GE☆Leo's Followers
Hog Tusks FancyPntz89
Silver SilDicap
lucas lucasmasterplay
Olá=^^=sou brasileiro e tenho 14 anos de idade bom eu moro em SP...... add eu se quiser #RUMOAOS100AMIGOS VALEU PELOS 100 SEGUIDORES
João Pedro Ottterdude
Quem for br me add!!!!
Andrew AngryB0527
unknown666 Antoniom10
building mini games and like to battle in minecraft
azulf bomb noahbenjamin22
Hi, im azulf bomb! I play team kirby clash deluxe, super mario maker for 3DS, kirby triple deluxe, Rusty's real deal baseball, ninetendo badge arcade, pokemon shuffle, sonics lost world, teenage mutant ninja turtles, angry birds: star wars, Luigi's mansion dark moon and lego city uncover!! Have fun, guys!
kiki sparkel456
hi my name kiki im a FREESTYLE RAPPER i been rapping since i was 4 yrs old i follow my dreams so you guys should follow yours my fav game is minecraft splatoon 1 & splatoon 2 and i love minecraft and ssb and splatoon thx for checking out my profile follow me
Joshua Josh-4383
Thanks for conversing with Mii! It's been a wild ride. Tell stories of the Miiverse's greatness! It was so much more than the naysayers say! If not for you, then please do it for me. See you around!
★Joshua♪ bebemario135
Gary si estas leyendo esto vuelve a casa :,v "hasta que nos volvamos a ver" c:
tartRsauce SH00T1NG-ST4R
Geo azerhia
★▲▼ PGN☆∞ ⇒ Splatoon addicted, ▲ Zelda fiend ★MK8 Battle fatality just joking ▼ yoshi fanatic ♪Toad anator ♪ ★ Super Smash BROTHERS OBSESIVE☆ ♥Mine Craft ☆Ghost hunter/ Ender Dragon ★Slayer Other then that just me Azerhia wii u addicted (^-^)ok
ßälþ-kùñ☆♪ libby55
Hello Everyone my YT NAME IS SPN Slat Roblox &More Let Me Tell You Guys my Life 1 I Love Fanf i am A Fanf Fanf 2 My Favorite Fanf Preson Its foxy and Freddy 13 4 my Favorite Games are Mk8 ,Splatoon, Nintendoland,And more, 5 i Play A Lot Fanf Games 6 on fanf 1 beat All nights and 2 and 3 4 and fanc,1 ánd 2 It Took Me A Day To Beat It i'am Good at Fanf I Lov3 U guys! Also pls Get me 3K fw ;-;
KING_CAT™ Serdonfra
Ciao,sono un ragazzo appassionato al disegno,ai videogame.I miei giochi preferiti ve li elenco qua sotto: minecraft wii u ★★★★★ minecraft pc ★★★★★★★★★★ super smash bros ★★★★ Adesso le console: pc ★★★★★★★★ wii u ★★★★★ nintendo switch ★★★★★ Clicca il tasto SEGUI e aiuterai un povero pinguino a sopravvivere al polo sud
Rick RickGOW3
tav marvalousmarble
my favorite game is lego dimentions
Anime Dino Ariannamaebaugh
ELLO!!! Welcome. Meh Name Is Arianna.... Welcome the the most pointless profile... ;-; i love spattoon and minecraft .. i play on wii u like most normal people. :3 I Am In Love With Roblox.. go follow me on there if u have it meh urser is lovecreeper10. Welp... BUH BYE
léfrérzaid JUVENCES
bon... message adresser a mes amis est mes abonnés: je vous dit au revoir car miverse va fermer . g passer des moment genial en multijoueur sur les jeux notamment minecraft et splatoon! j'vous aime bien ♥ . Léfrérzaid.
nj<3 1ina10000
hey im carly im still in school I 'm single thx fo 600+ followres i love one direction my fav song is love you good bye give me a friend request ill except follow me ill folow you too and if you wwnna be friends make sure you tell y you r all BEAUTIFUL and if you ship LARRY STYLINSON you know you love stories BOBYE
Old-Hippie Quiltman
Hi all, my name is Scott. I'm 50yrs old I was a mechanic for over 30 years. I have a brain tumor and haven't worked in 8 years. I game a lot just to keep my sanity!! lol see ya online
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