ZeldaGirl5's Followers
Akamemnon Tohraiku
Dr.Panda~ DuskRaider00
Hi I'm 17 and have a passion for drawing.Also I love to learn different languages. Requests: Opened[] Closed[√] Posts remaining [30] Thanks for following and for 1070+ followers! ^-^ Joined:10/19/15
Ghoul. Bedia2004
~ I like 1/2 Adventure and 1/2 Action. ~ I DON'T like to Video-Chat. ~ Have fun on my profile.
PegasusGem PegasisterYOLO
DA: pegasisteryolo IG: Pegasusgem EQA: Pegasusgem Twitt:@pegasisteryolo Tumbl:pegasusgem Hello there!Thank you for clicking on my face!Have a cookie!*gives cookie* ★Started Miiverse on 12/26/14 ★OMG THANK YOU FOR 500 FOLLOWERS I CAN'T EVEN-*wheeze* ★Be yourself!How could you be anyone else? óuò ★BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS UNITE!Brohoof! •ω<
Estelle Licorne-Blouge
☆•·.Salut! c'est Estelle!.·•☆ •Ici• ☆Des jeux vidéo☆ ☆Des rêves☆ ☆Des citations☆ ♪Parfois quelques dessins de mazaza (Chu)♪ •Bisous baveux à mazaza (meme si tu déteste ça) ^^ •Gros calin à Coeur coco! <3 ☆Abonne toi, je rend!☆ •ω• Biz!
jordi aripauelena
Hola soy jordi si me seguis os sigo si me mandais una solicitud de amistad la acepto dale likes a mis publicaviones,tengo 15 años gracias y adios.
Fellblood sonic5916
Just a girl that loves to draw and likes dragons. FE Heroes♪ 6437154481 FE Castle address★ 17478-81123-69045-27323 Luke 1:37 See ya! Btw, I beat BoTW and I'm giving the Wii U back soon... Go follow Lizzy! She's awesome!
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
√НЕЯØ√ XxCub-BlazerxX
"HeΨ" Im ΗÉЯØ! Nice to meet you! Welcome to my profile: (Favorite Games:Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Minecraft, and other related games such as that. And also Mario! Can't forget about that!) I love looking at people who are very talented, artistic, and creative(Even though I'm not) Well that is it. Feel free to follow Me. Thanks for reading√ (Also Like my posts) PLZ FOLLOW! GOAL IS 200 FOLLOWERS
Thewelii NIKO_ALAN
Eres † ^_^
ゴールデン・デビル paulpoguba000
皆さんフォローありがとうございます!!! 名前・ゴールデンデビル 中2 年齢13 フォロワー10000人目指して頑張ります
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
ひげくちおんな tsu-san444
Tомοκа ShinoTomoChen
#################################### _(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_bye || バイ #################################### ともかチェン//Tomoka-chen
Papá Aetzin
Superman Super_Girl_612
Hi im soopr girl
Wispurr LordTigerRoar
Profile comment NOT hidden by admin. Let's see, I don't know what to say. Few things you should know: ♥ to draw. Rarley do screenshot posts. Don't do Wii U Chat. I do weekly BRAINTEASERS. Forgot to say thanks to all my followers for the 200+! Not greedy but let's get it to 300, OK? Any good suggestions for anime, make sure to tell me. See ya! MIIVERSE IS ENDING EVERYONE PANIC!
Alfred Alancristopher
hiiiii as you can see i'm stupid xD welp my name is Naty and i love videogames such as pokémon , FF , some mario games , legend of zelda , and some mii games (idky but there good) , my favorite youtubers are dalas review MINI :3 , whatthagam , smosh, shane , FBE (i guess im just there for tom idky xD) elrubius , germán and el Rincón de Giorgio and done life's a party ure a boy
Angry Joe opc1234
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☆★ホモ∞ニート★☆ shinobi123
☆★SΡΔCΞS★☆ yaito14
Alguien tiene Imformacion para Prestar por khe etoy pobre de Creatividad xD #VivaGastarMensajes #SalvarMiiverse #AlguienSabeKienEsElPayaso MeGustaLaSeriDeKath SPΔСΞS #ForeverInMyHeart
тум LuigiStar7
nicegirl☆☆ selinakaraoglan
This user's profile comment is private.
Chris king_chris1207
HEY PUPILS ITS THE KING hope all of you have a wonderful life. No matter what you do or what you have done. Welll anyways me these are the games I like to play MINECRAFT MARIO CART 8 SUPER MARIO TENNIS SPLATOON NEW SUPER MARIO BROS DONKEY KONG TROPICAL BREEZE AND PROBALLY MORE TO COME XD MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD ONE
sg~Gισгgισ oltugiorgio
ciao sono giorgio,sono uno appassionato di gamer da quanto avevo 3-4 anni. il mio gioco preferito è crash bandicoot. ho 11 anni. i miei youtuber preferiti sono stepny, surrealpower e luke4316. detto questo ci vediamo. ciauuuuu
タニックワールド GOUF0826
フレンドになりたい人は、フレンドリクエストをどんどん送ってね~ それからフォローしてくれたら絶対返すよ~ それから好きなゲ一ムは ・スプラトゥーン ・マインクラフト 最近はスプラトゥーンしかやっていないので、 ガチマッチとかプライべートマッチをいっしょに やりたかったらフレンドになっていっしょにやろう!
Pedro pedroorlandini5
Hello I'm Pedro and I like to play minecraft most of the time with my friends so if you play minecraft send me a friend request and i'll friend you p.s don't be shy.
Malcome malcome20
salut je m appelle malcome
Epic★Domi anuska73
Willkommen auf mein Profil
»—Flαмε—> FlameGirl04
Hi! You can call me Flame. Here are some things about me: •I'm a cheerleader •I like to doodle •I'm a vegetarian •I like video games •My favorite color is orange •I play the flute •I'm in ths ЭÃ clan ...And that's about it. I'd appreciate if you'd follow me. Bye!
GuardianOT PrincessUppercut
Hi hi! I'm GuardianØT! I like ▲Zelda▲ (a lot!), TØP, drawing,DC Comics, Holo, singing, softball, Jellal, and Anime. Favorite Anime: Fairy Tail. I draw for fun, not for fame and hope to improve. I will comment if I can. Thx for stopping by and NO WiiU chat;). Stay awesome and stay happy, hope we can be frens♥! LoZ4Life ''Music can make things hurt less'' -Tyler Jøseph May contain nuts at times...
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
Dani gtdsec
Eyyyyyy ~ Yeahbomb, stalk, follow. I don't mind ~Very inactive, but still here... ~And please no random friend requests... ~I'll play ARMS, MK8D, and Splatoon 2. Friend me if ya wanna play... 8) Introvert... Stay Salty
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Élise ECBCelise
Coucou moi c'est Élise je vous considère comme un amie si tu t’abonne a moi . Si tu t'abonne tu auras un abonner en plus moi!!!! allé abonne toi appuis sur suivre si tu et deja abonné je t’admire!Tu t'es abonné(e)?!?!
♪◆~Ζεκε~◆♪ Megacatgun2000
Hey Everyone! It's Good To be Back. Im A Big Fan of Kirby, Pokèmon, Mk7, And SuperSmashBros. Hope you Enjoy my Posts and Drawings! Peace! ^-^
bibi FeriAbi
bonjour je mappelle Abigail j'ai 11ans jadore se jeux et aussi animal crossing mais jai besoin daide pour developer ma ville defi 100 abo je vous adore
Jax™ (-~-) MiiWorldWolf
It's been good, Miiverse! I have met some amazing people on here.. ended up in love a couple of times! Haha... Thank you to: Danny, Damian, Dark, Dan, Lorenzo, Ryan, Badi, Beto, and many others. I love you all! I N S T A: _daddy.haley_
felix 2006.Fel
Name: Felix Alter: 11 Lieblingsessen: Pizza,Pizza Lieblings youtuber:Concrafter Emra,Julien bam,Rewi ,Paluten, Lieblingsbuch:Gregstagebuch Lieblingsfach:Pause,lange Pause, Englisch Lieblingsbeschäftigung:Zocken, Breakdance,Skaten, Trampo springen, Lieblingsspiel:Thomo Dachi Life, You tube, Lieblingsmusic:,Bonabetito, thats waht I like Traumberuf:Youtuber Danke Danke ¿
Liz ln1042
u guys should see kwife and kwings videos there funny i love there videos^^always follow ur dreams never give up
~ChυMarin~ mazaza
~Acnl Magnolia: 7A00•0070•2B3F~ For U 4957 •ω• Merci ❤❤❤ Je ne t'oublirai jamais! 3741 588o
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
☆★SΡΔСΞS★☆ LadySweetYt
Holiwas.Q tal?Yo super bien porque etoy locati. 1ºyaito14 es mi otro canal de Nintendo. 2ºHaber yo subo de todo pero CuAnDo YOLO quiera. Oki doki. Mis BFFDM:Marina aunque se fue de Miiverse dagual,Yusaki,AngelPanda... AND YOU ♥♡♥ Que juegos me enamodan: Splatoon(Tanto el 1º como el 2º) Roblox The legend of Zelda Hello Neibourd Mainclah Trove Overwhat I LoVe DrAw. Very Very love Draw
Thanks for all of your support, guys. :)