My first post on here was literally "RANDOM WORDS". In this community. Neve expected that first post would lead me to making more, and to meeting people, and to enjoying spending an hour to 90 minu...
Will's Yeahs

I was wondering what happened, I was trying to pull up your posts but it wouldn't allow me to. I know I yeahed some of your posts, but I hope you saved all your drawings. If not I have some on some...

You have!? I may faint. I can barely consider all these other tragic souls right now, but I'm sure I'll feel deep remorse later. They'll just have to get over you. It can work! Miiverse's end can'...

Yeah, intense Miiverse crush here. I know you wouldn't have expected this from me, but it's true. Is the day before Miiverse's demise a good time to ask if you feel the same? ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡...

Ya caught me! How can one NOT crush on you?!! lol Thanks for being one of the coolest Miiversers around! Keep in touch and take care, Will! Goodbye, Miiverse!!!

You guys are lucky since you planned for this and started saving things early. I had to go and wait until the last minute…like always…

I didn't, unfortunately. I only got some of them, so I guess some of them will be lost in the void soon. :/ I browsed through the Yeahs of my friends that barely Yeahed things. When they did Yeah t...

I was just doing that thing on Chrome where you save a page for offline reading, and it saves the page along with all of the images and whatnot.

"Only" 90 I'll try my best, but there's no telling if I'll be able to get them all. If there are any specific ones you can think of that you want saved, you should let me know
Will's old 3DS account.
I need more posts!