Well, I got work to do. I guess my wish to see this place go down with decency aint gonna happen. Oh well. Too all my friends out there, take care and God bless.
Toria♪'s Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

*Sees the dark cloud far in the distance draws a deep breath* We’re the Zelda Community and we’re not scared or sad. We’ll make it through this...all of us together.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Goodbye my Miiverse friends. It has been a pleasure, and I love you all for your Yeahs, support, laughs, art, help, and games we have played together. I will find as many of you as I can once the d...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Our friendships that we have formed in this community shall never diminish. As for all these inappropriate posts...I say good riddance to them!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

God bless ya’ll. No matter what happens, ya’ll stay strong and keep going. Ya’ll will always have my support! While this place falls, ya’ll rise up and show life just how strong you are!

Final post.
Already made a few final goodbye posts in some of my other fav communities but the last post i make here shall be in this community. Its been fun at times while it...
I am a Christian.
☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★
I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years
I am a Christian.
☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★
I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years
★Yøu will be what I miss abøut miiverse☆
I will not miss the admins è.é
† Have a blessed day †
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
Psalms 139:11
Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil.
Princess Zelda