I Like playing Mario Chase with my dad.
Theepicz1's Yeahs

nintendo are making poor decisions and i bet you that in 4 months the online servers will shut down too

What do you think about the end of Miiverse?
Today were publicated the date for the end of Miiverse, so what do you think, and how do you feel about it? I'm reading guys

Lol, I guess Nintendo finally got done with 12 year old girls spamming the Youtube community with rp requests and unfunny memes here. This essentially means the end of online for the Wii U, conside...

Nintendo in a nutshell: "We've got to have....M O N E Y." (Please tell me you know where the quote's from.)
Sphere Slice Community

Are you kidding me?!
Even the logo is a blatant ripoff... Why is this even here? Why did you put this on the eShop? Did Nintendo let go of quality control ever since the First Skunk Bu...

Sharing Levels via internet is on the 3DS version not available. Only on the Wii U version you can share levels on the internet. But you can share them via local mode or streetpass.
Hi there! I enjoy playing lots of Nintendo games and look forward to see you playing them too! Le...
Hi there! I enjoy playing lots of Nintendo games and look forward to see you playing them too! Let's-a-go!