LesFleur's Followers
ςρσσργ JustinoSnipes
Howdy I'm Elise, I joined 2014 and watch nostalgically, if not a little sadly, as Miiverse comes to an end. I've replaced my former profile message with this. I'll be here till the last day of Miiverse, and I've had a great journey. If ya wanna cont@ct me, here Fanfic: ItsRainingSloths Watt: ReignOfSloths Discord: ItsRainingSloths#0221 CoC: Lady of Sloths (Dragonclan, lvl 4) ºˇº
∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
Sansy McSplat
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Eddie● fnaflover26
Hello I love super mario maker,splatoon,&super smash bros so feel free to look around my profile. BYE ... bye ohh dont forget about my club the logo is ● so join if you want to soooo bye
◆Air◆ 1Beach1Life
Hey, my real name is Aryn, Here are some things about me.. 1. I love to talk to Anyone! 2. I love DUBSTEP! 3 I love any shade of Blue! 4. I Love to go Rock Climbing! 5. I love the Beach and to SURF! 6. I'm also Dancer, tap is #1 Pointe is #2 7. I'm Single and 13! 8. I am super smart, and sweet! 9. I'm 5'7'' and a model! 10. I follow 4 follow! If I don't respond I will asap! Thanks! Bye!
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Secret1237 KSwaggarr1237
Hi :p I hardly post here 'cause it's my "fall back" but feel free to follow me anyway. I have nothing more to say. Actually,I take that back-I have one more thing to say: (o.o)/ {Adios stranger)
blake optus-399287
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LANA KenmaKuroo
hey! im Lana 17♀ I love: ★EVANGELION!! neon genisis!! ★Kuroken (Haikyuu) ★Pokemon (Lugia) ★Slytherin (I love harry potter) I live in Australia I melt. I love to draw!! OTP= Shinji x Kawour <3 feel free to ask about AT's u w u I love GL and BL, a really good web comic is 'Their Story' by Tan Jiu <3 BL=boy love GL=girl love Y'all super cute.
Secret Secret1237
What up stranger?;p My name's Secret but my awesomeness is not.;) I'm sugar & spice & more savage than nice & before you ask,I'm a ♀ as well as a(n): Rapid poster Artist Joker/unpaid comedian Gamer Writer & etc etc but the word count can't handle my awesome & personal info is for real peeps/friends only.So you can go now.:) Adios (o.o)/
Akira12 masterbuilderjp
I'm a young Japanese/American lad who's got: -WiiU -Switch -New 3DS XL -2DS -DSI -DS Lite -No Life Yeah, I'm nerdy. . . Don't blame me. My drawings are pure rubbish, I'm a NSLU poster and a cancer survivor (brain tumor), and I'll talk about my misfortune a lot... Again, don't blame me. Thanks for 214 followers, you can refer to me as Napkin.
Ilia ilianthos
•Hello, my name is Ilia!Also known as Dankyboo. •I'm a half Congolese, half Greek young lady trying to learn more things about art. •I've been a Dancer for 10 years, an Artist for 3 years and I've had 3 years of singing experience. •I want to thank every single one of you separately!You are all like a family to me. Search Dankyboo to find my hiding spots.
←Probsy SoManyProbs
After so long, I've finally returned! Hello world! The name's Probsy. Sorry for leaving y'all. I guess I'm back. I've changed a lot, but whatever! ( •ω)• Fairy Tail is my hecking life send help now-
CJcipher CJcipher64
hey Im cipher local Vampire Birthday: 6/4 Age:15 Relationship status:single Gender:♀ Speices:... 5ft6in Diet:FOOD i like dan and phil,logan paul,steven universe,gravity falls,harry potter,and alot more I WiiU Chat NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS Out of Posts [no] [YES]online Cipher[★] Chris[] Mood: lonely.....♡♡♡ i can speak all languages so please talk to me!
Alt-account, used only for draws and stuff.