Jonathan's Followers
Noah Sebby sprout226
Hi! I am Noah! but you can call me Noah Sebby! Nice to meet you! I have a 2DS, TV, Directv, Stereo, and a Wii U. Please Star My New Courses! Thank You! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!! meam comments aren't allowed
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Karli KarliGamingLife
Hi! Welcome to my account. I am new to miiverse, So I maybe will understand the concept of it lol. The 3DS Games I have are Animal Crossing: New Leaf, And Happy Home Designer. Then, there's Pokémon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire. Finally, Tomodatchi Life and Petz Beach. Please Follow me and I'll follow ya back! Oh I'm 12 years and many more beyond. :-) I hate the administrators on miiverse.
Peters Ngl peterbates
Jeff jad4810
this is my dads account i go to middle school
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τнεςτяцğιε Edwardisawesome0
hey guys thanks for checking my profile im a huge fan of the game blacklight retrubution on ps4 [i have it ] i am also a fan of vanoss and pewdipie. :DI am part of the central islip soccer club a long with Kero[retropc]. i am planning to play lacrosse.if you follow me i do back so smack that follow button. •––• •––• •––• •––•
LUCASFILM pazmundhirorin
スイッチに行く奴頭ダイジョブかな?心配ww あ、ちなみに中2で13さいスッ ども、フォロワーがかなり多いひろりんです。(名前変えるかも……… ベッドウォーズルール 木材(拠点を壊さないガラスはOK ベッドのまわりにブロックを置くのだったら1マス開けてください。復活できなくなります。 リスキル禁止です。 嘘だよ~なにもないよ なーんてね、マイクラANNIルール フェイズ1下準備。ネクサス攻撃無し、人攻撃あり。 フェイズ2自分陣地にたま~にダイヤが降ってきます フェイズ3ネクサス攻撃あり。ダイヤ解禁。 フェイズ4持ち物保持解除 です。では自己紹介>どうも名前変えましたデストルと申します。やってるゲーム レゴシティアンダーカバー マイクラ スプラトゥーン です。 マイクラでわからないことありましたら、何かの投稿にコメントつけてください。何でも受け付けます。
scooter tttsmiles
im bereghost
『Lеαƒ AnimeLover64
╰☆╮Welcome╰☆╮ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ❶Welcome to y ②No U ht! ❸Birthday 5-20 ④My name is Lεαƒ ❺Mean=Block/Report! ⑥l DISLIEK iiverse drama ❼I can/will follow anyone. Your skin isn't paper,So Don't cut it. Your face isn't a mask,So Don't cover it. Your size isn't a book,So don't Judge it. Your life is not a film,So don't end it.
Laura beth Beth158
I have prader willi syndrome
Julissa★ july18
Follow me, I always follow back :) Love mario games ‹3
Cassidy Crayzgurl
Hey guys! Welcome to my profile!!!
¤Melanie¤ Muffins_derp
Welcome to my profile. [Note: I rarely come here anymore but I may post some drawings every now and then.] I am just another miiverse user who just draws. And that's pretty much all you need to know. Yeup. Mhmm. I'm bad at jokes.
Franny Franny167
Collin Alt MiiforOldFriends
I'll use this Collin if I'm Perma-banned, because I don't want to lose Special Stuff I have.
~♪λxει♪★ AxelKartWii
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Mini Time 521450
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~~~Zachary zachattack2003
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John john_mii_fan
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Meg♪ theepicninja555
hey guys! im meagan♥ i love drawing and i want to be an animator for disney one day. i also like food hehe οω< sadly i never have time to post anything but i still try my best to stay active! k bye!
Me! Shun.M1999
プロフィールコメントは非公開に設定されています。 はいwいきなりうそつきましたww 顔をポチッとしてくれてありがとうございます!!(^▽^)ゝ ●進撃の巨人クラブやってます!!進撃の巨人好きな人や、興味があるって人はぜひきてください!詳しくはコメントで!!楽しいですよ♪ ●趣味・バス釣り・ジャグリング・歌う事・バイクトライアル・絵を描く事・スポーツ全般・ペン回し・フリースタイルフットボール
vincent vincents-world
hello my name is vincent and i love video games comment a yeah on my post if you like it but the most best game im intrested in is ssb4
Jonathan ultra3dsfan
Danielle Gamelover416
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Jonathan S UltraWiiUFan1
ninja dom dominick7890
Ryan Ryan22468
Hi I am Ryan i sometimes am busy and playing video games so my favorite games are mainly sega games I own a Wii,Wii u,DSI,3DS,3DS xl AND 2DS. Yeah my posts also. post a lot of stuff. I am a huge Sonic Fan!!!!!!! No Swearing Or Potentially Inappropriate Behavior Is Allowed
Michael PlayStationFan11
kimy kimythecuty
hi my name is kimberly, i love to play video games, volleyball, sometimes soccer and making friends. ill exept anybody to be my friend, boys girls young or old i dont care! im very freindly and funny and im a person who always likes to talk no matter what time it is! xoxo ♥♥♥ to all of you guys :D btw, please dont hesitate to ask me to be your friend, ill always say yes!(>^.^)> do the kirby dance!
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Hello everyone i love video games I Have 2 3DS XL A Regular 3DS And A New 3DS XL A PS3 A PS4 A Ma...
Hello everyone i love video games I Have 2 3DS XL A Regular 3DS And A New 3DS XL A PS3 A PS4 A Macbook Air And A Wii U