UltraMario's Followers
Damien Dam3195
Salut je suis damien jai 13 ans si vous voulez majouter nesiter pas jaccepte TOUTES les demandes d'amis. je passe beaucoup de temps sur need for speed most wanted et lego marvel
Taylor Unclebigdog
Hi I am new but you can check out the user Test/perk3456, and I will be doing follow for follow. Also I am Co-Leader of the dawg clan (Leader Unclebigdawg). Also if u want to join the Shuffler Clan just ask Leader: Taylor Co-Leader: ¥Ċhąòs¥
Bowser Josiahkb
Unfortunately miiverse is coming to an end ( yes I am upset ) THE END IS NEAR!!! I wish it could keep going but it won't so GOOD BYE ! * crying *
Matt SammyMatt8
Hi there, my name is Sammy! Please read below and if I have something that you have or like please push the follow button on my user page. Thanks!! Favorite Color : Orange Favorite Game : LIFE Favorite Food : Pizza Favorite Softwares : Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Age : 8. Friends : 13. My friends are all fun and nice! Thanks, bye!!!
zo zo bean ET-377
C. de Feu shacki
je mappelle cœur de feuilles clan haute-montagne 12 ans guerrier chef :★ de colombe apprenti :N. de Givre dédi a tous et au C.D.H.M. !!! ★mon best anto!!★ ABONNER VOUS !!!je rends!! a aussi je suis l'autre chef de la team zelda !!! le premier est LINK ID:tricsis c'est normal LINK c'est moi sur la 3DS!! alors pour en faire partie aller dans le com's de la team!!! Furious J. !! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Rodri DDS ASH.123ugd
Kodi94 kourkrang
Salut Daniela ma cousine préférée c'est Lisa et Kodi lol on adore splatoon Bisous Blue sky Merci a touts mes abonnés bientot 600 ça se fête !!!! Mes vies MHD. RÉSEAU de Niska.Lisa et Kodi
mathys mat-jeux
silas silasjames
hey... people! I am a 11 year old boy from somewhere in the world. I love pokemon and star wars. my favorite pokemon are zoroark and porygon-z
Kaleb kalebcarsen
My profile is dead R.I.P. 12/25/16 - 11/5/17 #Savemiiverseplz and a shoutout to my woonderful friends that made miiverse a better place for me, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank-you, and god bless you, you shall be missed, Goodbye forever - Kaleb Linn
Janaye Moondarkhollow
Hey Guys, most of you know what happened to my 3DS XL but for those who don't, it snapped it half when I lost it on my B-day. And so I can only draw on my alt. I will still use this acc, but not as much as I used to.Follow me on J-wolf,my friends Ty-Draws and TK!Laniya! I might get a new one soon, so hopefully it won't be the end before MV ends. See ya
kerri olaf7000
hi im kerri!!! im getting a dog at the end of the year! adore them!! have 2 siblings!! love reading books!!! have a pet budgie and 2 pet goldfish!!!! if you like my pics, just add me as a follower!!! if you are a follower.... PLEASE FOLLOW ME AT ALL TIMES OK? thankyou!!!!!!
Colto18G Colto18G
Lover of All of RPG's Huge TøP Fan Favorite Albums: Blurryface-Vessel Favorite Song: Tear In My Heart-House Of Gold Best Friends: Cody-TheRedDoom-Kevin
Félix MK7-Felix
TheRedDoom splatking5000
Leader of the non-competitive Pokemon clan Pokemon Aura. We don't do competitive battling, only for fun. Ask me to join! Leader: RedYveltal Deputy: ! Co-leader (breeding): fishy Co-leader (dex filler): Df Hero Co-leader (trading): Vacant Co-leader (shiny hunting): Vacant Recruiter: kirby Regular members: Bat Haven, Doge, EG rhys. We have recently merged with Pokemon Masters. Check out dino's pf.
Jossap 10cooks
Nicole leagened
sup im just a normal girl who likes pokemon and zelda and i luv animals and STARWARS iam 16yrs young my 24yr old sis and 12yr old sis and my 22yr old gay bro shares this with me so.... kinda awkward my favorite pokemon is charizard also im a single pringle boys and if im not online in DRAWING ANIME OR DRAWING DRAGONS OR I AM DEAD FROM HOMEWORK
Tamera unclebigdawg
So hey guys and gails I'm young so don't post any thing bad but hope you like my posts.So hope you have a good time with me.Also I hope I can make you laugh. Bye. Recent: You can join the Dawg clan just ask to join, also u have to be active on miiverse. Leader: Unclebigdawg and his sis Co-Leader : Taylor Followers: 75 √ 100 √ 200 × 250 × 500 × 750 × 1,000 ×
kidd ray immegasonic
Hey I'm a huge Smash Bros fan and I'm a PRO!! I love action games especially Zelda games. I'm here to have fun so let's do this! also from time to time i like to ineract with people, chat, play team or against each other in mario kart and splatoon. splatoon has become my favorite lately. sometimes i disappear cause i got other consoles ps4, xbox one, ds xl, super nintendo,64, etc. please no weirdo
Julia Kitt3707
Hi! I’m honestly intrested in many games, but what intrests me most is pokemon. I am a hardcore pokemon fan, but I still have things to learn. I love learning new tips and tricks, and sharing them too!
Slammerbro Slammer987
Hey! I'm Slammerbro. I like to play a lot of pokemon games, so if you need game tips, come to me! I play plenty of Pokemon Shuffle and got to Level 200 (that is before I lost all my data), so I'll mainly post on that. So that is me. Yeah. I'm done. That's it. You can go now. Bye. See ya. ;P
magikarp used splash its super effective the world has destroyed also i like mudkipz and marshtompz and swampertz and mega sawmpertz i am a pokemon freak
Iann LolGuyGhost
Hi. I have started playing games since I was 3, (YES, 3) and I have played lots of games. Some are 3DS games and others are from Game Boy, snes, 64, XBox, ect. I am more of the fighting fan, but i also like other types of games as well. Sorry if I am not posting offten, I only post what I think might be funny or intriguing or ect, but only if I come across it ok. No hard feelings.3DS DOESN'T SUCK
levi levi11505
hello their im levi and how do you do i love RPG,platform im 11 and im in 6th grade so that all thank you leave or follow me
Malvin nevada_kade
Hey guys, Malvon here. Welcome to my profile.I love my best friend. -About me: *I like Alvin and the chipmunks: The Squeakquel *Alvin and the chipmunks: Chipwrecked My favorite Chipmunk and Chipette is Alvin and Brittany. Favorite part is Alvin and the chipmunks:The Sqeakquel. My second favorite is Alvin and the chipmunks:Chipwrecked
Rich xRich747x
Heyo my name is Richard and I'm a professional amiibo hunter with a total of 66 amiibos. I'm a huge pokemon fan and nintendo owns my soul.
julio jccdn1
A person jorge56
Rip. Someone I know got bάή. 1st: 10/1/2017 Or 10/2/2017 UPDATE!!!: THEY'RE FINALLY BACK! The 2nd person eventually got ♭@n TOON LINK When? 10/17/17 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. range R.I.P. U will be missed
George +! Tesseract2
Beep Beep Beep Boooooooooooooooooooooooooorp.Oh,hello.I am George +!,the robot form of George.Beep Beep...I'll see ya' around...So don't go yet. Oh,yeah. POWER OFF.
ALDO SuperSonicpro101
Hi, I like Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, and more. If you send me hate comments it will be removed or reported to Miiverse! Fav Pokemon: Lucario. Fav Shows: Sonic X & Pokemon. Fav things to do: Play games. CAN'T SHOW U MY ADDRESS! I won't accept random fr's due to my mom telling to don't accept fr's.
jonah jonah45653
Brock Meme McreeSalsa
Brock's eyes tho! Straight outta line paper XD
¥Çħąőś¥ DarkDartz66
Hello And Welcome To My Profile! Hopefully You Will Have A Great Time. ^-^ Plus If You Have The Time Look At My Play Journey. It Will Nice To Great 2 Get Good Responses From You Guys And Get Helpful Advice From Others. :) My Favorite Pokemon Trainer Is Diantha. I Also Have Youtube Channel Called Earthbound Darksnipe. My Favorie Blizzard Game Is Overwatch My Mains Is Reaper,Genji, And Mercy (<3)
test perk3456
Hi I'm new.If you see me follow me because if you follow me I will follow you back.Also I will be a youtuber this summer.I will see you later !You can also see my sister on miivirse aBBie. Update: 70'th post February 4 2017. 50 Followers February 4 2017. 100'th post February 5 2017. Out of Posts Febuary 5 2017. 200'th post February 19/20 2017. 100 followers February 21/22.
SweetCandy SevenPicks
I love playing mario kart and pokemon x for the 3ds. I'm also a lifelong gamer, been playing nintendo consoles since 1990. I'm 40 yrs old.
frank141 finn21o
Gunn Caleb_Caitee
NUMBER 1 MALLO FAN HERE!!! Hey Guys whats up Gunn here! #Memes #Amorshipping #Mallo How ya doin!? I want Mallo for Smash I want a new Mallo Game I WANT A MALLO PLUSH! Sorry BIG Mallo fan. Lets Enjoy Miiverse while it lasts and play more Mallo! I have Pushmo,Crashmo,Stretchmo,Pushmo Mallo and friends Wallpaper,and Mallo Badges! We all shall be Mallo fans. ~Gunn
Tyler Switchingspy9
Welcome to my page!
Luis OmegaSyndicate
Hey, welcome! Names Luis and i'm 19. I'm a hardcore gamer, and a big fan of retro games! I have a girlfriend but... I can be really flirtatious so just a heads up. And... I CAN'T DRAW TO SAVE MY LIFE! I'm an only child, but I have a MV sister ¥Nαmι¥ that I love dearly! Love ya sis! And shoutout to my cute lil' bestie Ashira. She's a great artist and an even better friend! #PresidentE-Clan
Aedan littlemack324
shadowking FIREBOLT1O1
pokemon shuffle is forever awesome
Bye everyone... ;-(