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My T dinner menu
Hey y'all!! Turkey, Mac cheese, something sweet (not sure what) mashed taters, some bread or corn bread. Get Em, hopefully you see this before miiverse shuts off.
Updated: 7-2-17
Awww thank you for visiting my amazing profile!!
Im playing currently the follow...
Updated: 7-2-17
Awww thank you for visiting my amazing profile!!
Im playing currently the following.
-Breath Of The Wild
-Puyopuyo Tetris
-Street Fighter 2
Wii U
-Super Smash Bros. Wii U
-Mario Maker
-Shante Half Genie
-Super Smash Bros. 3ds (Smash Run)
Alright off to the games of games of all gamers!!
Cya miiverse person who came to visit!!