Rosa 's Friends
ToxicKitty EmoCookieLover
★Voices in my head☆ ☆No Soul★ †Friends† keep a smile on your face σωσ Dreams never come true ×ω× ♥Everyone is my bro bro♡
Elle janel92
Hello! Let's be friends! :]
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Luna Antonella112
hola!!!, como ven este es mi usuario perdon este es nuestro usuario, unete a club pon ajá espero que te guste mi usuario!!! Luna
alex osorio50
Moses NONAMl
Helloo, I'm Nonami, I'm a Christian, I'm from Nomadia, and I like video games. Some of my favorites are Zelda and Smash Bros. I don't post on Sunday. I'll try to post back whenever I can.
Dani gtdsec
Eyyyyyy ~ Yeahbomb, stalk, follow. I don't mind ~Very inactive, but still here... ~And please no random friend requests... ~I'll play ARMS, MK8D, and Splatoon 2. Friend me if ya wanna play... 8) Introvert... Stay Salty
Mirym Mirym14
Hi I like playing games haha I an sure you all do to!!!!!!
Luis Alfredo Gómez González naci el 07/11/1998 tengo 18 años y me gusta dibujar, jugar zelda y halo Animes favoritos: Naruto, Bleach, Evangelion y azuka, jon jou romantica, onichichi, yosuga no sora. Youtubers favoritos: zeltik deadmonster777 parodiadoranimado TOP DE JUEGOS DE ZELDA Breath of the Wild Skyward Sword Twilight Princess Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time A Link to the Past Zelda nes
WUS POPPIN Taymorange
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Chaos◆ mattrocksatgames
hi everyone! my names matt and welcome to my profile! i love to draw on miiverse, for all the great people on miiverse. my favorite game franchises are zelda, megaman, pokemon, crash bandicoot, final fantasy, smash bros, mario and kirby. im also part of the glitch squad, totally awesome people btw. anyway, hope you guys love the drawings and posts i make, love you all! ok, you can leave now...
F.A.L.D 0 thingguy
info about me: favorite game: i'd have to say mario bros. wii because i loved playing it when i was younger it was so memberable and it was the first game i remember playing on my wii. favorite color:green. favorite game character: i'd have to say link. gender:♂ that's all, and remember to follow me p.s. thanks, nintendo i love your game!
zdogzak savatage99
Starfish Starfishjacuzzi
i am a pro.
Timothy BigTim10
im a sega and nintendo fan my favorite sega game is sonic unleashed my favorite nintendo game is Super Smash Bros Please follow
Acreen Loec143
Hey listen! to my goro-story I love Zelda and videogames in general, I like drawing, writing, reading and playing! So if you are up to this kind of things...Just follow me! (^-^)
patrick PatrickDaBoss06
i beat splattoon
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Teeger Pybird
Hello everyone! I am a Teen Gamer who is a HUGE zelda nerd! I play many games and love drawing fan art ;]. I own a NES, N64, Game Boy Advanced, If you need help with any zelda games, just ask, I would be glad to help you. I'm playing: currently, nothing. Yes, I have played classics. Happy Gaming! (i will not wii u chat)
Cameron Mycaruba24
zelda-Chan brookenyack
hi this is is brooke aka zelda loving fanatic!! im 14 and love drawing!!! (^-^) follow me too see more drawings of the legend of zelda!
Jack swordsman899
Name's Jack, few things I like,to play video games,sing,lift,and play cards.I like other things,don't like others not gonna get into much detail.Anyway,a few more things,i'm usually a nice guy,but also a bit off,well that's it,I think,anyway,later
Kat Kat-issodone
Hi! I'm Kat! I'm not all that good with games but I'm learning haha, please be patient with me if we play together. I'll get the hang of it eventually. Currently I'm very much having the hypes for BoTW! I actually managed to get a switch and a copynof the game so I'll mostly be doing that for the next months. Feel free to drop in a comment or a hello! I won't bite (•ω•)♭
Hadi MisterHadi
Personally I respect link because when ever there is trouble he goes and saves Hyrule,young or old . and by way the call me TRIBOY.....Zelda fan since 2009
Alexio Thunderboi4
Hi I'm Alexio, you can call me Alex. I like all sorts of games, my favorites are zelda and the ocarina of time,majoras mask, twilight princess, monster hunter every one of them, yokai–watch, bayonetta, Mario, Assassins creed all of them, Mass Effect,all three of them, UFC ultimate fighter, just to name some off the top of my head. As always I'm looking to meet new friends. Respectful, kind people.
TD Frostwish
NAME: frostwish hatake CLAN: the hatake clan FAN GIRL:FF7, naruto, the legend of zelda, kingdom hearts, pokemon, LIKES: wolves, gameing, drawing, art. STATUS: not very populare...–__– QUOTE: those who dont follow rules and regulatons are considered scum, but those who would abandone one freind, are even lower than that.- Obito uchiha follow me for fan art and i will follow u back.
Bailey MrCrazy665
I guess i can be hard to play games with... i usually win.
Rémi f.Remi
JK juank_3030
marcus MarkyMario10
WELCOME EVERYONE. i'm 17 years old, and i'm trying to get used to the fact that life isn't too bad. like to draw, but only with pencil and paper, sorry miiverse. trying to be an animator so yeah ^ω^ i accept most friend requests and love to chat with people.
Rose Hotrod60405
If anyone wants to talk, you can call me on the wiiu, or message me on miiverse. I just turned 18 yrs. old! I play lots of games, and I play lots of instruments: flute, piccolo, pianos, clarinet, and Xylophones. I love cats and certain types of dogs. I also love Rap music!!! <3
Mike Mike86
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Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been hel...
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...