This is my final and farewell post. I would like to thank ALL of you who yeah, commented on my posts. For ALL the friendships during miiverse. Playing games with me since I joined in July 2014. and...
United States
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Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rej...
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥