I day left !!!!!!
Geneviève's Post
Mario Kart 8 Community

your worst bad luck in Mario Kart 8
exemple: When your hit by a blue shell and your not in the first place. The worst for me is when you hit by a thunder in the middle of the air and you fall. Lakitu...
Pokémon X and Y Community

Shiny hunter what are you hunting :)?
I want to know which Pokemon shiny are you hunting. Me I am try to get a shiny Latias in Omega Ruby =). I don't want friend code :( I just want to know what Shiny ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

in E3 2016 I hear about the legend of Zelda breath of the wild will be in the Wii U and NX. the Nintendo NX will be new consol from Nintendo in 2017, but what is the Nintendo NX :( ?
HYPE for pokemon Moon and Sun
and the legend of Zelda breath of the wild NX