Ãųςтiп's Followers
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Sis Pinkygirly
Hello and good morning to u all the peaple in the world my name i Hannah i live on a farm still and my chicken lade her first egg and its so cute and the egg hacth but its going to take a month or so cause my aunt says so oh yeah my dog spot loves her pupies there 3 puppies there is genger lily and george thos are the puppies names and if you like my things i wright that is true then its good ¡¡
nuzzi mcproductionsmsm
Hello my name is Nuzzi Spenzer I am a pro skater and im only known from my city i have about 90 skate boards can you be my freind? ill be sending freind request out as much as i can if i dont ill look for you on miiverse if you dont find me ill be around communitys i'll try to if not i'll follow you or you follow me i also wiiu chat i look forward to seeing you around i will follow spoilers im $$$
Abraham my4boy
Hello There It's My4boy I'm a type of gamer who plays on the Wii U and Xbox one.My goal on miiverse is to get as many followers I can so please.I Play games like Minecraft Splatoon And Super Smash Bros.My goal on miiverse is to reach 100 follower than 500 and finally 1000 so please follow me. I also Play on Xbox and Consoles that i have is Xbox one/360 Wii U 3DS.
Nicole AnnielovesEren14
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SMVPάΠFυτ. DarknessHell
…★Hi i'm patt future and I come from the future its my Home:)but the future is at wars Home:Hell,EXE&Dark World & Evil Mushroom Kingdoom future ★(and I am the leader of the resistance of the future,Btw) Son:Bowser.Jrfuture,G&w.jr future and Kitter future l♥u my sempai Fabi uwu♡ ♥…☆~Tal Vez:La vida no tenga sentido,pero si sigues viviendo,encontraras cosas muy interesantes por las k vivir~♡…★
WHEEZY laina-baina07
WHEEZY. That's me. I can't capitalize or spell right, becazze I amz ze 2 year oldz. Is that a problem. ...
SMVLριςPάΠ 666EXEBlood
Lικε Pls↑↑ Hi I am Lapis lazuli :3of S.U but also i am Sapphire But in really I'am PattxDMy Kingdom is The Galaxy(My Planetarium,my 2nd Home and The MotherPlanet well,is was…) ⇒I♥Creepypastas ⇒MyPersonalityIs…VeryDarkCreepy&Insanity♥ ⇒Lapidot IS NO REAL!`^′Peridot is my SISTER >:c ♡Encerrada:En mi subconsciente,me alimento de mis inseguridades y miedos mientras mi ser se doblega a algo Oscuro…♥
Cobster105 KJCMama
Hi, im Cobster101 I love Minecraft!, I love chating with friends, I love playing with friends, I especially love having friends so thx. Plz if you have Minecraft or Terraria send me a friend request so we can play. Favorite superhero is The Flash. Thx! MINECRAFT AND TERRARIA RULE! Bobby was here. Tylerbatman236, XxlinkxX07, and 2gifted are boss. rip friendship with bbjamesbb and sharvey81. 364!!!!
Captain DarkLink2223
There is nothing but trash art here so do whatever you please.I don't really care.Follow me if you want.I don't mind yeah bombs,so bomb away.Feel free to draw me or my OCs,but at least put that they are mine because I put a lot of time and thought into making them.I'll try to hold a drawing contest once a month and drawing requests twice a month.Call me whatever you want just make sure I know.
Braedon24 BSB0614
hi everyone i post stuff that are in my favorite games mostly and favorite games are: first is: super smash bros. second is: super mario bros. 2 third is: mario kart 7 #Member of the ACNS.
Thomas FieryMarioBlue2
Hi, I'm a 19 yr old boy. Shy in person, calm & collected. I like dragons, to help people & I want to express myself in poetry and art. I love Nintendo, Yoshi, Music & playing with friends. Aim for a positive life! :) Communication=respect, relief & truth. Twlff8r DragonRuler97 Distco7d FieryMarioBlue#4191
Lucas Pokemaster562
Whats up my bros.! My name is Lucas obviously, my talents are comedy, quick thinking and of course, being awesome at video games! My favorite nintendo characters are, Luigi, Greninja, and Toon Link. So remember my friends, Keep calm and keep gaming!
xKingBlaZe SupaMaster
Hello there! I'm SupaMaster and I'm here to post daily and help the Minecraft and Black Ops 2 communities! If you speak Spanish more frequently, check out SupaMaster2! Comment down in my posts if you would like to! I also keep a policy to following my followers so if you would like me to keep up to date with you, follow me! Thanks for 175 followers! Let's hope we get 250 followers soon! Bye!
☆~Šøûp~☆ SaveShinyPolitod
Rest in spaghetti dont forghetti I'm just here to make friends and stuff lol my fav youtubers: H2o delirious Vanossgaming Markiplir Jacksepticeye CP games Don't.Hug.Me.I'm.Scared -Gives soup- Also im gay
Times 243 xantuila6
je m'appelle Times 243 je suis jenti★★★★★★☆☆ méchante★★☆☆☆ drôle☆★★★ j'aime le jeux qui fais peur . je prend tous le demende amis♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥merci merci a toutes de votre abonnement¾♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Et merci a mon bb ♥Abonne Toi ♥
Aly alykat87
Willa Wolf WillaWolf
I am 16 and very good at drawing mario and luigi characters and i love fossil fighters games!
Tsun-Chan TwirlyTreats
Ugh, I'm Tsun-Chan b-baka! (Beware, I'm a huge otaku!) Likes: 1.Homestuck 2.Undertale 3.Rps 4.Anime 5.Cosplay Ask meh about other any other stuff... Dislikes: People who think this is Mii-Harmony г_г Bleh. Amazing Peeps: 1.miamario 2.kirbsawesome My Current Favorite Fandom : Voltron My Current Favorite Otp: None other than Klance #Original =^.^= Mrow! That's all for my cringey bio...Baka!
Coolwhip cooling64
Hello my favorite game is mario kart 8
Carter boopybop
Hello citizens! I am Carter, i love basic nintendo games like Super mario bros 3d world, legend of zelda oarina of time, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and a lot more. Im also really good at drawing but not on 3DS or Wii U screens!
mike coolingzook
Wii U is the best system
keke mxellchabine
slt sava bien
Fΐς★Jordan Nikki-pokenerd
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Mega-Mew Mew_Mod
Brent Trololtron720p
Hi! I am Brent. I play with friends over mario kart 8, & Black ops II. Please add me and we can be good friends! Happy Halloween!! \(^o^)/ Things about me: My 3DS NNID is Brent57 I love playing with friends! I hate rude comments towards my friends I livestream BO 2 On weekends! Any rude/hateful comments, i'll delete you If offline for 10+ days i'll delete you
kkl naryha123456
chris christiansuwan
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Inky•Ink¹ CatzieMew
GOTTA GO INK!! Just Kidding!! Heya there folks my name is Inky!!! The homies!!!!! ________________________ Fawn ★ Hbox ♪ SonicMario ?! Eric (School Friends Forever!!!) Marley $ Mely $ JOIN THE Ink³ CLAN TODAYYYYY!!! ITS CherrOdElyInk SEASON! "I used to rule the world." Miiverse mom(everyones mom)
daniel nipple1
hey everyone its me daniel durane this is my new profile comment my mum is anna. my dad is nonso. my mums boyfriend is derik. make sure to check out their profiles in connections LIKE A BOSS MP10 ENJOY SPLATOON ENJOY o=:::::::::> i love p.peach BYE
♪TPRTV♪ EskimoGirl
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mini vavan EnderBoys
Bonjour les geeks je m'appelle Evann j'ai 12 ans j'aime les jeux vidéo comme vous.(Voici mes jeux) -Mario Kart 8 -Mario 3d World -Mario bros 2 -Mario bros U -Luigi bros U -Splatoon Et deux amiibo.Samus et mario.Abonnez vous\(^o^)/!!!!
Griffin bubbleportal
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jack jacko5963
Name: Jack loves: gymnastics,history,nicki minaj,nintendo Favourite youtubers: pewdiepie, jacksepticeye favourite minecraft youtubers: squid,stampy,tdm From: IRELAND favourite viral vid: chocolate rain games i love: zelda,mario,smash bros,pokémon,animal crossing, tomodachi life,nintendo land animal crossing town: jackland thanks for reading don't froget to follow
Chron tdoggjl
im a nerd and i love video games and im a good sport i also cant wait for xenoblade chronicles X yay
hotrod hotrod7810
★2Kƒίşşίη★ Bill1237
Yo! Its fissin. My name is Ahmed I'm 15 I'm a mario and sonic fan. Bye. Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye... :-P Birthday 20 march
I don't know what to put here, so yeah.