Valentin B's Friends
MekeritoMV SparkBelle17
Hello, it all started yesturday night when i got here! i am a designer for mii's worldwide. I will mostly post different things everyday and will mostly post stuff from Super Mario 3D World and mostly play Mario Kart 8. Friend me for tips and play Mario Kart 8 with me! i do not like messages with inappropriate and bad words in it. I am a big nintendo fan. Join TEAM Nintendo by friending me :)
muratti muratti09
hey aus berlin einfach melden grins
яƒ•Lυcα Luca_060203
Hi. My name is Luca. I live in Germany ( Bavaria ) I'm 13 y/o ♂ Clan: яƒ I hope you follow me. I speak engish and German
Weezy WeFoundLarry
Hey, I'm Weezy! I'm 20 years old and like playing games from Super Mario Bros to Lego Dimensions. Feel free to challenge me to a Mario Kart battle/race, if you feel brave enough! ;)
Lil Pony MimiAndMomo
Hellooo ♡
Otaku-chan nathanvrioux
Au revoir... Peut-être qu'un jour on se croisera :] J'ai passé de merveilleux souvenir sur miiverse!!! :) 30/12/2015 Je vous aime ♡•♡ C'est l'heure de nous laisser... Bye :(
cool ibrahimberkan
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lil vivico vevico
salut ses lévi jai 15 ans vous allée bien les potos mdr rejoigner la team G&K chanson:saïk, rhiana work , drake, niki minaj ,kérosène, kalash, black m ,maitre gims et dacha i like snapchat dur dur.. je taime bebe♥♡jsuis au CREPS de guadeloupe ,footballeur a jouer au C.A.M jsuis attaquant,milieu gauche et droit !!! a +++ MERCI A MES ABONNER ET AMI(E)S
★…CΘÐA…★ MelanieJLC9
☆ The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you ☆ -Rumi I am the 2%...expressive little redhead-> WYSIWYG ♀ ♥ PLUR girl ♥ Music & dance are easily my biggest passions ♪ Keep your body, playlists & friends tight Jealousy is a disease…get well soon You keep me safe, I'll keep you wild! ♡ And though she be but little, she is fierce -Shakespeare
AO Sorey42 Paupo42
At☆Guyxo Guy-Do456
salut je suis très fort au jeu vidéo oh n'oubliez pas de me défier Et abonez vous ♥ Si vous voulez faire parti de mon groupe je suis le chef du clan TR☆et I'm french J'ai la NEW 3DS ce qui est sur je suis très sympa et je déteste les femmelles agaçantes OK a part (Silvia) ma ptit amie , je rigole ;-) et ne m'harcele pas OK Sinon ..... tu le sauras bientôt ;-)
Thib ThibetThibaud
Hey ! Je suis Thib, le deuxième compte de Thibaud!
Akashi Kagami0710
Salut les gens je suis pas vraiment un pro a super smash bros mais maintenant je joue Roy
∞☆Speedy☆∞ nireorange
м¢ ςqυîdς ToastedApplez
Leanne ♥ Hey Squids here! A 16 year old gamer who enjoys watching thomas the tank. I like anime too lul
DaddyLD DaddyLongD
********** justuszellner
hi im 18 and iplay theese games - bendy and tye ink machine mk8 minecraft mario tennis also i have a wierd game pad so sometimes it messes up XD
Karpi Magikarp_888
lynk OnniLynk
Salut tous le monde , je suis un joueur de Smash bros et j'ai une chaine Yt : OnnyLynk ! aller faire un tour;)
Bdr LuffyBae
Thomas FieryMarioBlue2
Hi, I'm a 19 yr old boy. Shy in person, calm & collected. I like dragons, to help people & I want to express myself in poetry and art. I love Nintendo, Yoshi, Music & playing with friends. Aim for a positive life! :) Communication=respect, relief & truth. Twlff8r DragonRuler97 Distco7d FieryMarioBlue#4191
Consti Consti.11
hi lool
ViperGirl★ ViperGirl8
Querid@s amig@s MIIVERSE esta llegando a su fin :'-( Ya no será lo mismo , ya no habrá comentarios ni post . Y de opinar sobre las jugadas , por que no unas risas . En fin que no será lo mismo sin MV . ♥♥♡♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♡♥♥
☆Alwin☆ AlwinGroeneveld
Howl7 Howl19
Hi guys! Enjoy at Max this AWESOME WORLD! Age: 23. Favourite Wii U game: Mario Kart 8. 200cc fan! Now playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Super Mario Maker.
AR★ƒĹÃ$Ħ exemple972
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JOANGAMER joanpons
Me llamo Joan y tengo 19 años soy fan de nintendo y sony muy buenas empresas, para mi el mejor juego de wii u -mario kart 8 y smash bros De sony the last of us, uncharted y gta 5 Videoconsolas que tengo Sony- Play 1,2,3 · Nintendo- Nintendo ds lite, dsi, 2ds, gameboy advanced sp, wii, wii u, SNES· - Mencantan mucho las videoconsolas, leer comics y me gusta jugar al ajedrez. ;) agriegarme.
It'z Anto! antonio411
°•˘★Welcome To My Profile★˘•° Wii U Games: #NewSMBU #NewSLU #SonicLostWorld #SonicBoom #SM3DW ⇔ #MarioKart8 & #SmashBros • Mains of Smash Bros: Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina, Roy, Lucina & Palutena. • I'm 18 & I ♡ videogames, music, hang over, ETC... xD • I don't Wii U Chat. (Depends) • I play Online Mario Kart 8 & Smash Bros. 4 • Follow Me & I Follow You. ♥ • Thanks! ♥
Trik KXD_Lee
Hi there visitor! Welcome to my profile! Here are some of the video game franchises I like: * Mario Kart * Super Smash Bros. * Final Fantasy * Kingdom Hearts * Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors Also, please feel free to send me a friend request! Thanks for visiting! :D
Hello! I'm the KING with BOSS style IVAN. Be better every day and remember to smile. Rey de mi mundo y estas invitad@ si puedes ser honest@. Juego videojuegos desde peque Ser humano único y sincero Pokemon, SSB, TLOZ, Mario, Metroid, SF y + I choose to be happy RIHANNA is my wife :D Age:25 Fenix Soul You bless me from up above ☆ IDEAR Honesty 1000% Miibattle winner x5 and top3 x7 ¦˜\/¤\/˜¦ Crown!
Christian christian250995
Sσuleater◆ pooki3poo
Hi I'm zavier Anime is the best my favorite one on netflix is soul eater.ü note: I like pokemon! , I have green hazel eye color. best friends warlord,henryosh jackie,elliot, pirlo8yuu and enrico and john ^•^ I like fnaf I like song simbles and diamond stamps. I'm a fan of stampylongnose!! brb :{} lol don't yeah then unyeah my posts Also no requesting then deleteing me its rood! so bye!
JustinX69 JustinX69
Hallo...! Ich freue mich, dass IHR auf mein Nutzer seit. Wenn mir jemand eine FA sendet, werde ich mich sehr freuen und ich nehme sie bestimmt auch an... xD Ich spiele MK8 und wenn ihr mal Lust habt, dann koennen wir mal zusammen spielen! ( ^ . ^ ) EUER JustinX69...
K☆94 1994kdw
К8★ραρα 55 papa38780
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Flüff 1974 Pink_n_Fluffy
Hello - I'm Fluffy/Elizabeth & I'm 42 years old! ♥ I'm married to my wonderful husband - we have 4 furry babies a.k.a. cats. ♥ I Battle in Mario Kart 8 - I eventually managed to get 10,000 BR! ♥ Happy Battling! ♥
Dumak nbl777
★Karma Biscotte-grillee
Hi ! I am a French player. Fan de Mario Kart depuis sa création et des Legend of Zelda ! MK8 : +78000vr - 150★200cc ☆☆☆ MKWii : 9999vr ☆☆☆ SMK : SCR Mario Or 150cc No TT ☆ Vr regular ww with my Friends. Zelda BOTW 100% Completed ★Expert★ Hyrule Warriors 100% Completed ★Héroïque★ Zelda TP HD 100% Completed ★Héroïque★ Subclan : MIB★яƒ Team : Tø★К8☆150cc☆ YT★KarmaRotto★
Tobi Letzte-Legion
zulus zulumba
fred24 fred024
Pourquoi lorsque je joue a mario kart g toujours la sensation davoir les plus mauvais cadeaux ..... grrrrrrr
χιιιSεπgισ chimiflu
็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ ๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊๊ ็็็็็็็็็็็็
den Den041
Nintendo-League -*-
Nick Nikos1997
Hello to everyone! I currently play Super Smash Bros. The end. Other than support a few noteworthy users, like SeaSunSmasher97, you'll almost never see me using Miiverse.
Mαπια★GT3™ Mariajcs
Olá a todos! Hello everyone! ˙˘˙ I'm a Mario fan. Why? Hum... He have a good mustache... NO! LUIGI IS THE NUMBER 1!-- Now without jokes... I'm a big Nintendo fan and you can find me at some online game! *^* I speak/write portuguese, english and spanish (I'm a little bad in spanish.. ^^"). #Savemiiverse
Pyryn AirNinja
cedric cedriclol
BamBamNick menturia
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SL SLeetoc
♪Båkåkn♪ Bakaa-Neko
Hi everyone, sorry for not posting so much but I just bought the Switch & school take me so much time so I didn't really have the time to play with my Wii U.... Have a nice day !
Shockvalue Shockvalue_5591
ANDREAS akamaka98
META KNIGHT in Smash!!!
Kingdom971 kingdomhearts971
NUJABES Nujabes_93
if you like smooth video games ( survival horror, J-RPGs...) good music ( nujabes, Jdilla, pete rock, J-pop...) or decent anime ( full metal alchemist, samurai champloo, shingeki no kyojin...), then we're meant to be friends ^^. by the way, nihongo ga wakaru ka ?
Seven Nousite
Welcome! Huge Seinfeld fan hence Seven. Jerry on George wanting to name a child Seven: “Seven? Yeah, I guess I can see it: seven periods of school, seven beatings a day. Roughly seven stitches per beating and eventually seven years to life.” Listening to: Modest Mouse~Float on “The struggle of maturity is to recover the seriousness of the child at play” Nietzsche
IK♪Deidaaa Lugia_98
YF et IK. R.I.P WII U Goodbye Miiverse. </3
βσσSησω★ NieveSnow
º• Welcome to my profile •º I'm BooSnow Asabay, a girl born in the 97's. Drawing has been a hobby since my childhood but am not an expert, as you may see... I usually draw when there's spare time at University (which isn't to much ^^") Something else to mention is my experience in some videogames such as SSB or MK8, but as allways there are people better than me. ♥ Kuroi Pitto
Δd4Σсв00__ Liinktri
Buenaas gente soy de Barcelona, tengo 17 años y ya sabes lo que dicen de los que tienen 17 años ehh... no dicen nada :( Juegos favoritos: Zelda OoT / Metroid Prime Viciando a The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild en SWITCH :") no me enrollo mas ;") mersi por pasaros por aqui ^^ ¡Es obligatorio echar una partidilla cuando hay tiempo! ;p
βω★•♪øžίει CPU2XC
Welcome! * I'm Oziel (オシエル)! MK8 Stats: * VR: 99999 ⇒ 26/03/2016 - 5:25 PM * BR: 99999 ⇒ 16/12/2015 - 1:57 PM * WVR: 7th Worldwide | 1st Mexico Smash 3DS / Wii U Stats: * Ike & Cloud (Preferred) Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Stats: * Session 1 ⇒ 16/07/2016 - 1:45 PM * Session 2 ⇒ 01/01/2017 - 9:15 PM Splatoon Stats: * Level: 50 ⇒ 24/05/2016 - 1:30 AM * Rank: S+ 99 ⇒ 21/01/2017 - 3:50 PM
Toon. Link Dorian13
Profile comment hidden by admin.
BabyDaniel clayson11
Hey everyone! Im Matt! I play mainly Mario Kart 8 online always. I love a skilled challenge..."what can i say, its great". If you happened want to be friends, go ahead but please NO Wii U Chat! Have a great day everyone!
ºAηαshº Anash78
White Jedi msmaq321
Hi I'm Ashleigh, I'm 14. Bday 9/10 Favorite games: Mk8, swbf and coc. Thanks for the 430+ followers! Follow 4 a follow I DON'T WII U CHAT. I'm a christian. Likes: Animals, horseback ridding and nice people. Dislikes: mean\rude people and yogurt. Mood: sad :( Relationship status: noyb ;) ♥ Crush:________ Kind ★★★★☆ Caring ★★★★☆ Hot ★★☆☆☆ sporty ★★★★☆ smart ★★★☆☆ shy★★★☆☆ mean★☆☆☆☆ Online
Antho Rimbaud59
Jonathan spongerbob
Jimmy MarioKart2548
Hello, my name is James!
Čκ★Кαмαгι« Kamari12501
Hai. I'm Kamari the Ultima I'm 15! I'm a boy I play smash, splatoon, pokemon and kirby alot Signature Pokemon: Gallade & Darkrai I'm random with stuff in games. I care for my for my friends! clans: ■»BG«■ PĀ Čκ Pokken Rank: Ultima Splatoon Level: Ultima Splatoon Rank: A+ We will be leaving for parts unknown very soon... thank you for staying with me for all this time...
☆¢hτøηε☆ chtone
Zach Blankzephyr
Well, it's the end, y'all. Had a good time, but it's time to move on. Take care, everyone.
Colin Pitypoo2
Hello! I may have a weird username but it gives me a universal username. Otherwise i'm just that weird 17 year old guy that loves video games and other technology. For online games, I have Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, Mario Kart 8, Smash, MH3U, Xenoblade X, NFS: MW U, and pokken for Wii U and for 3DS, I have MK 7, Pokemon X & OR, Smash, MH4U, zelda: TF, kid icarus uprising, and FE:F
Zheoferyth Billy1472
Miiverse ends soon. To everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting here, may we meet again someday, somewhere. Bio: College student in engineering. Will start to specialise in Software Engineering starting next year. If everything goes as planned, I'm going into Interactive Systems. I love video games and am more familiar with Nintendo games in general, but I do like others as well!
SteveØ trixxytrix
αωτ★аиïςς anissdu44
my name is Aniss i'm 15 i love manga,tv shows and video games ! favourites mangas:One piece,Naruto,dragon ball z,death note... favourites wii u games:mario kart 8,ssb,pikmin 3,dktf,splatoon... I'am the blood of the dragons ;) SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLATSPLATOON ;) My teams: αωτ,mkg mk8 : 14 000 vr 10000 br Splatoon: lvl 50 rank S+(27/02/2016.1h40pm)
Geoffray G30FFR4Y
Hello and welcome to my Miiverse profile ! My name is Geoffray. You can follow me to keep in touch with my game activities. My main Wii U games are : ⇒ Assassin's Creed III ⇒ Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ⇒ Call of Duty: Black Ops II ⇒ CHILD of LIGHT ⇒ LEGO Marvel's Avengers ⇒ Mario Kart 8 ⇒ Rabbids Land ⇒ Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ⇒ WATCH_DOGS ⇒ ZombiU
WatchRC9GN mrjoon
Hey! :) Please watch Randy Cunningham on Disney XD! It's a great series with a lot of morals,innuendos,plot&more! We're in need of your help, many views and a third season!! Please help a fellow show out!! It means so much for so many people!!! Each help is appreciated and it would be more than helpful when you leave the TV on at that time!! :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Wii U for ever!♪
Darumi Rhydas
Hi there, I'm Darumi. And I am a ruin~ My fave games so far are; Triforce Heroes, Splatoon & Smash Wii U. Also, if you were wondering: my main is Ness. I've also managed to get Pikachu, Ness & Kirby Amiibo too. I have Nintendo Switch!!! Add me! SW-1089-6841-7799 Let me know if you wanna play a game together - I'm always up for buddies!
Kiroky™ Kiroky