go to mv's Yeahs

We literally have two days left and people are trying to get attention by breaking the rules, that's just depressing

there was b33r, video games, birthday cake, food, my family, and toys. xD I went to 2 seperate parties... one on friday (which had the b33r and video games) and the 2nd one was my little cousins bi...

Although we still have 2 days until the end of Miiverse, I'd like to give a VERY big thanks to all my friends and followers who have seen my progress on Miiverse. And also I'm gonna fill up my foll...
hello welcome to the official miiverse of kirbywordy,
note: really bad internet, disconnects are...
hello welcome to the official miiverse of kirbywordy,
note: really bad internet, disconnects are common.
ppl needing to be unbanned
choc chip
octolexi! no! she's banned