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Hi Im Trying To Make Some Friends Can You Be One Of Them??? :)
Jeff graymantis
pneumatically b b b bb bb bb bb bbb bbb bbb bbb bbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb
Spooky:D SpookyYoutube697
Whats up
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
[ ] thanjona
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Fernafloo Fernafloo.i
:) TheLegend147523
(: Hi! :) (: Please take a moment to yeah my favorite post :) :( Sadly Miiverse is shutting down in less than 5 days ): (: bye! :)
Kyogoku NintendoKyogoku
任天堂の京極あや(きょうごく あや)です。 『どうぶつの森 ハッピーホームデザイナー』プロデューサー、『とびだせ どうぶつの森』『どうぶつの森 こもれび広場』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Aya Kyogoku from Nintendo, producer of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer and director of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing Plaza.
imamura NintendoImamura
任天堂の今村孝矢(いまむらたかや)です 「STEELDIVER SUBWARS」のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Takaya Imamura from Nintendo, director of SteelDiver SubWars.
おおたに NintendoOtani
『マリオ&ルイージRPG ペーパーマリオMIX』のプロデューサー 任天堂の大谷 明(おおたに あきら)です。 I'm Akira Otani of Nintendo, producer of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam / Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.
いけばた NintendoIkebata
「ルイージマンション2」のスーパーバイザー 任天堂の池端 良仁(いけばた よしひと)です。 I'm Yoshihito Ikebata of Nintendo, supervisor of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon / Luigi's Mansion 2.
Tezuka NintendoTezuka
任天堂の手塚です。 最近では「New Super MARIO」シリーズのプロデュースを担当しました。
Master_R MarioMakerGuide
『 スーパーマリオメーカー』の運営に関するお知らせを担当しています。運営情報やイベント情報等を配信していく予定です。 I'm in charge of bringing you the latest word from Nintendo about Super Mario Maker. Check my posts for news about game updates and other useful info!
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
GORO ABE NintendoGoro
任天堂の阿部 悟郎(あべ ごろう)です。 『ゲーム&ワリオ』のディレクターです。 Goro Abe, Director of Game & Wario, Nintendo.
マリチャン NintendoMchannel
任天堂のマリチャンです。 気になるタイトルのコミュニティにお邪魔させていただいて 色んな企画を行っています。 一緒にMiiverseを盛り上げていきましょう! Hello, this is MariChan from Nintendo! I'll pop up in game communities in Miiverse on occasion to plan some events and activites. I hope you'll all join in on the fun!
HATTORI NintendoHattori
任天堂の服部 由里絵(はっとり ゆりえ)です。 「Nintendo×JOYSOUND Wii カラオケ U」や、ガールズモードシリーズのディレクターをしています。
Hiratake NintendoHiratake
任天堂の平竹晋也(ひらたけ しんや)です。 『進め!キノピオ隊長』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Shinya Hiratake from Nintendo, Directer of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.
Motokura NintendoMotokura
こんにちは! 任天堂の元倉健太(もとくら けんた)です。「スーパーマリオ 3Dワールド」のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Kenta Motokura from Nintendo,director of SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD.
Wobbly T. WobblyTooth
Hi, I'm the director/developer of Wobbly Tooth Games. Please feel free to get in touch.
Jérôme CarbonFireStudio
Hi ! I'm Jérôme LABBÉ, the co-creator of Carbon Fire Studio. Please take a look at our first Wii U game on the eShop : Frenchy Bird ! Our second game "Dying is Dangerous" will be coming Q1 2016 !
Arturo RedColumn
Here you are, ready to embark on a new adventure... [3Souls]
Katherine Katherine-LWG
I'm Katherine from Lightwood Games. We make word puzzle games! * Word Puzzles by POWGI * Word Party * Epic Word Search Collection * Word Search by POWGI and more! :o) When I'm not making or playing games, I can usually be found knitting or playing with our 4 cats - Amy, Pixel, Sasha and Jack :o)
Game Designer of and Creator of Kubi the Bit Boy!! Nintendo licensed game developer - it's fun to play Always working hard on games with my characters ZeLeLi, Kubi, Niki and H... oh sorry, don't want to spoil you! ^^' Now on eShop: Bit Boy!! ARCADE PUZZLEBOX setup Always Happy to see Fans following me @BplusGames
Ron LogGamesRon
I'm Ron from Log Games.
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
Chris LightwoodChris
I'm Chris from Lightwood Games, developer of Word Party for Wii U. We make word games. See also: Word Search By POWGI and Epic Word Search Collection! Word Puzzles by POWGI uses amiibo to create special puzzles!
Minecraft MinecraftCT
Official account of the Minecraft Community Team!
HBSRobGump HBSRobertGump
Tomeling: Darkness Falls! Developer for HullBreach Studios and gamer.
Bri BriProv
Ja'nina Loveiscuteawww
Hi i'm the sister of Jasmine,May,and Destiny.I'm 14 y/o i would love to make new friends!I like Rp's so yeaaaa. Bye Boiii ! also me and jasmine share this profile cause her's don't work.Imma fan of Kodak Black so what gotta a problem wit that XD single bye?^•^ hi?'-' why tho? XD
javon javonisking
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Arnold ArnoldBTheRedKid
Things about me list: Age: 14 Height: 5.8 Food: random Form: U.S.A. Skin: white Eye: dark brown Hair: black Color: red Nationality: english Im Arnold Im a pretty tall and cool kid who i get a good life. i've been hanging out and playing videogames and listening music. In wii u i love playing my favorite games and post them on miiverse! hope you guys love me and strike on!
★♪Wesley☆® ChessFan853
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/18/17 I made up that my nickname is Eevee853!!!!! C Ya!!!! Oh and I'm part of the Alpha Warrior clan!
SAVAGE Danieljune81976
♪ραηκγ.J♪ jacobot129
MY NAME JEFF jk Im ♪ςρφφκγ.J♪ but you can call me spooky and im a pandaling member of the pandalings sadly i can only post a limited amount of post per day so yeah.The pandaling leader is ♪ςρφφκγ.T♪ ask her to become a pandaling got ok,STAY FRESH! and remember I♥you guys! »–♥–> for everyone!And DONT GET COOKED STAY OFF THE HOOK! (vote marie and pearl)Have a fun day! Byeeee!»–♥–>
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
Khas khasava
hello every one im new here and would like to be you friend !!!!
??? ElMinecraft90
Hola Soy ElMinecraft90 Mis Juegos Favoritos Son: Minecraft , Super Mario Maker , Splatoon y Nintendo Land Mis Mejores Amigos Son:Bigyoyomos06 , DavidOc1909 :v Bueno Espero Q Te Haya Gustado Esta portada Adioh OkNo : Bueno Si quieren jugar mundos de Minecraft son muy chidos Mis Programas Favoritos Son: Rick Y Morthy , Un Show Mas , Hora De Aventura , Etc
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching