Users LANDEN Is Following
Swan♪ SlipperySwan123
Heya! I'm Swan. I'm yet another user here on miiverse. I sometimes do drawings and love role playing.
Game King ShadowStar9
Message to my friends: please see my latest post. And hurry. NOTE: I know Miiverse is coming to an end, and I am upset about that. Regardless, I feel I should let people know that even in the midst of this apocalyptic scene, I DO NOT ACCEPT RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS FROM TOTAL STRANGERS, SO KINDLY STOP.
*Mopu* saxz_1
Youngm.a raesreummend
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Ruben Rubenvirjencobar
hola esperoque telapases biemn
Aidan AidanInferno
SUP PEEPS!! :D I love playing SSB4 on 3DS and meh Wii U. I also have PS4, Regular DS, PS3, Wii, annd so on. I also have 17 Amiibos.
Sonic TheOriginalSonic
Hi, I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I'm am against Mario. If you want to join the Sonic team, give me a follow. You're too Slow! I'm in a tuxedo for Miiverse's funeral. #SAVEMIIVERSE #TEAMSONIC
τκz★Kaiden kaidendadude
ThE EnD iS aLmOsT HeRE... Thank you for Supporting me and following me these past Months It means A Lot to Me... Here are my Best freinds that I will Miss:JT Moose, Nicole, Sienna, Stargirl, Jon303, Tj, And Charles My favorite Games are:Mk8 Splatoon And Minecraft Favorite Nintendo Switch Games:Super Mario Odessy, Splatoon 2 And Mario + Rabbids Kingdom battle. Follow4Follow #SaveMiiverse!
emi 116☆… alejandro.zarco
quien es de México
#Ugly Mii xRainbow-Village
Alexander lolcoolj21
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
PAPA 12bobo
hello tout le monde je m appel olivier et je viens d alsace j adote l univers du cheval et je fais des concours et j aime aussi les autres animaux descender abonner vous sa va me faire plaisir
Noah Noah-Phil
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☆Squ¡ďLęτ☆ nate_teno
junior s38764
Hola a todos gamers, juego favorito:DRAGON BALL Z EXTREME BUTODEN , DEMO¨ Y FULL ¨VERSION¨
Snootz Snootz
slender arcticchill
Luca German_smyl_guy
Ich heiße luca und spiele [Minecraft.Zelder und noch viele andere spiele . Spiel doch mit mir und hab Spaß XD . Jede Freundschaftsanfrage finde ich cool. Wen ihr mir Folgt dan Zeigt es doch mit nem Yesr lb luca
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
ネコかき kazuki2038
うPぬしが死んだら#9(終) 9人の戦士 愉快 そろそろあれだな ??? そうね ???ほんとだね 愉快 いくぞ 縁と御影と揶揄と性子と坂と霊魔と愉快と杞憂としゃー 柿 たのんだぞ ようむ 9にん合体した!? ゆみる 旋盤(パラソルスターーク) 影 デュアア- 9にんはもとにもどった。 悠 なにこれ ポチッ これは死んだあとのメッセージだ 生き延びろ 完
Vinayak#42 Vinayak2002
Had a great 4 years on miiverse, sad to see it go but looking forward for what the future holds for me. Thanks for everything guys ♥️ Top 10 favorite games 1: Splatoon 2 2: Animal Crossing NL 3: Minecraft 4: Lego Dimensions 5: SSB4 6: Fifa 17 7: MK8 deluxe 8: Undertale 9: Pokémon Y 10: MK7 Thanks for 2023 followers man!
Anthony leangela13
Haiiii I love playing Pokemon and Zelda! I am willing to trade and battle even though I am not that good but I am a good sport! I like anime and design. Don't hesitate to say something to me ^-^
Ms.Marvel Peter_Yee
ハンバーガー genozekuto
littleD lildarnell
Rλ☆Titi aparahoo
All I have to say is "If there are no heroes,become one yourself" Yeah I know not much of a profile comment.... Dunno how I have 600+ followers I don't deserve them
Yeah Angel realYeahAngel
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********** justuszellner
hi im 18 and iplay theese games - bendy and tye ink machine mk8 minecraft mario tennis also i have a wierd game pad so sometimes it messes up XD
ケイ NintendoKei
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