Cole 's Followers
soso somardu13
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Lexi.S.R therealLexi456
Uzelac 500 loganmariotime
I LOVE ANIMAL CROSSING NEW LEAF AND AMIBO FESTIVAL. (When school is in session, unavalible monday-thursday)
★Subio★ JustdanceNow1234
I Do NOT Wii U Chat , Its Not Safe! Im Just A Cute Korean Who Speaks English. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Bye!
Julieeeeee bennythedog2004
"Ooh, Mario's Tunnel of Doom! Very scary!" Welcome. Welcome to trash town. I like memes, Video games, drawing stuff, and lame jokes. I also have waaay too many Oc's. Ummmm..... Murdoc Nickels, Russell Hobbs, Karamatsu, and King Dedede are best Husbandos. That is all. Good day. < ̄`ヽ、 / ̄> ゝ、 \ /⌒ヽ,ノ /´ ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) / > ,ノ ∠_,,,/´”
betrayed sararocks526
i am the sara and i am my own species
red gaming red030
taken and i love her im famouse for playing mc i like pickles BYE MIIVERSE. this social media site is basically dead by now
ćħĺßîè ArtsyGirl9
hi! my name is Ellie! Elizabeth is my real name, and i like čħíßî better. and as my bro Axel said, i want to be called chibs! make sure you follow him! àxêl is great! i am 18 and love art. not so much games... so enjoy my profile!
Fluffinite Fluffinite24
Favourite Food: Yee Favourite Colour: Blue Friends: Macro, Greninja, Ehren, Yolomaster17 MiniStar Updates: I Joined the Stickman Squad, New Woah meme Favourite Movie: Sml Favourite Song: Woah Files Favourite Meme: Woah
shadowsamy ShadowSamy
juego favorito: splatoon comida favorita: arroz materia: manualidades mascota:Iguana amiibos favoritos: los de splatoon
Jacky niamhvanwilpe
I love drawing and i hope you love it too.Im only 11 and I want to make every 1 happy.I thank every follower and supporter for being with me till the end !!!!!!! im sorry that this happened ‹3 ps thx sooooo much leon ‚Brick bag‚Double L‚Adam‚Spooky pup‚IGGYrati,BABYsingle‚ Komando40,☆Chloe★ and Agata. ;˛; ‹3
temmie–kun seed55
heIlo, (moderately good) fanfiction writer here, i take fanfic requests btw :3 i'm also team blue moon's leader, i like pretty much any anime, pokemon games, undertale, jacksepticeye, filthy frank(sue me), nitw, and open world games. banned yes( ) no(*) ten asterisk man is best husbando pls request i'm lonely guess i'll just lay here and contemplate my existence then.
Benji☆ raginfire
Kg, qgm osffs kww egjw gx ew gmlkavw gx Eaanwjkw? @jsyafxajw2 #eaanwjkwhwwhk gf Cac The secret number is 18
Bob-omb RNRAngel
Hi im back. Yes i know nobody likes me. Follow these people! ↓ Cool_Koopa_2295 YokeSquad BobDaGhost LemonMaser Cooliooo123 Clans: Neo Fav Sport: Wrestling and Basketball Fav Game: Botw and Animal Crossing City Folk Least Fav Trend: Dabbing and Fidget spinners STOP theres nothing here ummmmm BYE