Users Wisteria Is Following
EG★Taylor Taylorlad
hi everyone welcome to my profile i am a big nintendo fan i love mario games and my hobbies are football skateboarding and i like trampolines my fav youtubers are Tanner fox lance stewart sullypwnz chris chann and cobanermani my fav music i like dance music and monstercat and thank u all the people who follow me i really appreciate it. Clans om¢ EG Thanks for Reading Bye:)
Javi_#SMV Neojavi
#SaveMiiverse Tengo 37, me gusta dibujar, pintar, fotografía, la naturaleza y los videojuegos =) Soy khaotico en Deviantart. Old school ;-D I'm 37 years old I like draw, paint, photography, nature and videogames. -- khaotico in DA Juguemos, Let's play Jugador desde la atari 2600, Luego nes, snes,n64,dreamcast,gamecube...y ahora Wiiu Gamer since atari 2600,nes,snes,n64, Dc,GC...and now WiiU!!!
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform has brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
lilian fridita12
Baylee DarkPaws
Welcome to my account.I play Legend of Zelda:Tri Force Heroes,Tomodachi Life,and Animal Crossing:New Leaf.I like Minecraft and Impractical Jokers. I hope to be a cartoonist and comic writer in the future,but I'll only put some art on here. Since Miiverse is ending, I admit...IM A WEIRDO WITH MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDERS!!! SPACE PANTS!!! TOP HAT HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!!
Andre #PGN wipeyz
Yo Yo Yo, what up my homies!!! Sorry I was out, The weird scary looking Assassin guy took over your boi's account, but your boi rekt the hater so hard Sorry for being out Hi Janie Peace Out Homies! Quit reading plz QUIT READING NOW!!!! I give up.......
RMVJanie¤ Glover5
[aNtonic] averageaJ
I am afraid to inform you that this accounts activity has been discontinued. The user wishes you all follow them with a search “ajcrusher9.deviant” to see their art again. They also say “Thank you all for the great memories”
phildill phil15world988
This user's profile comment is private.
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
★Harriet★X PrincessHarrixx
Follow: Squishypanda101 Bunnylover1010 JoshTL Jac Clow Gul Flynn Dark Cj Ryan, RyanEmiel James, Minemas ★Memories★ Lee, MadlyPancake143 Shaneo mac Mankalor Riddler BIGSCOTTY65 Umaari Omar fraser317 Ty-Ty♪ ^_^Emma^_^ porkypig8 kittycat Babycraft JoshTL EJ, MiniActor luna Evilcrafty WindWolf If you hate on ANY Of my friends, You Will Have to go through ME
☆*。Mike。*☆ miichanpapa
しばらくオンになってなくてスイヤセン。 私決めました。(ってほどじゃないけど、) ミバも終わるから、、、 フォロしまくろぉ~~~~~~~ぜぇ!! この先はもう何もないからね。本当に。
Chara LeviRoyal
Wow Its Been So Long Its Me Asriel Are You Here??? Its ME Your Best Friend C H A R A Hey guys its me thx for 101 Followers imm so happy and DoNt CoPy mY nAmE pLeAsE i aM rEaL oK iLl ... JUST DONT COPY ME OOK AND... GIVE MEH CHOCOLATE PLZ bye ;p and... Before miiverse end cam i say that i loved being with you guys hope u have a good life so this is my last goodbye so BYE GUY PEACEO_o ...OUT
Beth REV567
Hello I'm beth I travel around the world with my family My favorite places was Newport and Puerto Rico P.S. I was born in Puerto Rico My favorite games: FNaF Pokemon Mario Sonic Bendy Cuphead Favorite youtubers: Ryland Adams(shane's BF) Shane Pewdiepie Messyourself Jacksepticeye Bijuu Mike Razzbowski Odd1sOut Ukiekookie Diggn' up cringe
★21savage★ olfcde5g
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Deji adeogundt
Im Deji i love making friends i love all types of games like pokemon splatoon mario and most of all smash bros pls like my posts And follow my bro Tayo for me will ya bye
Mαι-Cнαη hanoty-o
\(^o^)/Cσυсσυ τωα!♥ ♡Κσηηιсhιωα C΄εςτ Mai-chan ♡Je suis une GRAANDE fan du H!P plus précisément des ºC-ute et encore plus précisément de Mai Hagiwara♥ ♡Jε ςυις Lε Chεƒ Dες Smile(Nση Cσmρlετ) ♡Poireux:abos ♥ ~INFO SUR MWA~ (si sa interesse qq ;-;) ♡ J'adore ACNL♥ ♡Mon surnom:Maimai ♡j'adore la pasteque(completemeht inutile--') ◆ OBJECTIFS 300 POIREAU AVANT LA FIN DE MIIVERSE◆ ●R.I.P MIIVERSE●
★Suta~Kun☆ Bad_Brony
Lucario is love. Lucario is life. Lucario is senpai. Lucario is wife. - ★Suta~Kun☆ 2017
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
★☆Jordan☆★ supercoolkid74
So far we have 485 followers. We are almost at 500! Hello Miiverse User! I'm Jordan! I draw (♥)Bowser , Sonic Characters, my own OC's and more! Feel free to send me a friend request. But please, no "Let's be friends" friend request. I will not accept. Don't forget to follow me to catch on previous post I have made. Also follow my best friend Dan! (dan000) No harassment to me or him please...thnx!
Areane VirtualGameGal
Greetings, love! I'm Areane, known as "The Shadowligt Archangel" because of my wings! Call me anything charming, love. I'll accept it! I do appreciate every aspect of everyone I meet, including you! Feel free to follow me and like my posts! Please don't be rude on my posts or to anyone else in the comments on my posts or you will get blocked... You've been warned... Cheers, love!
Anaïs ninis0
Salut ,je m´appelle Anna . j´aime dessiner comme: les pokémon ,des personnage dans undertale et défois des personne et des chose trop mignon Abonne toi si tu veux .^_^
Eggman eggman_official
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Irene^˛^ Ninofiesta2.0
Hi guys^_^ My name is Irene and this is my page of miiverse θωθ 1.Gender-♀ 2.Age-12 Like- Undertale,Kpop,Draw Hate- Haters,homophobics,justin bieber Thanks for +120 followers! Bye! Ok...
aldrox alexproexpert
#asta siempre mii verse:c
Jacob jtpeeps
Dateing:no one Age:not telling crus:destiney friends:no one bff:destiney wants to date:destiney if ur still reading dis that means u like me ;') y r u still here ? ? ? hi by now um im done now or am i ooooooooh k so yeah im not done what do you want me to tell you a secret? FINE IM NOT A JAKE PUALER
τиτ♪Зειια♪ ImARandomPerson9
Hi Peeps! I'm Bella, member of da τиτ clan. Here are some things about meh -_- ~ I'm 13 years old ~ I love playing Splatoon. ~ I love Cheerleading ~ I like making friends People you should follow: glxypanda Sunny-Orlndo EmojiPillow180 Please get me to 100+ followers. Give me some support and follow me! Online (*) Offline () ↓Check out all the cool stuff down there now↓
ゆな®。* sonson0503
(′^ω^ >ω< [ゆな♪の自己紹介]でーす! 名前:訊叶 年齢:11歳 住所:福岡 性別: 6年生でーす 誕生日は2/25日です\ー∀ー/ 最近はマインクラフトをやっているので している方々 フレンドなりましょう! ではさらばニャ
Noe Cristopher6964
¡Quieen quiere segirme ★☆★!
R.S.LBecca SnotB.T6
Hiya im 31 yrs old and i love cats, pugs, fairy-tale storys, and making dresses in acnl, I also write books♪ Stuff i hate: my bipolar depression, monkeys, ›_‹ and ppl who muddy up others names making them the bad guy all the while trying 2 making them selfs look like the victim, *glares at honor* *-.O* *gaz's evil eye* My rules 4 acnl are: no stealing..
alexispro0 alexisgamer05
Hola #Miiverse Car Guy Peach fan Vehicle Virgins (Youtube channel) fan Lambo fan GT-R fanboy Camaro fan
peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
★Luna★ omghihi01
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Bowser Jr. eeb4321
Hi kids. Bowser Jr. here! Tomorrow, my mischievous Elf on the Shelf named Carol is coming back to my Dad's house, because I want to show her an early Christmas gift I got. (King Bowser said that it plays lots of music, and I have to practice it for 20 minutes a day!) And when it came to the castle, it was heavy to carry. But I still played lots of songs for my siblings before Christmas came by!
Katieά■ KyorgreKitten2
Why am I always forgetting passwords? My old ds is broken, so I had to get a new one? Part of Pachirisu Clan
Mariana xmarcelormx
Leia Mikeavelli_24
hello there
˘ˇ˘)/ SAMI4353
(≧∀≦) plz follow my mαin 《DogsForever123》( ˘ ▽ ˘ )ノ Thx! Bai☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☁︎☎︎☀︎♪。Puppies ☆彡に♪♪♪○* ♨︎《》♨︎☃️☂️❄️ ♣︎(≧∀≦)『THANK YΩU FΩR 5OO FΩℓℓΩWЄЯS ON MY MΔΙΝ』(≧∀≦)♣︎�☃️�☃️�☃️�☃️� - HΩCKS!
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
Hello, everyone! ^^
I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (N...
Hello, everyone! ^^
I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (No Racist Criticism Pls.) Anyway, thanks for poking me!
- Slowly pokes you back - Ehhhhh...
[ … … … … ]
What do you want? A cookie?
Alright, you can leave now... peace out.