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Sorry For Not Posting!
I apologize for my absence! After I played in November, I kind of forgot where I put my Wii U. I can't believe I haven't touched this thing in 4 months... To make ...
Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibu-
Oh. I didn't see you there.
Hi! I'm Brooklyn, you can just call me B...
Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibu-
Oh. I didn't see you there.
Hi! I'm Brooklyn, you can just call me Brooke.
I play multiple games, I own a 3ds and wii u.
The NNID and mii on 3ds belongs to my sister, so I can't share it. rip.
Feel free to send a friend request!
I'm ready to play some games! :D
That'll be all, imma play with my dog now. Cya! c: