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New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

Well, gotta go to chemistry review for an exam... I'll be back before 10 eastern time. I plan to watch this place until it dies hopefully.

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

I like it when you find a really inappropriate post that soon after says "this post is being reviewed". For some reason it makes me think of a group of scientists in lab coats inspecting the post t...


4 hours ago

yeah, me too. i also like to imagine admins reading it together like "hm, should we delete this post?"

New Super Luigi U Community


5 hours ago

It's pretty rad that my phone has a built in translator for it's internet browser, there's actually a lot of Japanese artists that I'll be able to see elsewhere thanks to it.

New Super Luigi U Community


13 hours ago

Ugh! I feel like there's still so much more I could say about this place! But not enough time...why can't we have a day off for Miiverse, especially seeing so many people come back for a final post...

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Anyone else listen to the 24/7 Nintendo Music Stream on YouTube? I think it should totally have a Miiverse OST marathon tomorrow.

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1 day ago

I've seen it, but never clicked on it... I guess I should when I get my new headset.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Lol, just noticed a professor in the science department of my college has a figurine of Shrek on her office shelf!

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Woah! I didn't realize Sonic Generations 3DS was basically a completely different game compared to the console version! I definitely gotta pick up a copy next time I see it!

New Super Luigi U Community


3 days ago

TMW you find a cool artist here, but you don't bother following since this place will be gone in a few days, and the person will probably post barely anything.

Discussions YouTube Community


11/03/2017 3:36 PM

Open Closed

Any Boyz wanna to chat?

I'm board.

New Super Luigi U Community


11/02/2017 9:09 PM

I may not have Mario Odyssey yet, but at least Hollow Knight finally runs well enough on my labtop for me to play it. Hollow Knight is fantastic... you should play it.

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11/03/2017 6:35 AM

I'll wait for the switch port

New Super Luigi U Community


11/01/2017 7:41 PM

Lol, I linked this account to my school email to create another MyNintendo account so I can download my posts, and I realized my "birthday" was set to October 23rd. So happy late fake birthday to me!

New Super Luigi U Community


10/31/2017 6:24 PM

Share a Halloween memory in the comments. Doesn't need to be scary, just something you remember, or a Halloween tradition. Most Halloweens I'd go trick or treating with my brother and 2 older cousi...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/31/2017 3:46 PM

Are Cabbage Patch Kids supposed to be cute?...I don't think I can see what's appealing about them at all.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 9:00 AM

Why is it that some people can totally get away with hinting at where else to find them, but if I even mention something other than Miiverse it gets taken down! Can't they just let that stuff slide...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/29/2017 10:23 AM

Latest yeahs: I forgot about all the stupid doodles I made during my Wind Waker 3 heart hero mode play thru! Those were fun to make.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/28/2017 5:19 PM

Fun Fact: Waluigi's shirt used to be pink but then he washed it with his dark jeans, so now his shirt is purple.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/27/2017 12:02 AM

It's 12 for me now... should I get out of bed and go buy Mario?

New Super Luigi U Community


10/24/2017 9:42 PM

New Super Luigi U Community


10/24/2017 6:17 PM

When someone comments "I wish I could draw like you" and your not sure if you should yeah the comment because you don't want it to seem like you're agreeing with them, and that you're such a better...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/23/2017 12:45 AM

Mario Party Island Tour frickin sucks!!! I've played every board type thing and haven't won once! I mean, I put the CPU on hard difficulties, but I still pretty much win all the minigames, but it a...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/22/2017 12:40 PM

It's weird that Geodude can sometimes float in the games or anime. I'm pretty sure he was initially meant to either roll, hop, or crawl with his harms since tons of pokedex entries make remarks abo...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/21/2017 1:51 PM

I got a Donkey Kong air freshener yesterday. Now my life is complete...my only complaint is that it's not banana scented, but vanilla's good too.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/20/2017 3:02 PM

What if all monkeys had the ability to turn into dogs, and dogs were actually just monkeys that really like being dogs? 🐒🐵🙈🐒🙉🙊🐕🐩🐶

New Super Luigi U Community


10/18/2017 11:09 PM

Boy, I forget how weeny-ish most of society can be while in nature. Earlier today my geology lab went on a field trip to...look at rocks, and almost everyone was afraid to walk through juniper bush...