TRG-ºςαмXº's Followers
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
sath sathy1
welcome to the 2nd account of seth! this time its sath º_º :about sath expect some posts a lot★ that was some information about sath! ºþªñ viewgen comment hospital bee accountinformation NiCe PoST! i got banned Not Anymore
Jina GCSJina
Hi! I like Minecraft, Super Mario 3D World, and Minecraft Story Mode. Im trying to get to 400 followers plz follow me!!! that's all for now folks! xoxo, *****(my real name)♡♥ (sorry cant tell you my real name :( )
Maddie MaddieLuv123
Hi my name is MaddieLuv123
Reilly SamolinskiFamily
"Reilly! You're live!" said Lucas. "Oh right!" said Reilly. *entry here* Hello! I am Reilly! I am 9 years old. I have: PS3, Wii(not hooked up), Wii U, PS2, and an N64. Likes: Playing video games, sleeping, eating, and more. I own a Nintendo 2DS. I hope you have a wonderful day! *entry closed*
Frankie franciosifunhaus
Hi friends! Goodbye Miiverse it's been a great time while it are filled with love. Nitendo people if you read this, please, please, please keep Miiverse it is most i called and i know the problem, people are going to more famous social medias so everyone please stay and just because they do that doesn't mean you guys shut down Miiverse. That will make more people go!
megan nufc4life1982
baptiste lebgBAPTISTE2500
SavageLee Madlypancake143
alright so im not going to be posting that much in the next week cause my auntie & uncle over! :):] there baby is 6 month old!!!! hobbies: snare drumming and football NEW SHOW storey of a cat! make sure to follow these guys bobcrafty D3RMAN harvs, green poke, Dylan, miimaster joshTL ★harriet★X caiden Yvonne mia coolcookie and umaari!
∞γδιδ∞ргσ∞ momoftwo82
Ow my face... ;-; Anyways, hello! I'm Camryn! Just an ordinary gamer.I like to play things like Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, and more! I suggest following/friending these people: DillonWasHere, FatimaAliBatoul0 Also, im in 7th Grade, almost 13 years old! Oh! If you got an IPhone, get Miiverse Amino and Miiverse will live on! :D That's all from me! Have a great day! :D
Heather!:D dancewaterdance7
Hola Amigos!! I love Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Snake from Metal Gear Solid!! ^ω^ Best Animes ever:Wolfs Rain, Bleach, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Bobobo, One Punch Man and Jojo's Bizzare Adventure!! :D ^ω^ I love watching cartoons as well!! Oh and i also like pancakes!! And Ghirahims hot!! XD He ma bae! ˘³˘
RichiLP ColinKrystian
Hi i'm RichLP I love to Play Mario Maker and i have 840 star's and i have a nintendo switch it's so cool i hate kick's in miecraft this fucked up pls don't kick me i'm friendly [; and i hate my life
iris noahthymeo
abonnés vous à moi je m'appelle iris !j'aime les mangas mon prèf c'est DBS (dragon ball Super) j'aime les tigres tout mignon les chiens les chats, tout les animaux j'accepte tout le monde ! n hesitez pas a correspondre avec moi ! je fais des glitches sur zelda mon utilisateur sur la 3DS c'est iris noahkoub j'aime beaucoup fatim j aimerai rejoindre sa team !
Mr.Steak wiimine4ever
Hey everybody! Mr. Steak here! I am so good. (Except the fact that Miiverse is shutting down so soon.) Why Miiverse, WHY!? (It's shutting down November 7th or 8th.) (•-•) / (·~·) / So SAD! Noob Face! (·–·) (And don't forget to post noob faces, emojis, shapes, signs, sayings, and memes! Also tell me the games you guys play so we can start a conversation!) See you! (Well, before Miiverse ends...)
ben Shredder1
hi i am ben i am 14 living in ohio.I LIKE CHICKENS
わさびのりたろう 984324
ミバが終わっちゃう 泣き 泣き 泣き 泣き
hello anything my name is ENDIO1 l like dat name plz l will stand in your friendlist! my games is minecraft mario maker en star wars en super mario bros U +super luigi bros U en l hoop l can follow you yodio yoyo yolo miiverse is fun
snowman 96 2016Jacob
what's up i have a friend NEMESIS he has great courses he is great at gameing he is the best maker i know! my name is tommy my profile is weardguy CG i am bad at gameing but Nemesis Can help me! i like mario smash bros 49 more so duse NEMESIS! you can find me and NEMESIS on mario maker! star us pliz!!!!
********** danielvadim
halli hallo meine freunde und natürlich auch feinde willkommen bei meinem profil name: daniel alter : 11 lieblings youtuber: mrricsto,logo,paluten,tryzes, lieblingsspiele:splatoon,mk8,minecraft das wars leider schon biss ihrgend wann schickt freundesanfrage bin dann froh♡
Simply Ink An_Inky_Muffin
Hoi there! This is just an alt account to my other one (If you can find it of course) I'm using this account only on the Wii U
Dédrogba Dedrogba
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Riccardo bieffeerre
Ciao, sono Riccardo e ho 11 anni .Mi piacciono molti videogiochi tra cui quelli di Kirby,Pokémon e Spongebob. Mi piacerebbe seguire ed essere seguito da molte persone. Seguitemi e farò lo stesso con voi. Ciao!!
ANTOINE super20ant
Mewsa Zack.PAnimelover
Hello Viewers! I am Lord MewSa. I am an Average Pokemon. Anyone seen Samus or Megaman? I didn't of course! By the way, You must Follow me, and you'll be safe.
Nash DegarioP11
Im Degario my best friend kittycat has a wii u to we play together come join us we will have lots of fun ive also got a youtube channel be sure to subscribe if you follow me ill follow you im sure we will have fun!!!!!!!! im not alowed to talk to people that are 20 and over please friend me my best friends are daniel Kittykat on my channel ill play terraria minecraft mario 3d world mario maker
Destiny DestinyMurphy
Zac Hurshel
David ortzdav5
MORGAN!!!! ktieszen
hi,my name is Morgan and i am awesome. (i dont give info about me, that isnt my real birth day, either. if u follow me i will follow you.GOAL IS A 1000 FOLLOWERS BOI'SSSSSSSSSS.I have had my wiiu for almost three years, bout a month away. i like minecraft,madden,splatoon,mostly everything involving chaos, voilence, and death. (yeah i know :-/). This is what i like and i enjoy sports. its been 400w
Théa chatche
Bonjour à tous!
Tristin newtristin
i don'thave mine craft any more sorry :(
RYH.OscLOL benficaoscar2006
Hola la street sa va ou quoi ? Je m'appelle Oscar.Joaquin c mon prénom complet . J'ai 11ans , jsuis en 6ème et je réside en New-Aquitaine mgle !!! Jsuis celibataire, youtuber. J'ai la switch et Splatoon mais sa depuis 3mois ! Donc jte dis sisi la famille et a buenotot mgle !!!
Poulpi kaede-niah
Poulpe otaku :3 J'essaie d'être sympa sur Miiverse mais evitez de me saouler ou de vous plaindre non-stop je supporte pas. Sinon ça passe XD Shingeki no Kyojin, Akatsuki no Yona, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Ansatsu Kyoshitsu, Pandora Hearts, Domestic na kanojo (déconseiller au moins de 15 ans mais a vos risques et perils) et Watashi ni XX Shinasai !! Bravely Default et Fire Emblem Cosplay, Draw *^*
HallowEvan TheEpicSquidKid
This user's profile comment is private.
João☆ Almada12345
Welcome! ♪ Hi, I'm João. I'm 13 years old. I'm shy and friendly. Being rude = Block 2иd: Setubal1234 MK8: 25K VR; 7K BR MK7: 3K VR Sρlατοοи: Lеvеl 50; S Rank Clans: мςv; ςκ; R&γ; ČL; Mς★; HL Discord: João☆#9193 Switch Friend Code: 6287-6990-8788 βеsτ ƒяιεиds: Ajay, Charlotte, Aran, Martín, Dorian, Jack, Betty, Lexxie and Rocko! :D ^^ нαvε α иιсε dαу! =)
Cat boy447 frankenstein4444
I love animal crossing,Cats And Mario even Frogs Follow My 2 Musers on
Imogen ImoneK
This user's profile comment is private.
Kero Kero-sushi
Hello! :) So, i'm Kero-sushi! (Don't you dare make fun of me I hAD NO CHOICE BECAUSE THE NAME "KERO" WAS TAKEN SJHISSSDDKK) Anyway, i'll be posting some drawings! (Or aesthetic things...) My other account is: SlusheeeSlurpeee Go ahead and follow that!
Goku ssjVegeta6
i have a good skylander reputation and i know my way around anygame there is that i know
Emma owensnw
Shrine Lil6mayD
Meow. I love Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Tomodachi Life, Fantasy Life, the Bravely series... yep. Follow me and I'll follow back. Married Nowi because Manakete Morgan and Nah with access to every gender permitting class FTW
SamX's Profile-
♪"Splattack!" - Splatoon™♪
I joined Miiverse on 25/12/2015.
☆★☆Check out my ope...
SamX's Profile-
♪"Splattack!" - Splatoon™♪
I joined Miiverse on 25/12/2015.
☆★☆Check out my open discussion!☆★☆
Thanks for 500 followers!
I'm SamX!
◆Like my Profile Pic? Then 'Yeah' It!◆
Stay tuned to my Profile to make sure you keep up to date!
★Follow Me Too!★
☆I'll follow U if U follow me! Thanks for checking out my profile!☆
♥Anyway, See You Guys Later! -◆SamX◆