Hot Beans's Followers
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform has brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
bluebloper Drewdoza1
goodbye bitches!!1
ed fawfzilla
I like to draw, play games, and have fun!
Jilly jillydawn
Read favorite post :') Goodbyes are part of time, a part of moving forward... Thanks, everyone. For everything. I'll miss you all so much... Will you miss me...? "Instant Graham Crackers"... "Dat Cord"... "Sky" ...Uh... "Physical Education"???... (XD) "CLOSED miiVERSE"... ...jilly.dawn ...CM Jilly#6931 ...Glowyrubberducky ...Jillydawn R.I.P. Miiverse :')
Steen ShinyStarKat
Hi it's Steen (check out my final thoughts) thank you all so much I'm glad to have been a part of Miiverse, even at least for a bit I met some really cool people here glad to have entertained you all with my little doodles see you all real soon remember to appreciate Pikango Sam entrusted me with the Steve Fan Club "My on the horizon..." -Pikango Her name is Shiny
Bryson PeaSHooTer360x
Hi I'm Bryson And I Love Purple Shep And Rosie Bridget And Ann And BFDI And Luna Loud And I Love Of You!!!!!
Cap.Ash Jaguar03
THANK YOU! I love you all! And I shall (hopefully) see you on the switch soon, Zach... I love you, and everyone else... Goodbye!
otrain otrain17
OW! don't tap my head so hard. hello im a 11 year-old kid who likes to sleep and game cool people: moshi Candy☆mew toonandrew OMNI EX kathy vanilla doremi. dees are cool people so go check'em out because and please stop by at any time.
★Edward★ internet3ds
MIITOPIA True Tank main Angry Queen is best monster SMASH Bowser, DDD, Peach, Olimar and Ganon main NO CLOUD MAINS OR LINK SPAMMERS ALLOWED Miis are nice MARIO MAKER I like doing puzzle-like levels Mostly NSMBU or SMB Can't complete too complex levels POKEMON MOON Rarely playing now Lots of Pokemon to train Looking for shinies PKMN RUMBLE Forgotten to play KIRBY CLASH DELUXE Same
JARRETT Steampower90
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Rayanne(∞) YoshiKitty654
So this is the end.. I've made so many friends and memories here, and I want to thank everyone who helped me on this journey. Thank you all for making these years so amazing. I make a lot of spelling errors because I'm always in a rush. ●If I don't respond to a Wii U message, comment on one of my posts. γøςħί!
Goodbye DANYEL120
A little about myself.... ●I love to sleep,but don't want to do it ●My all time favorite games are SPLATOON Mario cart MINECRAFT SSB's ●i am weird ●I would like it if you dropped a follow ●i draw random stuff and post random stuff why you still here?? go away
~Sεαωεεd~ Rainbow_Naga
Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
Boo awesomeoshawott1
★☆Bandana Dee and Fawful for SSB5!!☆★ Goodbye random people I hardly knew! I wasted so much of my life on this site :) L'p dzhvrphyloodjhu rq wxpeolqj zklfk lv zkhuh L'p prvw dfwlyh. Wzhhwhu lv IdzixoKdvPhphv dqg L wklqn pb Ghylrxv duw lv pxvwdug-ri-grrp oro THREE LETTERS BACK Also Switch on your Nintendo for won hive mine - mine for hive tree - mine for hero hive I HAVE FURY!
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
Gluttony 184712cool
The apple ate the frog and the watermelon ate the apple and the tomato ate the watermelon and the tomato was eaten by the humans.
κƒ★Flurr FlurrGamingGTA
#SaveMiiverse Welcome to my clan κƒ = (Koopaling Fans) Welcome To My Profile Im a part of Mixels Fan & Koopaling fan Also my favorite Characters are Larry,Lemmy,Iggy,Morton,Ludwig,Roy,Bowser jr. and Nabbit. ♪ Elektromania - The Other Side ♪
★сαταгΐηα☆ SailorWindyy9947
★•·.Welcome to my profile.·•☆ •I don't accept random FRs •Don't be rude to me or i'll block you •You can't roast me 'cuz i'm "unroastable" •I Don't do Wii U Chat,only with people that i know In real life •If you comment something that isn't related to my post,your comment will be deleted. #SaveMV •SSB4 mains: Rosalina Zelda Marth Lucina Cap.Falcon Corrin Peach Cloud
Danielłe PrettyGurl344
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☆Jοshua☆♂ MARISOL1212
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Aubrey detralewis03
We are the A team
Shane aldorivas123
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★Nερτυniα☆ 5682.1
Whatzap! My name is Nep(clap)!★ My name is tune(clap)!★ My name is Nep-Nep,tune-tune! The Console Patron Unit of Planeptune! Fav.anime:re;zero,Koboyashi san chi no dragon maid and konosuba Fav.franchise:super mario,pokemon and Hyperdimension Neptunia #Single ??? years old followxfollow =) #neptunia_and_mario_crossover ☆★★☆ I'm not from Russian ›:(
[<+Sam+>] Burn23
Welcome to my profile, I'm Sam. Talk to me if you want. I am a Gemini. Age: 17 theme: What you wanted By: No Resolve Pokemon team theme: Undefeated. By: Skillet. Jay's theme: His world. By: Zebrahead remix Best Friends: Blazy, Furno, Aura, Connor,Kiara, Ruby and Dom (You hurt any of them. I'll make sure you regret it) (You may find me in A M I N O and D E V I A N T A R T after MV shut down)
Okt.Sascha Rosalina-Fan_Nr1
Hi ich bin Sascha und bin 26 Jahre alt. Ich bin ein echt großer Rosalina Fan,und ja ich gebe es auch zu das ich auch ein Final Fantasy Fan bin,Cloud ist mein alter Freund und Kumpel. Und ja Miiverse Leute,ich bin auch ein Fan der Indie Spielhelden,aber ich mag nur drei von ihnen,Shantae das halbe Djinniemädchen,Der mutige und Adelige Shovel Knight,und zum Schluss das Drachenmädchen Lilac.
FireBurst™ derpylovesdoctor
Hi, my name is riley/FireBurst I am a fan of SUPER MARIO,The Legend Of Zelda,and Minecraft and My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic....Oh!, and Im good at drawing, im a boy who has autism... I also like Game Grumps and Gravity Falls! And most importantly the jontron show! And im making a web series called the misadventures of fire burst! its about 2 best friends getting superpowers
♪★ĦĂŃŠĖĻ♂★ Blake_043126
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo se va miniverse nooooooooooooooo :'< chao amigos :'<
Skittles HarleyQLover
Hi my name is £ayla, my favorite game GTA 5. Age:14 And im Bisexual!!! ·_· Favorite bands & singers.... Twenty-øne pliøts,Melonie martinez,katy perry, and eminem...!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PLUS SUBSCRIBE TO-DupstepMoon,Mikey bolts,Markiplier,and Mikey Manfs on youtube!!! Heading for 300 followers!!!
がく mosipi
今まで携わられた方々どうもありがとうございました<(_ _)> 思えば約二年のミバ生活で6000人以上の方々に支えられ私は幸せ者だったと共に皆様方のこれからのご多幸を心よりお祈りします。 また主が生きてたらどこかでお会いしましょう!笑
Isaac Isaac_8735
Oh hello you seem nice, I'm nice too. I'm just some guy who enjoys to doodle and a bunch of other things. If you like my stupidity than do whatever you please to express that. Thank you for your time. Ask me about my DA.
Corry SkyHighHijinks
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Thanks for the good times Miiverse, until we meet again...