Wait this was you on GR? SMM Skinny Jeans Fatigue E3F7-0000-0051-11C0
Lyddy's Yeahs

It's still an easily avoidable glitch. And judging by the posts on this community, you are the only one that has encountered it. It's unfortunate that it squeaked through, but I love the game regar...

A Miiverse artist granted a request of mine. It is a mash-up of Sailor Moon and Batman! A drawing that will "Right wrongs and triumph over evil, by the justice of the "meatball headed" locks that f...

Being able to completely customize your weapon sounds like it would ruin the game balance. Can you imagine how ridiculous an E-Liter with a Disrupter and Instrike would be? Or an Octobrush or Carbo...

WOOOOOOAAAHHHH! HEEEEYYYYY! BEEN A WHILE HUH?! How thick was the dust on the Wii U? (^_-) Nice to see you! How is everything? Also(just noticed on your profile), HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Presents? ...
baby, the stars shine bright.