χαηdσ's Followers
Laruz PPLaurzAlt
At the time of writing this, I was preparing for sleep. So, I'm sorry if I didn't see any comments you made on mine or Laurzy's posts. I guess this is my final goodbye...
jt jtearnest
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Tatum morningcheese
Hi! I'm Tatum! I love art, I have a sister, I play LOTS of games, and I want at least 10 followers when Miiverse ends. I think thats it but you can ask me questions. Bye!–Tatum
•☆Sugar☆• paprri
Teraƒοx TeraSmyte
Hello There! Just the guy behind the StarFox Mascot! >^ó StarFox is Extremely Underrated, So I've dedicated myself on Supporting it! But don't be Fooled! I'm not just a Huge StarFox Fan! Though i'm known for that around Here, (; I Love anything Nintendo! 18 Self Taught Artist Signing Out! BF's Magma,Misha, Hud,DaHuskyGuy,Aaron,Brit Wolf,Tyler,Delta,BigBoy And More! CHANDLER IS MY BFF<3
V :3 Tinkers1
I've had so much fun wasting my life on here, even if half of my memories are my old cringy posts. I learned how to draw okay on here, which makes Miiverse ten times more special to me. I've made many friends and followers on here, and I appreciate each and every one of you. I don't think I would be this far without you guys. I guess this is it.See you on the other side.My :^(verse is same as here
Hi, My Name Is Jake. Im 12 years old I like pokemon Follow pepsi king (favorite user) Also dont forget to follow me cause ill then follow u back im also Mennonite
Kirsche 0275cherrie
Hi und willkommen auf meinem Profil meine liblingsfarbe ist:orange meine liblingsspiel sind: Need for speed most wanted und Mincraft und ich bin .... jahre alt und ich freu mich wenn wir Freunde wären! XD WII U Chat: nur mit Recht guten Freunden. Falls ihrs noch nicht wisst Miiverse geht am 8.11.17! Und tschau oh hab ich vergessen ihr könnt mich cherrie nennen!
eliot EliotGoret
MR.MASTER saknint
HI I AM MR.MASTER! I have a lot of games and am really sad that Miiverse is closing!! This is my life! I love Miiverse and you guys! THANKS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! (^o^) (^o^) I have drawn the Dark Lord as a celebration!! Again, thanks so much for the 100 Followers!! I can't thank you guys enough!! 2 years ago I was at 0. Now look where I am! THANK YOU GUYS! REALLY! MY GOAL IS DONE! ♥ U!
Xavier genoveva49
I like my friends on Wii U plz be my friend and you could join me in minecraft if you friend me!:) plus ill accept any friend request as long you're nice! best friends in minecraft: jjc.13,IronmanZR,AvaDamien1 (single) plus new mii favorite youtuber JACKSEPTICEYE,MARKIPLIER,POPULARMMOS (single) byyyyyyeeeee
Britt… brittani01
HI…………………………………………………………yo los voy a extrañar , espero q nos volvamos a encontrar en la switch …… en especial a Clari y Giin :'v , los BFF q tuve en Miiverse →No Wi U chat← #VivaSeñorPelo #AdiósMiiverse Vete… Clarissa Best friend furever .ω. os digo ALGO ? soy masoquita :3 Gгαсıας ροг ςεgυıгмε ^ ^
Though miiverse should be dead by now, it's really inspiring seeing everyone hanging in there and posting to each heart's content, also Matt-B-u speaks the truth. I'll be screenshot dumping till the 7 ps.top kek Mattypb
SweetTart Fsfire10
Hi I was human Golden Freddy for a Halloween Party and Ennard for Trick-Or-Treating (Jason the Toy Maker secretly is Grell from Black Butler) King Dice:my head isn't for rolling! Devil:*pushes him over*now it is Dice:*gets up and pushes him* Devil:grrr! Dice:oh sweet ace!*runs* Devil:*triggered chases him*DICE GET BACK HERE! The rare Sweet Tart is found in fandom:FNaF,BatIM,UT,Pasta,& Cuphead
river river2479
splatoon is awesome! I don't befriend people I don't know.
こんにちはベータ星人です。今マリメやってますが、マリオが小さい時から大好きでした。 他は、wiiUではありませんが[ガン●ム]や[ド●クエ]も好きです。
chamboseba sebastian089
soy sebastian me gusta jugar con amigos y con primos y tal mis mejores amigos son ignacio diego mi unico familiar de wii u daniel kevin lapapa osea todos mis amigos tengo 9 años cresi con dabr jugabamos minecraft poket edition antes les tenia miedo a los zombies pero benci mi miedo gracias por seguirme y por saber todo de mi doy todo mi empeño en ello adios miveerse gracias por todo adios:)
IG Léo! GolemTitan3
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ちょー r7mcht
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bluefalcon KeyCrest
miiverse is ending so i want the approximate friends in my friend slot before the end of miiverse so enough of that let me introduce myself: hi my name is bluefalcon i like minecraft anything pokemon anything mario anything and super smash bros for 3DS/wii U im 12 and my birthday is actullay 10/31 but it just got mixed up with my dad's:-) AND STOP ASKING ME TO GO TO WII U CHAT, CAUSE I WON'T!!!!!!
dortosgame bonhommito
bonjour je mapelle dortos mai vou pouve mapeller gaspard et jai 9an mai jeu prefere son la minecraft splatoon loste reaver mario troi de world mai bon passon a autre chause jabite au mexque maleuresement au mexique il ya des tremblement de terre mai bon je gairde le sourire bon a plus dan le bus abonne vou abonne vou
☆ToonLonk☆ RainLinkSudo
c!gwen-s-h rapidfire011398
Thats my тцмыг btw, childgwen-search-history for CampCamp. Because I'm trash, lol. Go make an ask! Or here too on my fave post! Anyways, obvious fandom trash. I also enjoy your CampCamp theories and headcanons >w> CC Community: Preston Sterling Currently: [* ● ONLINE.] [*OFFLINE.] [*OUT OF POSTS.]
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
デリシャスKAZU1 yomamikahi05
Chara★ CandyKitties
Now that the time has come for Miiverse, I don't have enough time to response to any questions or comments so please don't bother talk................................ I'll miss you all, even my friends, BluToonz, Napsty, and...... Lila.... Goodbye......................... ♡ - Chara
**** COLAMAN8610
こんにちわ 野球がすきすぎる男 だじゅん2 せばんごう2 しゅうび、サ一ド、ショ一ト、セカンドだ まもりたいしゅびファースト やりたくないしゅび、とうしゅ すきなどうが、ク一二ンTV じゃフォロ一みんなにする フリクレよろ じゃアデュー
けんしん kenshinnodayo
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おれ suzuki.kyoudai.5
Jonathan jopapa1963
Si miiverse ferme c a cause de la switch nintendo se consentre plus sur la switch et abandone comme une vielle crotte miiverse c votre faute nintendo que vous aller perdre des milliard de fan
smelly Kaistar85
hey guys smelly here
リヴァイ 1147hhh
お.俺はバグスターウイルスにかかってしまったww 知ってる人少ないかな?(仮面ライダーエグ*イド) それは、おいといて、顔つつかれるのも嫌な気しないなww 本名は[漆黒の翼]かつてはダークリユニオンの第一ソルジャーだった。まぁこの話はおいといてい、いや俺中2病じゃないからね!?冗談だから!誤解しないで下さい。主に好きなゲームは[スプラトゥーン]、[進撃の巨人]、[大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ]かな?よろしくお願いします。あと、誕生日12月16日だった自慢じゃないけど[モンスターハンターストーリーズ]なら全てのモンスター持ってます。自慢になったww
まっちゃん♪ GMA.ky
どうもこんにちは、 まっちゃんです^^ ~自己紹介~ ニックネーム:まっちゃん 本名:秘密 年:秘密 ~歌オススメ~ まふまふ様 作:夢のまた夢 ナユタン星人様 作:太陽系デスコ れるりり様 作:神のまにまに くらいですかね。 ~良くやるアプリ、ゲーム~ マインクラフト スプラトゥーン マリオメーカー VOEZ パズル&ドラゴンズ #コンパス など ~一言~ フレリクなど送ってください_ _ 無言フレリク受け付けません フレンドになったら... この部分は、お楽しみ んじゃどこかでお会いしましょう。
Matthew Z.E.R.0_6
Hi my name is matthew and i... do nothing ·_· soooooo i usually play with my Wii U because something is wrong with 3ds i can't hear anything
デス:ブラック YAG555
顔ポチありがとう ブラックです フォローされたら必ず返します フレリクはなるべくコメントをつけてください マイクラ.スプラテゥーン.マリオメーカーやってます
テレホンtetuya ikatetsuya
こんにちは!!!!!! てっかまきと言います よろピクミン
Demigorgon jpharaoh
Thank you so much for 700 followers. Thanks for every single follower. Make the most of Miiverse. I like ASDF, Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Idubbz, and Jim Gaffigan. My favorite song is All Star, by Smash Mouth. And no, it is not the official 'Shrek song'. Don't listen to Revolution 9, by The Beatles. I go 2 Copperrr Mountain middul skule. (Admins) I sell [B]oneless Items.
мαяγ-ζαлξ FLAREONLOVER123
"'…' give me anxiety like you wouldn't imagine"-me REQUESTS ARE CL O S E D Honk is senpai I'm a 13 year old nerd I have too many senpais- Please follow: Caitlin,Ästöriä,no,☆Stephy★,Lucifer,Chris,Niall,MOSHE, Jammy,Artistic, ItsBobNoon,Roxie, Ni,Kyle,Jaiden, Klara, Honk,and KITKAT! All of my followers are amazing!Thanks for 1,000+ followers! Join the Choco Protection Squad
Thank you for so many followers!
Miiverse had a good run.
And maybe we’ll see each other again.....
Thank you for so many followers!
Miiverse had a good run.
And maybe we’ll see each other again...?
I play on Splatoon 2 as Mr.Pringle! I use all types of weapons so yeah. My name’s my most distinct feature. And yes, my Mii is the Pringles Man.