Vinny's Followers
lassale lassale974
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PumpkinMan hydra-NO.2
Online activity XXXXXXXXXXXXX Hello! you can call me Jay.Let me tell you some things about Me.I am a boy I love sports,dogs, cats, and drawing I rage alot.lm a experienced gamer.You need tips,look at me.Please be nice to me. Games on WiiU+Xbox360 MK8,Splatoon,smash,Mc,NFS,dragon ball Rage blast2,Minec story,Narroto 100 folowers is dream Im not at YT point yet
chara 088002
monkeyking Monkeyking329
Paweł lilka2010
I like fnaf
SWAGNathan Is_u_sure_123
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SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
With R&T ryuaoi
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ĶЯ»Trey angustrangusmoo
hi my name is Trey my nickname at school is angus or trangus plz friend me. i like moose milk. i mosty play fifa 13 and splatoon im in 6th grde now Hi i want to be friends plz friend request me
Tony tonycatlover
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
☆★Ryan☆★ TerboyplazGamez
HI im the real terboy as my ID ****** flipping follow me do not follow the fake one of me
nowell nowell10
Panda♀♂☆†♪ GUMIBEAR55
hi im Lp hope you enjoy my posts I play animal crossing and stuff i also play Hatsune miku project mirai And Stuff i also play splatoon and MC also AC happy home designer AND STUFF go follow my 3Ds acc look in my followers list plz Follow nicole my Bestie and have a wonderful day
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
ふうちやん hugarara
TRINITY catcatgirl21
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ktester ktester
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BigPapa2 TennisGamer236
im a youtuber i work with Octoboy and we make lots of videos an i have minecraft an i make videos with stampylongnose an its fun
christian Young_savage1476
chy yoggie123
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tom kirkclarke
lods of friend
YEAHBQY115 gokussj311541
i played smash bros wii u add me and we will face to face
shaggy shaggy1979
kyle halomastergamer
hi look my my cool page
あいちん akama.aira40150
こんにちは!! 私は、ゲームは初心者で全然できないんですけど、オンラインゲームとかで見かけたら、下手なので応援してください(^-^) ゲームは下手だけど、好きです! よろしくお願いします>< ちにみに、好きなゲーム・よくするゲームはスプラトゥーンです!スプラトゥーンでは「あいちん」という名前でやっています!見かけたら、よろしくです(笑)
tubby.ëxê! xxfreddy5
hi im a big fan of minecraft so im also a fan of fnaf u know so and undertale so you[tube] is a video website i also have a 2ds and i love love love love SLENDYTUBBIES
justin sa23nd24ers52
hi my name is justin
Amber Penguingirl_99
Yayyy thankyou so much everyone for 400+ followers and now I'm going to reach up to 450+ followers because why not! :) anyways thankyou my fellow followers again you're the best! :) :) :)
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
Sheldon Sheldonsd
octavio OrionZ10
jente vamos jogar Disnei
Yo Tout Le Monde C'est Fredo N Et Bienvenue Dans Mon Nouvelle Profil Officielle Sur Miiverse Ici Vous Pouvez Même Voir Mes Vidéo (Comme Super Smash Bros. Mario Kart 8 etc.) Mais Bref Avant J'ai Étais Leader Dans Super Smash Bros. Et Mario Kart 7 J'ai Réussi Dans Tout Les Niveau Bon J'espère Que Ça Vous A Plu Mon Histoire Moi Je Vous Dit A Bientôt Et Bon Gaming ^_^
Luigi Super_Luigi11822
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connor connorwillow
Nyan Cat tekultra
hello im olivia!!!
Ratorix sensei-hu
;-p hi i'm federico no chat please i love minecraft and splatoon friend me! i love bedwars and skywars
joey rinzsuk
i like to play games most of my time so im pretty much a big gamer:) (if you follow me i will follow you)and remember SAVE MIIVERSE
with R&T hic_eric16
小6の男子でーすW よろしく!! すきなあそびはスプラトュ一ンです。 使い手 1、ヒー口ーチャジャ一 2、ボ一ルドマ一カ一 3、リッタ一3Kです 大切なフレンド ~♪にゃん♪~ フレンドリクエスト、フォ口ーどんどんください、かならずかえします メ一ルくれたらすぐ送信します。 フレンドリクエストおくるかも せ一の、アデューwwwwww
KILLSTROKE coolness931
hi my name is nicholas i am 12, and i like videogames and my favorite 3ds game is ice station z and animal crossing new leaf, and also like playing xbox games such as call of duty and minecraft. oh one more thing if you follow me your chance of winning the lottery goes up 99.9% ^_^
nickybear cstehlin
hey guys im nicholas and i love games and books my favorite games are minecraft terraria nintendo land super mario maker super mario 3d my favorite book is Dog man
matty lisa110981
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Mathieu intermath
Bonjour tout le mode ci vous vous abonner a moi je mabonne a vous apare ci ses déjà fait merci ,sur yt ce quils on envie vous pouver vous abonner a tunax 63 dans la video aprendre a faire du mono roue au comentere coucou c'est math ,c'est mon conte alors abonner. vous moi jai 10 ans jai un cont instagram c'es mathieu 6371694534, mon spor prefere c'es le foot
ƒ€£¢→ゆぅゃ←☆ 535353ABC
こんにゃちわ(^∀^) ハロー^^ 優也だお(#-∀-#)♪♪♪♪♪ 世界一のィケィケボーイとは、僕のことだょ スプラはプラべやタグマは、気軽に誘ってねー((♪ マイクラはガチサバ、pvpは、oκだょ 仲間ボシュー フォローしてくれたらぅれしぃな♪返すよ**«»!!学校だるぃ……………………… 宿題だるぃ……………………… ƒ€£¢チームに入ってね♪**…&…** チーム2人 ボシュー 1人入っているょ /シロア\ {スイッチでスプラ2やりたい人は、フレリクに書いてね♪} ホコもヤグラもエリアもB+、、、、 相棒、師匠、弟子、募集
しゅうご syugon1021
Hi my name is Vinny I like to play Minecraft,Zelda,Mario,Five nights at Freddy's and so much more...
Hi my name is Vinny I like to play Minecraft,Zelda,Mario,Five nights at Freddy's and so much more! I only have 9 friends But you can help by Becoming friends with me. And to rap this up I Just wanted say for all you video game players out there, have tons of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!