Skylia's Friends
kelly kellyiscool109
hello im kelly
Taro xxmile_high_420
Aj Pandakid12
Boomer toottootmcgee
sugarbee SugarBee0910
CptFuzzie CptFuzzieWigs
hello O_o
Darrell Needless30
hi what up
shiro shiro_asada
chawzard itsdakitty
jenann jjenann
Damian Evan2383
Hi my names damian i love minecarft so much and pokemon smashbros and mario kart 8 my youtube is little z for smash like cloud is op and other people in smash i love games so much and school sucks + stop the dab lol $_$
zelda mario
coolchick aokbor
ed Dubniumite
race resu228
Travis creeperlover9000
I like crazy things, redstone, and parcore
caro caroledentzer
Tranchodon nathaniel41206
j'adore jouer
johan bansay
hola soy demonio u me encanta todos los juegos de nintendo: mario, legenda de zelda, pokemon, donkey kong, splatoon, sonic the hedgehog por que ya esta en nintendo y los demas solo lo que estan hechos en japon
Harry HarryPrime
pikachu arnoldgsgsyuj111
hi guys i`m starting new account so let me tell whats new account name is raichu158
Joel lylykey
cool BOY★★ tylerberry
i like blue and red i like minecraft on my Xbox 1 and i hav a cat i hav a bow i hav a sister and my mommy i like my frends i love nintndo land i go to school im 8¼
alyna alynanguyen1224
rose jflores1423
hi i am lindsay flores , i can't wait to share adventures with all of you. if you want to be my friend then please send me a friend request so we can have fun and be best friends♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
Tre tre_matthew
Hi im Tre send me a friend request i do it if you don't cuss3-10-2005
Miguel holaya
Tips everybody the tips are from kirby triple deluxe for the 3DS the normal arena you can win with the ability named (Beetle). But in true arena you can win with the ability named (Archer) that is all for the Tips I gave you.
av beast11 LynetteSpring
naruto fan fav is kakashi i have cod bo2 mario kart smash bros pokken tournament monster hunter all the skylanders games warrior orochi splatoon mario maker mario tennis mario party marvel lego injustice need for speed nintendo pack minecraft and tekken kung foo panda call of duty gost zigurrat and soul axiom and zombie Ú and sonic so yah im a gaming nerd :)
joe lexijoe
Yukimaru24 Mosin85
я€D☆ robot4me
favorite games: Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen - Gladius - The Legend of Zelda NES - Mario Kart Wii - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Centipede - Saint's Row 2 - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem - Crash Bandicoot - Transformers Devistation - The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
lord[=]==> Lord_WithA_Sword
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BookofJohn jhonny2006
i love to play with friends at anytime
emilio emilio_R
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hello! I'm a friendly fangirl of Sonic, Pokémon, and more.
My best friends are Cat :3 and Eevee....
Hello! I'm a friendly fangirl of Sonic, Pokémon, and more.
My best friends are Cat :3 and Eevee.
I hope you have a nice day! =3