Julian's Followers
Sean seancarroll10
Hello everyone my name is Sean my favourite game is Mario Maker because I love making and playing levels Top 10 wii u games 1 Mario Maker 2 Mario Kart 8 3 Mario 3D World 4 Paper Mario Color Splash 5 Smash Bros 6 Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 7 Mario Bros u 8 Splatoon 9 Wii Party u 10 Nintendo Land
buddy rieserfm
hey guys! im happy your here!! i want to get 100 followers before the end of miiverse! can u help me!? here are things about me. i love swimming and baseball. my favorite food is muffins and i think this world should be all peaceful and to have everybody to be who they want to be without worrying about being judged. MV best friends, danyninga, diamond boy, sam+wiiu=!, victoria and cw☆xaiver!!! BYE
jannis ★★★ Jannis-lucPawlik
Zurix Zurix_Maker
Hello Guys!I'm Zurix I live in Germany.
MC'Chaeter Feuergurke
Danke das ihr auf meine seite gegangen seid. entschuldigug wenn ich was poste und komisch namen gebe usw, mein Gampad war kaputt . ! zu eigenlichen Tehma lieblings Spiele: Mario kart 8, super mario maker und splatoon. wäre cool wenn ich noch ein paar freunde kriegen würde :) Euer Mc'cheater :) :) :)
joel mastershow
Hey Guys!My name is Joel and I live in Germany.
Gianny Giannylee
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;3; 438736
Deutscher Nintendo Liebhaber mit einer Leidenschaft für Musik und Mariogames. Best games: Super Mario Maker, LoZ BotW, SMW, SM64 Nintendo prägt meine Kindheit und wird nie in Vergessenheit geraten.
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
☆авву★•ω•» lobaba
im♥a♡ωħαıε★lol im º1.00.000.000º or aka ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ¹ ² ³ aka★αвву☆●ω●
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
Zαсж Sεβα☆ sebasanjorge
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Icay 89927thomas
Super Mario Maker! ♥
Sky Sky_Blackquill
Sup, I'm a 15 yo German boy, who bought a Wii U for no reason and now doesn't really know what to do with said console. I mainly play Mario Maker and might get making soon.
Jonas smb1hujo172
Hello, I'm Jonas and like mario and his family, rayman, party games and trine. I'm a young kaizo fan and like it to create and play mario maker kaizo levels. If you like to have a round mario kart 8 I like to be part of it.;)
alan alanowensilas
PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷ Eth_1123
Hello Mııverse!!!!! I'm ξτнαπ. I'm diligent and nice!!! I'm just a 11 year old boy who has autism, but lives a normal, happy life. Bans: 0 Reported Miis : 1 I Have a Switch Clans: MКЯ ιξr Hobbies: • Playing Mario • Ragdoll Cats! • Our awesome clan МКЯ! (MarioKartRacing) (6th Worldwide best time holder at Wuhu Mountain Loop [Maka Wuhu] (MarioKart 7) Я.I.P Miiverse 2012-2017 - PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
mat cmachado1974
olá meus eu chamo-me mateus,quere-me conhecer? eu gosto da cor azul,e tenho 7 anos e tenho o recalbox (es){rasberypi] JOGOS ★★★★★★★★★★★ INTELEGENTE ★★★☆☆ JOGO FAVORITO super mario maker BRINCALHÃO ★★★★★
ZXGFurkan Furkar
Hi◆Ich☆Heiße★Furkan♥Oder●ZaroxKiinG★Ich▲Spiel♡Minecraft♥Und●Super■Mario♥Spiele▲Ich♡Habe★Eine★Nintendo☆Switch♥Und◆Eine♥Nintendo☆Wii U★Und★Noch♡Eine◆PS3■Ich▼Spiele♥Auch♡Lego★Spiele●Z.B☆Lego♥World◆auf♡Nintendo■Switch★Und★Lego♡City★Undercover●Das♡Ist▼Cool▲Ich■Heiße♥In☆Minecraft★ZXG[]Furkan▲Ihr♥Siet■Mich Beim★Server◆Ich♥Bin☆★12▲Jahre●Alt◆Und◆Ich▼Habe■Am▼30.12.2004♪Geburtag♡Gehabt♥Und☆Dan Schönen★Tag .
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
Zac Attac Stinki_Luigi
I'm A Gamer And Love Games Too! i am also the hugest the legend of zelda fan, and i love the legend of zelda series!!!! it's my favorite of all time!!!!
Terry fuller406
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 nin.andrew22@gmail.com Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
WAOH coochman101
i give yeahs!my first system is Wii.my favorite game is miiverse! my favorite pokemon is snorlax.my freinds are Fab-Loso and Ben. you can be my friend too!my first game is new super mario bros wii.kyle is my friend too!
theo☆pro Theo-p123
Gαгετн® kaboodle
Hello! I'm just a 13 year old waisting his life in his basement I mainly play Super Mario Maker, Smash Bros., and Splatoon, but I play a few other games on occasion. STOP FRIENDING ME TO ASK IF I HAVE MINECRAFT!! I DON'T HAVE IT!! Thank you guys for almost 200 Follows. No blank friend requests, please No Wii U Chat. At all. Ever. Josh, I'm looking at you. That's about it. Bye.
ウコン(バジリスク) hinaryu
Supermann1 SebastianStein01
Hallo ich bin Supermann1 (mein spitzname) ich bin cool und ich spiele gerne Super Mario Maker :-D und ich bin immer in der Schule und Schule ist schwer und die lehrerin gibt immer Hausaufgaben auf "wenn die lehrerin was auf gibt hab ich kopfweh. Und ich hab ein Fernseher in meine zimmer :-]
Cing Cingrouille
lukas train58
Hey there people! I play a lot of Mario kart 8 and my name is Lukas on Mario kart 8 and mine :)
bowzer1789 nemesus
hello i am bowza nice to meet ya!! i play pokemon go mario maker and lots more! i have great courses on super mario maker be sure to check them out!! and star them to!! i am kinda good at music on mario maker. i have a friend named snowman 96 he plays mario maker to!!play his courses to!
Nico Baumboy
Hi wie geht's euch?
Dexter dexter96pkmn
Pokemon-Fan seit 2006
roranger Roranger125
Ohh Hi im Roranger And I LOVE xenoblade chronicles x and maybe you do too. Ij open to accept friend requests and Im fine to chat about Video Games btw I play mario Maker and maybe you do too hmmm...
lisa piscine45
Profile comment hidden by admin.
karel karelbethune
Hi , I 'm Karel 'm 12 years I do I want to be one of the best makers of Mario maker like to make new friends miiverse and welcome to my profile
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
るーくん Haruna-0511Rui
WAZZUP ITS YA BOI LANNY AKA MILK ES HELTHE! IM USIN A FORMAT FOR MA PROFILE DECRIPTION THAT IVE SEEN ON 20 USER PROFILES!! *flips table* ... ...... *puts table back* ... um... what else to put here.... oh yeah ill accept any friend requests, no wii u chat, i dont have minecraft etc etc etc IM GONNA DIE IN 15 MINUTES ONE FOLLOW = ONE PRAYER (insert other misleading statement here)
SpookyMilk rainytacos
Ay yo boiz is me, EMMM SEEE MALK! I'm just here on Miiverse because I have nothing else to do! DONT 4GET TO SMASH DAT FOLLOW BUTTON CUZ I DONT POST ANYMORE!!! xDXDxdDXxddDD (kill me) I mean, what else can you do other than following? Contribute to society? .... Yeah, that's what I thought. (now accepting friend requests on this account + switch account (SW-0979-3282-9980))
Rou =^-^= lulujuwe
Hi ich bin Rou (ich heiße in wirklichkeit nicht so) Sachen die ich liebe : Anime,Mangas,Delfine,Schokolade und Burger ;). Lieblings Anime: Free iwatobi swim club,love chunnibyou and other delusion,Noragami usw. ^-^ hobbys: Zeichnen und (ist zwar kein wirkliches hobby aber): ESSEN ;} !! Ich hoffe ihr habt einbisschen was über mich erfahren. Vielen lieben dank fürs Lesen
snowman 96 2016Jacob
what's up i have a friend NEMESIS he has great courses he is great at gameing he is the best maker i know! my name is tommy my profile is weardguy CG i am bad at gameing but Nemesis Can help me! i like mario smash bros 49 more so duse NEMESIS! you can find me and NEMESIS on mario maker! star us pliz!!!!
★Tø⇔ΣG⇔MØ★ vg-MK8
Salut à tous c'est Mario Game j'ai 15 ans et mon prénom est Valentin ! Je joue à Mario Kart 8 où je fais parti de la team Tø (Toad øutpost) et Super Mario Maker où je fais surtout des niveaux du genre automatiques ! J'ai déjà la Nintendo Switch mais comme une bonne partie de mes "amis virtuelles" ne l'on pas encore je continue de jouer à la Wii U !
Hi everyone, I'm a Mario Maker addict from Germany. My name is Julian and I love making and playi...
Hi everyone, I'm a Mario Maker addict from Germany. My name is Julian and I love making and playing levels