft and sometimes post some stuff. I don't really care about who follows me or how many followers I have, if you would like to friend me please do so, I might take a while to responsd though. Anyway's I hope to see you out there! o/
Royal Neko Brittany7348
Hello! My name is Brittany! I love Legend Of Zelda Games and Minecraft. Those are basically the only games I play! I love drawing! I'm a HUGE Legend Of Zelda fan! I love drawing characters from my favorite games! I draw chibis, realistic and etc. I love to cosplay too! Thats It! BYE!
lazerbats itskevin125
willy master_of_luck16
p please f follow m me p please :'(:(:-(:-<:'-(>_<
twerl twerl3ds
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Super24 TwentyFourElevin
DIAMONDYT sorenivan
as u can see i am pretty op , so frend and yeah me and i will yeah u and follow me and ill follow u .and dont be a #hater or else and if ur a hater and try to follow me i wont follow u.and his name is JOHNCENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ŤΘм 0-TOM-0
I'm new ^~^
PROTETER ! ethan420110
hi i love my puppys i love snow
ryryrino roorooreilly
Hi i am reilly. follow me on @ryryrino_2007
Splat☆Tini xTigerx23
Hallo ich ben Maria ich ben 10 ich ben fro wen wir freunde werden konne ich spiele so gern Minecraft ich habe ine Mutti und ein Fatti und ich kröse pruder er ist woll cool und net ich habe einem 2 akaund auf dem 3D S ich heise da Maria
Jane Kills HarleenQuinnzel3
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momma mommendenhall
hello,here is some things about me ='.'= i am a cat lover i am 8 i am cool i am a tom-boy i am a gamer i don't accept friend requests anymore that is some things about me, have a nice day ='.'=
danilo toyogozo
Liam 83 liam8383
Salut ! C'est Liam j'adore les jeux video. Je suis un gamer sympa et j'ai 11ans [ABONNE-TOI+] ←JE RENDS !!!objectif: avoir 1000 abonnés ALORS JE CONTE SUR VOUS ! J'adore le Japon.Ésiter pas a me poser des question SA ME FERAI TROP PLAISIR *o*. #UNDERTALE .Et passer une bonne journé ou soirée . Bye Bye Twa PS: abonne toi a mes amis ils sont sympa !
the ceeper mohawkwolf
i'm beggining to feel like a rap god, rap god all my people front to the back nog, back nog they said i rap like robot so call me rap bot but for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes i got a laptop in my back pocket
wolfpup321 wolfpups321
i am wolfpup123 no ones my friends really but now i thing my friends are just like they um are starting to hate me but now i have desari84 back i missed her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much now i need aria62010 why did she block me
Fant's Fantsuuu
jade 'ω' lou.kawaii
adieu miiverse... pour calmer tous le monde je v faire un blague '-' blague de jade: REGARDE LÀ TON MII IL VERSE miiverse lol elle est nul c pas une blague ;^; merci à tous ;-; :'(
ミッキー RYOUMA200505
まさかつ masaharu710
Calamari™ reanne17
Hey there buddy! \(°˙˘˙°)/ My Birthday is 02/17 Favorite songs↓ Blackbear - I Needed You Blackbear - idfc (Tarro Remix) I will be waiting ~ lofi hiphop mix ft. shiloh Some stuff about me! I love Animals I love Drawing I love Splatoon I love Naruto Favorite Naruto Character Kakashi Sensei My squids: stinky beb WOOP LeSaltzBoi PFFT Zee_Zoom WolfGoddess =K o z a= Potato :) See ya buddy!
/RIN karera12
はじめまして!!! /RINですます。スマホからミバ確認することが多いのでメッセージとフレリク気づくのが遅れる事あるかもです…;; フォロワー220越え&共感ありがとう! 一昨年の10月に念願のスプラトゥーン買いました。 >>ガールだけどボーイです(謎)<< たまーーーーに絵描いてます 最近は一緒に遊んだフレを描くのが楽しい。 あとコロイカ(ゴーグル君達)好きです。たまに描きます。 最近ウデマエが上がらずS30~50をさ迷っている。 フレリク気軽にどうぞ!!一言あると嬉しいです。 レギュラーもばんばん合流してください! ガチも好きですが深夜のレギュラーは遊んでること多いので注意… 馴れ合いが苦手な人、嫌いになった人は そっとフレンド解除しといてくださいな;;(泣) フレさん皆大事!いつもありがとう 相方さん的な何かがほしいなぁ…ぼっち…(´・ω・` ) 編集 6/24
»—Ðøηανγπ» winterbabies
I play Splatoon Minecraft and Smash 4 Rank S in Splatoon! So have fun in my profile! :-)
survival together_we_RECK
Wild_ Babe EnchantressBabe
Hi All I want Too Do Is Too Have Fun And Party Hard While Playing Minecraft!!! <3
anthony anthony-gamer08
story mode
◆Iove_Rao◆ love_Rao
Gray Anime_Agent
Hειισ! Ιм ★ИεκσCнαη☆! Ιм α αηιмε αgεητ. Ι τειι ρεσριε τσ ωατсн αηιмε. Ιƒ γσυ ÐΘΝΤ ωατсн αηιмε γσυιι βε ρυηιςнεd!
Alpha Alpha_Untamed
Hey there! I'm Alpha! I am known among my friend list for having a deeper voice than my age (which I will NOT say) and for having a very notable parkour world on Minecraft: Wii U Edition. Need a few quick facts? No problem. Name: Alpha to you. Favorite block in Minecraft?: Pumpkins May I friend you?: Of course! (Well, until my list becomes full, that is....)
Joe MightyJoeM
Hey, everyone. I have horrible news. For those of you who have not heard, Miiverse is closing down between november 12th and the 20th. I forget already. But stay positive....... GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Boo chuckckc2
Hai, peeps! My name's Rebecca (You can call me chuckchuck), and I'm very introverted and quiet, so don't expect me to be too social:) I play Minecraft, Splatoon, and sometimes MarioKart 8. Anyway, I'd love to be your friend, whoever you are! <3 Shtuff about me: I'm homeschooled I love animals Favorite band: tøp I don't do online dating, so plz don't ask me out If you're mean to Evan, imma kill u
Cristina CrisCoderChild
Hi there! This is Cristina from CoderChild! Let's talk about our games?!? CoderChild rules! ^_^
DanAdelman Dan-Adelman
I handle the business-y stuff for Axiom Verge.
S Rank