Danny's Followers
DaddyChris Crist_Heiser
Ouch my face! Hi there! I'm Crist im 21 yrs old and I live in El Salvador. I've been videogame fan since I was very little, the very first videogame I played was Metal Slug on the arcades and my very first console was the Super Nintendo. I freaking love Nintendo and it's IPs specially Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. I also like anime, Vivan las lolis.
Byrontall TheMGamer1200
Hey guys its TheMGamer! I play Splatoon and Mario Kart! I look for new friends and followers! So lets go play
TYLER jaymondbonnie
hey im janelle i love cats and dogs
Țśƒ∞エリック™ jarjar2
HULLO!welcome to my profile! I hope u yeah and comment visit my alt account nnid walrusvampire13 for more comedy and cool screenshots!
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
DPRobertz CloakQuill987
Brenda BrendaG15
♡Biology is Life♥ Sarcasm always intended ;) Isn't that ironic? (That was rhetorical) «RANDOMNESS♥FOREVER»
†|Føx|† juli_cst
steckbrief über mich:Alter16 name:Julian lieblings youtuber:dner,mr fs,destinycst,emrah und janzockt schaut mal bei den vorbei :-)
Dasha ILoveMudkipz
RIP Miiverse! Will miss this place... I love pokémon and Kirby! In fact, I love them a little too much... Also, I am the grammar Nazi leader of the "I before E, except after C" Reich, Favourite Kirby game: Superstar (I haven't played Superstar Ultra yet, but I want to!) Favourite Pokémon game: Platinum (For nostalgic reasons)
jordanny JordannyRB
ºůсhεº chiefkings
Hello, I am Uchenna call me Uche for short. B day : Christmas (no joke #Belive me) (Splatoon) Rank: S + 30 Reached 4-16-17 (Splatoon) Level 50 (Splatoon) Fav Weapon:Custom Eliter 3k Scope Clans im in GS сω★ I joined Miiverse: January 9 2016 Peace ■º■
Jayven jval1124
OзO Topboy797
You can call me "The Disappearing Act" Because Im Here for a seccond then Im Gone :/ Oh ummmm... NOPE ._.
DE King King_of_all_swag
I I'm DE King But Here's Something About Me... ☆My Favorite Anime Is★ Attack On Titan Naruto Dragon Ball Z Tokyo Ghoul My Favorite Game Is... Super Smash Bros.U Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Splatoon ●My Favorite Color Is● Purple Black
◆★Кøаłа◆★ LeeKitty57
hi everyone i am OctoLee and im Squidlee (Frisk) if you guys are nice to us i will be nice to you ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ and NO WII CHAT>_< and I like to be friends with any one and im a squid partyer and go check my squidpartyer friends and i will always be online♡♡ but anyway see ya later stay Fresh to all inkling and octoling♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡<3
Daniel 4skomolio
King of cringe, memer of the emoji movie, Marie fan, and the worst Clash of Clans player in the world. I cringe to musically, bad intros (thanks MrBeast), Arena 1 players of Clash Royale, and myself. If you want to know what I'm talking about, go see my old posts, they're TERRIBLE.
nikolas nikolasblood
hey i am good at gaming so maybe we can play together for fun because friendship
Z makkirby124
hi! i wish that we can all get along! ;)
Taleow freddytree
Keep it up with those poke' puns kids lets see who could get the better score on pikmin,or play bayonetta 2, super smash bros., or Splatoon sometimes The symbol of my life (☆) just trying to fill space right now What is the meaning of my wife Atleat I got you to read to the end
Lanie kl3av3rs
Hello! I am not on much. But I talk when I get on. :-) I like many things, and dislike very few things, except certain foods and when people don't try to listen or be kind. But am open minded!
☆Sonikku☆ SonikkuLuver
Hey! My name is Rachel. I'm 18 and in highschool n' stuff. I mostly play Splatoon, SSB4 and tons of Sonic games (hence my pen name). My hobbies include sleeping, as if I don't have a essay due the next day, and drawing. Sooo don't be a stranger! Talk to me! ★I don't do wiiU chat 'cause I'm ugly and I would scare you away :)★ ☆Shoot me a friend request if you dare☆
joshrocker JDog310
Hi, my name is joshrocker. My favorite Wii U game is Hyrule Warriors. My favorite 3Ds game is Kirby Planet Robobot. Something you should know is that i love drawing on miiverse. STAY FRESH. I enjoy reading, drawing/coloring, playing videogames and chess, sports, music (i play saxaphone) love fun #josh4pres.
Dr Destiny jakeandsue736
love splatoon and I'm a part of the A.M.C.G that means im a cop lol I'm Also in the anonymous group and the derpy club
MiereMiere WildHetonchere
Hello I am 12 years old and I really Enjoy Bayonetta and Pokemon and Monster hunter 4 Enjoy your Stay
AsheeSketc AshiaCat
link coolguydiego
DatC yummyfajita
Danny DannyBoyy5
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Ģŕęχίтø foxione12
-Why Fear Death Just Because You Know The Song Will End Is That Any Reson Not To Listen-You May Tire Of Me As Our December Sun Is Setting Because Im Not Who I Used To Be-Love Is Watching Someone Die So Whos Gonna Watch You Die-Lights Will Guide You Home And Ignite Your Bones I Will Try To Fix You-People Change Memorys Dont-To Those iv Wronged Lets Play One More Song-The Past Is Just That-
Megnutt SuperNamrac
Shared account with my Boyfriend. I love to draw, play video games, and squid around in Splatoon! I'm really sorry, but I can't accept anymore random friend requests at this time! Not only am I filled up, but all my friends are active! Animal Crossing New Leaf Dream Address: 5300-2147-5170
Torchic Torchic007
Hey guys! What's up? My name is Torchic as my profile obviously says. You may have to delve deeper to find my real name. Anyway I post fan fiction. Since it's summer I will probably be on Miiverse more. That means I will may post an extra chapter or two a week! I am currently working on a Splatoon story, but the next one will be Metroid Prime, Scraps. I do accept friend requests but no chats.
Best part of life is the funny. Find that way to make yourself laugh and smile everyday :D Anime saved my life Zelda centers my soul ▲▼▲♥♥♥ Manga creator Smash Characters- Roy, Sonic, Link, ZeroSuit Samus, Lucina, ToonLink An Corrin♀ Hair changes color, red, blonde to brown 5' 11" Steel Blue eyes with golden amber ♂148lbs. Love Autumn, the colors an cool air I like to be Silly, not off putting :D
Patrick IKEDragon64
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justbone 06Justice15
jdog boysjordev
i am handsome
crazuwu AustinMHorner
Yo its ya boi Rokui here! Favorite video games: Splatoon,FE Fates, and SSB4 Favorite Animal: Foxes Favorite Anime: SAO Drawing is life оωο otaku θεθ BAKA!!!!!!!!!!!
ghost~comb altMike2891
Hallo My name's Michael, and I'm 17 I really like art and music, and games with good vibes Things are complicated, so let's try to understand I wish you the best
ez minecraftpro05
love almost every game if you send me the name of a game i will definitely try it out when i can
Angi~☆ Purpadunkle
‹««Welcome to my home page»»› • I love to draw, I just don't draw very often • • Currently have 58 amiibo • • I watch some anime & cartoons • • I'm very friendly, just don't upset me • • I own a dog, thats it • • My favortite hobby is video games • • I'm a short person, and I love being short • • And, umm... idk... have a nice day • yo i've got a Switch now so... :)
I have green hair.
But thats neither here nor there.