Users Jacob Grep Is Following
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
X-Man DiamondXMan
Mario Fan 4 Life Fun Facts: I love Mario Games I play mostly Mario Kart 8 and Mario Maker. Also I like playing Super Mario Bros. All Stars for the Nintendo Wii. and other titles such as Mario Super Slugger, New Mario Bros. U + New Luigi U, Mario Party 8-10, M&S at the 2008-2014 Games, SSB4, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Mario Kart Wii.
SavageGirl grooveycookie
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Lucine NekoRobin100
@Снιβα_Снαπ @NekoRobin100 нι ιм 17 αηd ι Ιονε мεετιлg ρзоρle, ι Ιονε мγ ƒαмιΙγ. ι ριαγ τнз ρς4, ρς3 αηd χβοχ1 αηdχβοχ360 ι pΙαγ dεςτιηγ, ροκεмοη,ςταг шαг,ςτειια,ШгеςτΙιηg,gτα[αιι ςεгιες],ηεεd ƒοг ςρεεd,мιdηιgнτ сΙυβ,Шιζαгd 101, ØΙd τιмε gαмες[ωαгсгαƒτ,мαгιο,ςοηιс,αηdραскмαη] ƒαυοπιτε моνιε:<3ροωεг гαηgεгς<3 ƒαυοπιτε απιмз:αοτ ,ςαο οκ τнατς ιτ! нαvз α лιсз dαγ! ★{☆ƒοιιοω м啃οιιοω γου☆}★ »{^•^}«
jared Jaredrocks123
just enjoy justeenjoy
salut tous le monde j'espère que sa va,en tous cas moi sa va.Appeler moi just enjoy je joue a minecraft je suis assez forte maintenant je sais accès les bases si non je suis super forte a mario kart 8 et j aime beaucoup splatoon je suis aussi forte a mariotennis ultra smash et tres experte et super forte à zelda breat of the wild .je vous adore depacer les 700 abo svp c est mon reve♥ABONNÉ VOUS!
ProKameron leslie6180
I like the miiverse code of conduct. (I'm a pro) I love the Miiverse administers.
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
Riley pugster
Hey, I'm Riley! Nintendo Franchises I like are: • Mario • Legend of Zelda • Super Smash Bros. • Fire Emblem • Pokémon Oh nice, you're still on my page! I'll do some fun facts about me: • I play the trumpet. • Pugs are my favorite dog breed. • Sushi is my favorite food. • GameCube is my favorite Nintendo Console. That's all I guess, give me a follow! Also, I accept some Friend requests. Byeee. :)
DJX16[GTA] djxgamer2001
hi my name dwaine i love video games i play all the time i love food and partying and just chilling like a boss im also now 16 years old
GirlyGamer cupcakequeen13
l ♥ My Fans Welcome to my GirlyGamer profile! Miiverse name: GirlyGamer Real name: Kate Hobby: Drawing and listening to music Have a dog named Rocco •ω• PS I'm a Gamer otherwise i wouldn't be GirlyGamer! Be different ;)☆★ No Wii U Chat, Minecraft Dreams! Omg pink donuts!! l love the song Meow Meow (Nyan Cat Theme) Yes l am popular in school l have many friends! #Winter On! Peace out♥ Get out plz
Skilly6578 skillywilly4545
☆Hi Im Derian★. ★★What's up.☆☆☆☆;) i am 14 i will be 15 on Nov 4 is my birthday next year i also play super smash pokemon oras games alot follow me people in miiverse and i will follow you Thank you for those who followed me don't be afraid to comment on one of my posters or yeah them im not mean im nice Bye take care, have a Great day and stay safe.
ЯΞÐ★ωøιƒiε FandomGaming167
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D⇒㌖㈱C.J㍻ЮЭ Your_Hacker_Here
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Noel Candy456789
kk_is_best KelseyAC
Hi my name is kelsey and this is my profile dob:1/16/2006 type:cowgirl age:11 favorite thing to do :read favorite thing to eat : pizza, tacos,spagetti and mashed potatoes with corn and meat. still reading :) u could be my friend bye now I almost forgot my best friend is MF★cloud♪☆
dante macksnfergfamily
Hey there miiverse people i'm D'ante and i love fighting and party games! Welcome to any friend requests!PLEASE Don't UNFRIEND ME PLEASE!BBBBBYYYYYYEEEE! HAVE A Good Day! Please follow me and i follow you!BBBBBYYYYYYYYEE
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
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Litten Trolling_U_Good
Been here since 7/31/16 Litten's the name and spitting up hair balls in people's faces are my game! I dab 2 the beat.
kai redandbluekai
hey here is some things about me name:machai gender:male fav colors:red black and white fav game characters:link mario sonic fav games mario sonic zelda pokemon ssb4 you follow me i follow u peace stop scrolling seriously NOT!!KIDDING NOTHING TO SEE PEOPLE told ya haha ;)!!!!!!!!!!!
Zorua emanuel1987
HELLO LOVELY Friends PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW OR SEND Friends Request I LIKE ever oasis DRAGONS KIRBY FOXES pokemon UNDERTALE GURREN LAGANN dorumon chibisuke FLAMMIE (secret of mana) O.CS/pokesonas/fursonas COLE THE DRAGON♂ climax THE Dutch Angel Dragon♂ (wip) nexus the Zorua/dorumon/dragon♂ lighting horns♀ (MLP) FRIENDS/need to follow NOAH THE ANTHRO ZINORGE Dark★Umbry Quirk Wolfstar
Milagros25 Milagros24
Hi i'll be happy to help u WorldPeace.Follow me.I'm shy,kind,funny,Love jk a lot helpful caring too not a fighter person busy a lot.I'm adopted keep earth clean.Aunt of 4 kids.I speak spanish too.I make sure everyone had a great time. unfortunately I won't be here I will miss u all:[.Stay all safe and love everyone around you always be positive have hope andnever give up bye everyone:)Smile always
Tacala TacalaX3
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Alex lasdfghjkl
My name is Alex. I am actually Daniel, this is because I am forced to use this account... My favorite games consist of Pokémon and Kirby. I'm a Pokémon loving expert, so do not underestimate my skills. I post Pokémon Wi-fi Battles on here as a way of entertainment for Pokémon fans. I do not do RPs, I also only accept Friend Requests once I know you and find you okay for me.
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
Nicole nicolgh
There are two sisters, Muffin and Pancake! (Mostly Muffin.) Excited to get the Nintendo Switch! Pancake - Doesn't really use this. Huge shipper tho. Muffin - Takes selfies on Splatoon, shipper and uses the Wii U most of the time. ★ Pancake uses a 3DS.
[CO] Matt RojoMage123
i be in gameing community for 7 years on nintendo 3DS had bad time and good time im here to help and welcome to follow me on miivere i also play Kid Icarus Uprising Animal Crossing New Leaf Luigi Mansion Dark Moon Pokemon X Super Smash Bros on 3DS with team rockert in pokemon and my i like gamedesighing also have respect gamer and artist can believe that :)
Dark.S wolflink2424
hello welcome to yeahverse central where people spam yeahs anyway I am michael im 14 this is my 3ds account about me....... Im a stresstful teenager in eight grade I like the legend of zelda franchise I also have a wii u account jedi.creeper23 I like cooking and camping In my free time I play video games or drawl anywhey see yeah
Tessa☆☆★★☆ songsinger53
Hey people of MIIverse. I have never done this before so.... yeah (^~^)
Nikel Nikel.123
#Featureme #Featurethis #liketolike Follow and Like and i'll also do the same I'm in the 8th grade age:14 Singer:Nicki Minaj Sports: soccer,lacrosse,basketball Movie:It I do Soccer,lacrosse, and basketball tricks I really Appreciate the Follow and liking my post goodbye and love u all!!
しゅん shun2852
▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ しゅんだぉ。ゲーム大好きです。みなさんよろしく! あっ!兄弟であげてるよ!だから、桃ってかいてあったら姉だよ一(小5です○○県の○○○小です)
epic winterbaldwin
hi im jack
Miltank Moraleslemus
Goodbye Miiverese, thanks for the memories Hey, you just clicked my Mii's profile pic. My Mii's name is Miltank Currently, my favorite Wii U and 3ds games are: Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3ds I'm usually in the Youtube community, to see what cringy stuff people post in there. This the end of my profile comment, bye! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Inklin Boi Troy-TJ
What? I am so cool, even scientists don't know why? Anyhoo I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TROY! I'm almost 15, I love Nintendo games, i've been playing Nintendo games for 8 years, and now i'm a pro! Feel free to ask me questions from the games in my favorite community list anytime! Mah buddies: Savannah, Autumn, Zachary, Emma (Finally), Sarah, Lainey, Mina TRS and $ALT for da win! XD I win.
Saphira ghostyspooks
Ay lmao. Small YouTuber.
Josephine Claypollo
Hi, I'm Jo and this is my alt account. I'm 13 years old and I like to screech into mailboxes.
Daryl IloveuAthanasia1
Miiverse will be a good memory to me .^. it was good while it lasted Miranda(Cc) Mari(100% korean XD♥) Iva(rp frand) Jayferd(real life bestfrad :3 he is the best)
Hey i'm grump! Welcome to my profile!
My favorite games are ssb4, pokemon (red, blue, gr...
Hey i'm grump! Welcome to my profile!
My favorite games are ssb4, pokemon (red, blue, green, yellow, silver, gold, sapphire, ruby, emerald, ect.) crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot cortex strikes back, crash bandicoot warped, banjo kazooie, banjo tooie, sly cooper and the thevius racoonus, sly cooper 2 band of thevies, sly cooper 3, kirby super star, half life 2, portal, portal 2, and more!