WaluigiBag's Friends
Dave Dave-O88
Hi! I'm Dave. I'm a fan of all things retro NES and Sega. I like Sonic, Mario, DK, Pac-Man, and Zelda games the most. Follow me and watch my gaming hijinx! I'm currently playing Super Mario 3D Land, DonkeyKong 64, Yoshi's Woolly World, Super Smash Bros, DK Country Tropical Freeze, CastleVania, Super Mario 64 DS, NES Remix and Kirby 64 Thanx for stopping by!
ホテルニューアワジ♪ OOGUI2003
こんにちは 年齢14歳の男子中学生です。バドミントンの部長をやっています A型です よろしければフレンドになって下さい ※ホテルニューアワジ♪とかいてありますが淡路島関係者ではありません。ネタです ミーバースありがとーーーーーーーーーーーーー-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snake waylon_whitmire
Gustavo SmashGu00
EN: It has been three years of pure joy sharing my gaming experiences to all of you on Miiverse. Thank you~ ^_^ Remember, this is not a farewell... This is a "see you soon"~ PT-BR: Foram três anos de pura felicidade ao compartilhar as minhas experiencias de jogo pra todos vocês no Miiverse. Obrigado~ ^_^ Lembre-se, isso não é um adeus... Isso é um "te vejo depois"~ Staaaaaaaaaaay fresh~
впsн Bashes31
Anyone like Amino? Look for me on the following communities. Splatoon Amino BASH Pokémon Amino World_Of_Eeveelutions Minecraft Amino BASH'S WORLD
Steezy.S 2 Steezy.S.wii.u
Hey this is Steezys wii u account! I try to post daily, if not im sorry. Im a animator for 'Bro Squad Animations' I use a Apple mac with a Wacom Intuos and Adobe flash. I also like art ( traditional, cartoon or manga/anime) I love videogames so much, my favourites include Mario,Sonic,Ssb,Splatoon and more. I like sports like Smx'ing, which I have 4 sponsorships in. See ya! :3 F4F
OST14 OrangeShihTzu14
I am OrangeShihTzu14. I'm a Christian who accepted Jesus on March 14th, 2004. I plan on getting a Switch, & Super Mario Odyssey someday. And, I have a Facebook account. You can find me under the name Isaiah Dixon on Facebook.
Pet3rVader PeterVader4
One's life is simply incomplete with an apparent lack of games. A ruthless Sith Lord whos been through it all on Miiverse devoured by the UNSTOPPABLE rampage of the Miiverse Admins. May them have mercy on my banned accounts -PeterVader -PeteVader2 I am nothing but a figment of your imagination. But in terms of gaming, I do have all the 8th gen consoles, WiiU, XB1, PS4, 3DS, PSVita, an avid gamer.
GL-Marlon poocheyana
Welp,Guess this is the end. If anyone wants to talk to me or anything: Discord:Mark#8631 Most used discord server where you can meet me: Miiverse 2.0(https://discord.gg/2Hh9CRC) That's all. Cya in the final hour!
TechnoDash Gerumm
Hi its Gerum and my favorite Nintendo series are Mario, LoZ, Pokemon, ssb, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. I own a clan called Techno Clan and mk8 tournament called Technodash. I need some more friends and i'm a cool person. I just learned Spanish! Hola, soy Gerum y doy la bienvenida a mi perfil.
Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
Jesus jay.ortiz20
Hello. My name is Jesus I like to play Mario, Sonic, Pokémon, and Super smash bros games. Favorite Pokémon:Charizard Smash main:Sonic Age:16
little mac Mac121596
Favorite Games: Portal 2, Half-life 2, BO3, Minecraft, Star Wars Battlefront, Splatoon Favorite Franchise: Legend of Zelda Favorite Characters: GLaDos, Wheatly Favorite Color: The Rainbow Family Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Tron Favorite Song: Portal: Still Alive Favorite Youtubers: ChimneySwift11, McJuggernuggets, SML, etc. No further information given to hackers. XD
Max RetrogamerMax2
Hey I'm Max and I am a Christian, Retro Gaming collector, player and expert. My favorite gaming series are: (Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja) (Legend of Zelda) (Super Mario) (Donkey Kong Country) (Mario Party) (Mario Kart) (Super Smash Brothers) Right now I have a Retro Gaming library close to 190 games which is still growing. 70 of them I own are on the N64.
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
Fammy TentacledHorror
Happy Anniversary Ultraman!!~ 50 Years Of Kicking Kaiju(Monster) & Seijin(Alien) Butt!!!~
David mariobros.3333
Hi Everybody! As you may already know, Miiverse is shutting down on November 7th, 2017. I've been on Miiverse since the very beginning, and it has truly been a fun ride from beginning to end. There has been a lot of fun, memorable, and shocking moments in these 5 years. I would like to thank all my friends and followers on Miiverse for being here for me. This was an amazing experience. Goodbye! :(
salim salim.r
Williams sroye3
Yo it Williams I love Nintendo games and Sonic games if you're interested in that yeah my posts or follow i don't uses the Wii U Chat anymore i hope you find my posts enjoyable Yo :) R I P Satoru Iwata journey to 1000 followers & 10,000 posts! S+ in Splatoon which is my favourite Wii U game SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY THOUGH! i have a maxed following so you can follow me. Miiverse 2012-2017
Arlo mrswaggster2201
Whats up Miiverse! Arlo here! I am a huge fan of nintendo. I am a 14 year old 8th grader who loves all things Mario, Zelda, Kirby,Pokemon, and Animal Crossing. My favorite 3DS game is Majora's Mask 3D. Please enjoy miiverse! I love BB-8 I also Act in films and Play the Drums 12.23.13 started Miiverse #miiversevet Fav Pokemon: Mega Mawile TCG 2017!! 125 CP
Yado ManuelYado
∞Patrick∞ Luigi2019
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue to use both accounts to make posts and talk to you all. Game series that I enjoy include Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. I look forward to talking and gaming with you! See you in the gaming world! Current Account/Now Playing: Wii U [α]: SSBU/Super Mario 3D World 3DS []: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Nat'l Dex)
MarioFan23 CarsonWilliamson
It's been great times while it lasted. Thanks for all the good memories, Miiverse! I've joined Miiverse since January 3, 2015 and had a lot of great times. I've sure miss this... Farewell, Miiverse... T_T
Kelsey SetsunaSnow
Write about yourself here. I like to play games. I also draw sometimes. The End. :[]
☆Toby★ toby2313
Hello! Welcome to my profile!...I'm back sorta...just bored so i kind of try to be active here. I've been in mii verse for a long time, so now I'm inactive :/ Also I don't make alot of friends honestly... :c Time goin' fast already! Almost the end of the year 2016n o.o I LOVE MUSIC FOREVER! Last updated:11-23-16
link hero-of-time26
This is my profile! I am homeschooling (at home) I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. I'm an ocarinist. I love Pokemon, Zelda, and Batman Arkham Games. My favorite game is Batman Arkham City Armored Edition. BECKY SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
Kenny 1ChineseBoi
My whole world revolves around Nintendo, I hope you like what you see here!!! Oh by the way I'm a "Yeah" bomber (it's simple you yeah my postings and I'll return the favor for you!!!) FYI: "Please don't send Wii chat request I wont accept them if I personally dont know you" Happy Gaming Everyone!!!!!
Collin MariokartMaster8
NOTHING777 nothing777
~Hello there~ I've owned a wiiu since 2012 I've been on miiverse since August 1, 2013 I love playing online multiplayer so please do add me WiiU games I own: •New super mario bros •Mariokart8 •Super smash bros 4 •Splatoon •Xenoblade Chronicles X •Mario maker •Rayman Legends •Trine 2 •Super mario 3D land •Zelda windwaker •Never Alone •Mario party 10 •Rabbids invasion
RedΩmega ossieawsome
I have officially left miiverse forever... UPDATE PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU CONTINUE:Alright if you see ME posting it's not me it is the game (Mario maker) doing it. Now this doesn't mean im back on miiverse (Talking about a CERTAIN someone i did nothing to after I fixed the certain drama) so don't bother commenting or something. Peace
Dawson!™ Dawson123
OW! That hurt. But hi, Dawson's the name. Me: It's 3am turn down ur TV! Friend: But you know Frozen is my favorite movie! Me: omg.... .-. I liek turkeyz Relationship status: Taken! ♥♡
SM☆Ean meso613
hello im SM☆ean im the leader of the clan of mario favorite games:nsmbu and pokemon x and y follow me to join the clan of mario i can accept friends requests in a different way. i joined the wii u warriors you know my pokemon nickname is jolt cause im a elekid. i live in new jersey my birthday is 12/02/5 favorite robot masters from megaman:iceman elecman. favorite users: eugene jr ca and cole bye
Charmander ShyGuy_Pwnz
Basically almost inactive posting-wise for now. I will be more active on this ID: WillTheTotodile I play MK8 and maybe Splatoon online, but not Smash. Sorry. Only exceptions are people I know irl. I started Miiverse on 9/13/13. My back up account's ID: ShyGuy_Pwnz2DS
Rukiafan Rukiafan7
Welcome to my profile! 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Fave Games MH4U Bravely Second Persona Q Pokemon AS MH3U Golden Sun/The Lost Age Xenoblade Chronicles/X Hyrule Warriors Conception II TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker HD, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons, & Oracle of Ages Kingdom Hearts II.5: Remix Ni No Kuni Tears to Tiara II Xenogears Rogue Galaxy Persona 5 Tales of Graces F
©αгмзισ HydroCannon13
Hey! I'm Carmelo, I'm 15 years old! I don't do much on here anymore, sorry... But thanks a lot to all the friends I have on here!!!
Timothy MarioKartHDS2
Hello! I am Timothy. An individual who has asperger's syndrome and one who would choose Nintendo over Sony & Microsoft any day of the year.
Logan SamandLolaRock
lmao rip miiverse
βSL~Shαdιχ mr.needlemouse27
⊂_ヽ \\ _ Dis butyful man fills \( •_•) you with determination < ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ | ノ ヽ_つ / / ♪ #KEK / /| ♪ #KEK ( (ヽ ♪ #KEK | |、\ ♪ #KEK | 丿 \ ⌒) ♪ #KEK | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (__\ O hai, im te Co-leader of Below Sea Level
Kirby!™ tallier
For this being the last month of Miiverse.. I can't really explain how much this place has changed me as a person. It's amazing what the internet can do. But, we all know that anything good can come to an end at some point. Every friend I've made on here has at least made one difference in my life. You know who you are; give yourselves a pat on the back. I'm crying in my mind... I'll miss you all.
djutz djutz98
†I'm a christian gamer.† Model Railroad maniac, just slightly off track. Xenoblade Chronicles X!
Bailey Bailey1014
I'm just an 18 year old who loves to play video games. I joined Miiverse in June of 2013. R.I.P. Miiverse (2012-2017) Find me on other places. ↓[Favorite Mario Characters] ➢ Wario ➢ Yoshi ➢ Luigi ➢ Ludwig ➢ Roy ↓[Other Info] ➢ Likes to find glitches. ➢ Huge fan of the Tony Hawk series. ➢ Featured on a vid called "Evil of Miiverse 8". ➢ Has a Nintendo Switch. That's pretty much about it...
Dylan Dylan_Martin2013
You're still here? I see. Well, I've grown up a bit, and I've moved on from Miiverse. If you would like to see what i've been up to, check out my YT channel: Dman2718. Thanks for staying with me, though. I hope to see you all check out my videos. Piece. (↓That stays) Most friendly guy ever: WaluigiBag!
Nova LittleNova13
Welcome to my profile everyone! My name is Nova or you can call me Krystal you what to.(Im with special needs) Im age: 20 Im fan of: Mario Sonic Just Dance and More! My Profile rules: No wii u chat! And I hope you well enjoy my profile everyone! :-D
angel Angelw16
Hi kingdom hearts unchain is the best. Kid icarus zelda sonic mario fire emblem pokemon xenoblade kingdom hearts and dragons fan. I love music and having fun. Hope u enjoy my performance im 19 by the way im neutral a half rebel and i trust people that r kind to me and that all.as long im connected to my friends there still fate. I sometimes give yeah fav games kingdom hearts and fire emblem
Oh nice you take a look on my Profile :3 Feel your free and discover my Posts a mixture off randomness.To my Person i`m German and Play with Nintendo stuff since i am 5 years old. My first Nintendo devices was a GAME BOY CLASSIC with Mario 6 Golden Coin and later Pokemon Blue i borrowed from a friend.er enough said have now fun on my Profil ^-^ New things from me: nothing
Tawadi Duckiephant
Hey everybody, its nice meeting you. Please put me on your friend list I will really like it. I don't do Wii U Chat unless I know you in person.Hope you like my post.From, Tawadi P.S. if you have a 3DS and Animal Crosing lets be friends!
Andrew supermario555855
Miiverse this is the last day...I'll never forget the impact you had on my life...I'll remember all the memories we shared. It's now 9:55pm EST soon I'll depart these lands...this feels like Mother 1.
DeDe DeDe18
Hello. I'm Deanna Newton, but you can call me DeDe. I've been playing video games since I was 8 years old and I'm a Nintendo expert. Mostly on Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and Smash Bros games. Member of Earth since August 28, 1992 Joined Miiverse on March 31, 2013 Reached level 50 in Splatoon 12/10/16 Retired playing Splatoon 1/15/17 Wii U chats are officially closed. No blind friend requests
Ludwig PrinceOfKoopas
The showy anti-hero, Prince Ludwig of Koopa Kingdom! Bye Miiverse. Please don't forget about the best Koopaling. Some tips... My NNID is universal — on Switch, too, and where those Smash replays all go. Koopa Kingdom's propaganda outlet is KoopaTV. KoopaTV is an .ORGanisation that promotes the Enlightenment Movement, telling the world about that plumber's evils! And more.
★Μįκё★ MikeTheMarioGeek
Mario Kart 8 retirement: 20/6/2015 Reason: THE GAME IS UNBELIEVABLY CRUEL!!!!!!!!! The name's Mike. MikeTheMarioGeek. I liek making people laff. Age: 14 I love the Buzz! games! Thank you all SO much for the wonderful follows, Yeahs, and comments! I really appreciate it! :) I'm a huge Mario fan! :D
Mab★★★ kidicarus5
Hello! I don't draw here very often, but I try to do something whenever I can. I don't use Wii U Chat and I won't accept unknown friend requests. Thanks for stopping by, and for everyone's support!
BLUE SonicPikachu
I'mma 22-year-old lady! The name's BLUE! Anyhoo...i draw stuffz involving a Beagle gurl...sometimes whatever i feel. :p Oh! I play SSB4,Pokemon,Sonic! Etc. I even draw comics! Thanks for 1070+ followers! Owob Dis: SonicPikachu2017#9201
PikminNate Nathan.white
I love pikmin they are my favoret games and toys to play with in the future I think about making pikmin videos about them because they are awesome I build lego swords,axes,picaxes all sorts of things even clothes.I have been watching pikmin videos online like pikminjakes and other peoples videos of pikmin I even heard about Steve the pikmin. I have beat pikmin 1,2 and 3. Christmas is coming yay!!
Luigi Luigi1313
im 10 (jehovahs winttnessis ) sorry.im going to make a clan for super smash bros brawl Leader luigi. co leader jake. co leader gandoor.and peapole in the clan mario. im co leader in bryson's clan of ssb4. brother's id santillan. favorite games super smash bros brawl. mario kart wii. games i want super smash bros4.mario kart8
Jase warlocknem
I've been a hardcore gamer since the era of the Atari 2600 and a fan of several different consoles over the years but my favorite company to always come back to is Nintendo. Mainly for either introducing me to or creating some of my most favorite game series of all time. My awesome wife also a huge gamer loves Nintendo as well and our beautiful daughter seems to be following in our footsteps!
Levi Maverick3
My favorite game series are The legend of Zelda, Metroid, SSB, Mega Man, Call of duty, Phoenix Write and Mario bros. My favorite game company is obviously Nintendo.I like Drawing, posting quotes, sometimes I get a bit philosophical and poetic. I like classic rock music and modern rock music, but I hate country music! I don't Wii U chat. I am a Christian, God bless you. †
Joey Josephkenneth
Hi, I'm Joey! Thanks for the 1,060 followers! Let's see if I can reach 1,500. That's the goal! Other account: Josephkenneth2 I am 14 years old. No Blank Friend Requests! Favorite Video Games: Minecraft: Wii U Edition and Splatoon Thanks! P.S. I do except Wii U Chat to the people that accept it. I don't except Wii U Chat to the people that don't do it. Also, feel free to follow me.
Ray hesserra
My Best Friend is David. He is an extraordinary human being. I support my brother Justin.
Morigami Margarito.G25986
If anyone wants to stay on touch just put a comment on a post and say you want to stay in touch
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
WiiUStats XxTechGuy.OHXx
Welcome to ★Wii U Stats★ ! Thanks for over 2,770+ follows, I love every single one of you! I post stats sometimes... mostly just humorous pictures. →→→→→→→→→JOIN SMASH*ATTACK NOW! Don't be afraid to comment... Survived an accidental......
chig chigster69
Hi, Im charlie but people call me chig. I am a huge fan of zelda games and also resident evil games. I am a older gamer and been playing games since the nes. I dont do wii u chat so dont try, lol. All my friends on here are really nice and i appreciate that so thanks. I wont friend someone unless i get to know them first. Thanks for looking at my profile and enjoy life and of course your gaming.
Nintendude funksy
Hello, I'm a fan of Nintendo and PlayStation! My favourite video game franchise of all time is The Legend of Zelda! My favourite Zelda game is Majora's Mask! Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Splatoon, Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, Mario Kart 8. The games looking forward to are Zelda Wii U, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls 3 and Fallout 4! Thanks to anyone who yeahs my posts or follows!
ρгσ☆Jαкε♂♪ Jakebailey
Hello guys. I'm a 18 year old Nintendo gamer who's been gaming since 2003. I collect playing cards, coins, and amiibo. I currently have 73 amiibo so far as of March 18, 2016. Rules: Be mean or annoying = Blocked Wii U Chat = Unfriended I cannot accept friend requests to strangers.
ςγĢ★AMAN95 AMAN1995
NEXT DRAWING DUE-1st Feburary-Megaman And Bass For Chris L. Part Of The Buddy Clan On Miiverse And The Mario Kart 8 Clan-Super Yoshi Galaxy(ςγĢ)....:D Thanks Waluigibag, The Leader Of The Super Yoshi Galaxy Clan ςγĢ★$€®giσ And All Other Buddies...:D Note...I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT.
Spυke Godbluff
Sup! FOLLOW ME NOW -- Roos... (^-^). I've gots me a Nintendo 3ds My ultimate destiny is to find true love!! (obviously that was a lie) Haha! (sideways winky face) I'm a guy… studying iz fer loozerz!! *sticks tongue out* What is up with the world right now?? I like games... don't ask me what games though... "Wut Games!!!?" *Blam!* I just shot you... Happy MiiVersing! (peace sign)
Minik Mini_K
* But it refused. ❤ Karate Joe or just ANYONE from Rhythm heaven for smash please. I mainly play Smashbros and upload weird pictures. I don't do Wii U chat cause speaking to a Wii U is kinda strange.
Saint Flo 3DSFlo
I love Jesus Christ. I love my family. I finally got a Nintendo Switch! How bout them cowboys?
†Robbie† robbievz99
Hi everyone!I love drawing pokemon and other random things!!! Feel free to send friend requests! :) Currently playing Pokemon X and Y. Fav pokemon - Spheal I also love Monstercat. no video chat please! HAVE AN AWESOME GAMING DAY!!! In God we trust!
☆◆Monty™◆☆ Mario19
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - Ending Theme ♪ ☆ ◆ What's up guys? It's Monty here. I'm done posting. ◆ ☆ First came on Miiverse: 24/05/2012 Finished posting on Miiverse: 05/11/2017 Thanks to all of my best friends. Bailey Bowser Fan Cameron Cole Ethan Eugene Gustavo Joe Josh Leah Sven Tom Williams Zachary I will still be here as normal until the end.
[ΣÐ]★Gio GioFlores
Well... This is it. The Miiverse Finale. 5 Years of being here, it has been a pleasure to be a part of everything - The Beginning, The Smash community, All E3s, Every Holiday & Birthday, The End - It's been amazing! Thanks to my followers and friends! I love you guys so much! Just search for thelifeofgio524! I'm super nice, and friendly! "Grab a or a and play!" -ΣÐ★~Gio Goodbye everyone!
Nayobian CloudBrain
My name is Hayden. Hayden the Nayobian. I love creating and visiting fictional universes, contemplating philosophical questions, sharing the love of Christ and building friendships. Favorite games: Terraria, Undertale, Super Smash Bros. (any), Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Other obsessions: Disney, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Gravity Falls, anything from Yahtzee Croshaw.
James Gerbilscampi
Life is a game. Lets play! (The Wii U games I own are in my favourite communities)
Bradley Fiercedeitybrad
I'm a big Nintendo fan, love all Nintendo series. Got my first NES during christmas of 1987 or 88, been a fan ever since and gotten every console since then, including handhelds. my 2 favorite series are Mario and Zelda. I'm hoping to start a youtube gaming chanell soon too.
Colin Colin825
Hello everyone, I'm Colin and I'm 15. I've been Nintendo Nerd for a long time. I absolutely love it. I joined Miiverse on December 23rd 2012. Miiverse is now ending and I would like to say to everyone who has been with for almost 5 years is Thank you for everything I also have a Nintendo Switch. Maybe I will see you out there on online games, Maybe some of you out on the Switch servers... Goodbye!
Kezay from the old Nintendo Nsider Forum now residing at Ninfora.
Cranky legendofgood
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles and when the dog bites when the bee stings........
buhja gumchewerdave
Hey! I'm buhja! I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and one of Mario's biggest fans. First off, I'm a Christian. My goal is to know Jesus Christ better and become more like Him every day! I LOVE completely clearing out video games, sometimes to a crazy degree. My two favorite accomplishments (so far) are: Level 100 in M&L: Dream Team (See favorite post) Collecting 9,999,999 coins in NSMB2 Love da →:)
Rawk RawkHawk2010
norman PinkKirby
I love Kirby games, Zelda games, And I take my Pokemon games VERY seriously. VERY VERY seriously. I also love Mario,Sonic,Naruto,Dbz and pretty much any other good game. I also like watching wrestling and cartoons. I'm not very social. So i'll only add people as friends if I really know them.
Owen Super98Mario
Hello,I am huge fan of anything Nintendo!!!!! I have always loved Nintendo since my first gamecube. consoles that i own are:wii u,wii,3ds,gamecube,snes,N64 and virtual boy. No wii u video chat please. I have an AWESOME brother Gavin and an AMAZING sister Maribeth!!!!!
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!!
Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!!
Nintendo Reggie!!!!...
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!!
Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!!
Nintendo Reggie!!!!
Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!