♪ßriтт♪'s Play Journal
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•º•♥ωειсоме то му ряоfiłε♥º•º
I am ADDICTED to YouTube! Some people I watch are:
~Markiplier ♡
•º•♥ωειсоме то му ряоfiłε♥º•º
I am ADDICTED to YouTube! Some people I watch are:
~Markiplier ♡
~Jacksepticeye ♡
~Game Grumps ♡
~ PewDiePie ♡
▲γου'νε мет а теяяïbłė fατε, наνεη'τ γου?▲
I'm an older gamer, so please don't send me a request if you're younger!
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