Zach's Friends
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Alexander jaylizander
This user's profile comment is private.
Piddle99 Piddle99
Gary garboss365
luzon luzon_1
great videos for angi chan
Kaiser kaiser_roll007
Batman puppyliker
I'm another dad who plays wii sports. What a shock. I can often be found playing golf, bowling or kart. Just kidding! No one can ever find me.
T-man Guuppp
I will play splatoon with anyone
wissa lyssamorgaan
Johnny TheMegaGamerman
MLG max maxmontes_05
hello i am max and/or BATMAN i like the legend of zelda series my favorite color is red and GOKU SHOULD HAVE WON DEATH BATTLE
Lonk she-dooo
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as a fact.
Chris charizardrules
hi im chris im a huge zelda and pokemon fan my fave pokemon is charizard my favorite game of all time is xenoblade chronicles by monolith soft. i also love kingdom hearts! im 16 years old
mew2master hines008
hey guys! if you go to my activities. you may see some games. but i traded them in sorry.
Nosi steelbobnosi
I really love spogebob!!!! who doesn't??? and i'm cutiercupcake12 and Monara's BIG BROTHERS!!! YAAAAAAAAY
Dintendo dimi02
Hello i'm Dintendo I play Nintendo every day My love Games is Kirby,Zelda,Mario,Metroid and Pokémon |||||| |||||| |||| |||| ||||||||| |||||||| ||||||||||||| ps: check dincrafter out
ant superanthonybro5
Adrian real-madrid-2013
Hello Miiverse, I am Adrian. I am a Nintendo fan. I really like Mario, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Super Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Punch Out, and Legend of Zelda games. I am awesome at video games and wish could live in one. I would appreciate it if you friend me or yeah my comments!
Matt jillstein2012
Dank Memes, Sunburn, and Rare Pepes. That's what Summer is all about.
Max 12lucky34
You know, in the four plus years I've had my Wii U, I've never taken the time to write this up. So I guess it's about time I do. Here's some very generic info about me: Likes - Performing Magic - Professor Layton - Rick and Morty - Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared Dislikes - Lotion - Jeans And that's that! Thanks for stopping by!
I am not the Wii U owner you are looking for.