Users ζ Is Following
josh joshuataylor2002
Dumbo DumboK
"Apples rule. If it weren't for a conspiracy of the fruit manufacturers, we'd all have apples." ・ Sorry, I can't follow anymore (1000 limit). ・ May get lost in notifications/activity feed. ・ May run out of 30 comments. ・ May not manage to keep track of all yeahs received. ・ May not accept random friend requests. ・ May often not be on the Wii U. ・ May like April May. ・ Thanks for the support!
gas monky fordmustang302
i dont like mean people i love racing and i follow you if u follow me thanks you guys are cool :) i have a very very best girl named rene please go and find her and follow her
gigi gigipony
hi i'm gia i'm 8 i like cats and dogs please follow me plz
Leah L08E03K02
Hi friends, I'm Leah! I am 15 years old. I am a HUGE Yoshi fan! I also enjoy Pokémon and Animal Crossing.
Toya msjackson17
Jodie Terrigenesis
I'm new owner of a new nintendo 3ds but I had an original game boy as a kid so the virtual console games have a lot of nostalgia value for me! I've started a little collection of games now including some older DS games I found online ^–^ for example Animal Crossing Wild World UPDATE: I now also have a Nintendo Switch! hurrah!!
Dakimeon Dakimeon
Hi there! I'm an italian old-school player who used to start gaming when child, with the unforgettable NES; I love Mario games and I'm actually a huge Donkey Kong fan too. Nintendo and Capcom have always been my favourite software houses. I like Resident Evil and Street Fighter series so much! Please never forget: I'm a zombie genocider! :D
PaSqualo PaSqualo
Navigo in cerca di curiosità dal web! Amo la fotografia, Apple, videogames e la tecnologia in generale. Da poco rientrato nel mondo Nintendo :D
#すぬーぴーlove mana-coo
「#すぬーぴーlove」でございます。 とにかく、『スヌーピー』がすきなのです! 特にー。和の感じがすき!和服を着たスヌーピーことすぬ~ぴ~が可愛い(はっ~とぅ×∞) スヌーピーファン=スヌーピーが好きな人。一緒に語り合いましょ~♪
katy perry katie107045
Dustin Dustin10000
Jeder der meinen folgern folgt den folge ich:)
Yoshi FennicYoshi
I know this service is ending in a month, so I just wanna say thank you to my friends and followers, both here and in my main account. And my dream address? 6D00-000F-F5FC.
Superdude superdude647
PP★Guild Storyteller8
Hi! I'm JDC. I regularly make puzzles for various games such as Pullblox World and Mario vs Donkey Kong. Be sure to follow me if you're interested in playing the puzzles I have made! Thanks. :)
Snow/アワユキ Snow.Awayuki
※フレンドリクエストは基本無視します。 ハコボーイ!シリーズ 能力付きコスチュームを用いた、ハコ数節約プレイをしています。 新・光神話パルテナの鏡 神器の作り方を覚えたので、たびたび天使の降臨に出没します。 プレイヤースキルは壊滅的にないですが、同部屋になった際はよろしくお願いします。
Akanon APRader
I play a game that's full of blox
dodonpa nekr0kappa
I'm a 20 year old intermediate gamer! I play Smash, Mario Kart 7, Pokemon Omega Ruby, Stretchmo and more!
Sönke harlockoro
Peeps Peeps64
It has been a great couple of years for me here. Luckily, despite this website dying, my memories never will. Neither will Peeps & co ;^) Bye bye Miiverse!
Zyrac Zyrac23
Hopeless Animal Crossing addict, but also a hardcore gamer when I find the time. I try to make all my posts unique and entertaining. New Leaf Dream Address: 6E00 000F 65D2 Huge fan of Smash Bros. no matter how it's played. My favourite characters are Villager and Jigglypuff. I upload any replays I think are worth sharing. I also love level editors, including Pullblox and of course Mario Maker.
romain /ML rokami
salue moi c romain! je suis comme qui dirait un joueur qui ne lâche pas prise pour se fair de nouveau ami,si vous êtes coincé je seraient là pour vous aidé. mon jeux préféré est fullblox dans se jeux je suis un vrai architecte de pointe! si vous avez une commande proposer la moi. abonner vous pour toujours plus d'aide et de fullblox!
Zelfore Zelfore
⎛[ • ⎽⎽⎽ • ]⎞ ≺(☴☲☵) Bappo Says: I know ALL about Stretchmo. Please feel free to ask me anything!
うふげ<ftg> hr.Alpo_312
最近はほしいゲーム等はありませぬ しかもマリカにはまった^^ ・Q.住んでいるところ A.日本のどっか ・Q.はまっているゲーム A.マリカ8 ・Q.あ 持っているソフト(Wiiu) マリオVSドンキーコング スマブラU マリオカート8 ピクミン3 スーパーマリオ 3dワールド 太鼓の達人 特盛り! スーマリU ソチオリンピック 等 スプラトゥーンはダウンロード版 マリオまけR 最近マリオメーカーでステージ投稿していません。ステージ投稿するかは考え中 注:「うぶげ」ではありません(産毛) 「うふげ」で検索すると「進撃のうふげ」とか出るけど気にしない
すおう glintia
Pierre A. DarkCalavera
Welcome to my profile! Now get out... I am a 19 year old guy who is not afraid of ze paranormal and I am certainly not afraid of kicking your ... Excuse me, for I am being rude. Please feel free to look around, I insist (although you won't find anything). Have a nice day! ( I hope you die) Come back soon! (I beg to differ, stay away) Until then! (Go to ze Underworld)
1てん hide.0414
カナモン kanamon
Lahna LahnaKitty
i'm dark and cynical. highly intelligent with a wide vocabulary, and a stickler for correct grammar. not a good follower.
Emma EmmaBlanke
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Now with video solutions! I enjoy all the Professor Layton games, plus Boxboy, Catrap, Turn Lost ...
Now with video solutions! I enjoy all the Professor Layton games, plus Boxboy, Catrap, Turn Lost Artifact, Ninja Usagimaru, Robot Rescue, Toki Tori, Rush, Adventures of Lolo and of course the whole Pushmo series.