Thank you so much! And finally... Goodbye for good... アリガトウ・・・ソシテ・・・ サヨナラ・・・
Toxic .'s Yeahs

I'll Comment my confessions, and feel free to talk with me, the clock's ticking.

I'm not a very social person IRL, so any connections I can make (which are limited) are appreciated. Miiverse is a place which has helped me to become more socially confident, and enable me to talk...

Welp, I can't believe it, Miiverse is truly closin down. R.I.P Miiverse 2013-2017 you will be dearly missed Miiverse. Hopefully Nintendo will make another social media like thing for the switch.

Peace out. ~
I've neglected this place for a while now, but big thank you to everyone who stayed with me throughout my tenure here :')

Thank you miiverse and goodbye!!
I know there's a day left I don't think I'll be on for long, I would've done a drawing but I currently have no wifi, It's been fun hanging and talking to you lovel...

Goodbye Miiverse
I had such precious memories in here and made so many good friends that my heart pangs with deep sadness and nostalgia to see that Miiverse is going to shut down.

its like West Side Story crossed with Tokyo Ghoul with a Diners, Drive-ins and Dives style narrative. thats right baby, i, about to write the worst goshdang creepypasta ever made
Nothing here..