Zghere87's Followers
Genji Alex-Ich
See you space cowboys... Alt → NotGenji (TheDragonIsMe) 'Fire Emblem' Alt → Lord Leo I will miss you hard Jessy, Fatty and 8 bit guy!! never knew news about you :,(!!
game pro Dantheman10000
Vaii Valerie0512
Hi,nice to meet you,my name is Valérie.My favorite hobbies is drawing,playing video game like Mario series,The legend of Zelda,Kirby,Animal Crossing,etc.I want to thank all those who yeahs,comments,and follows! ♪It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over? It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?♪
loulou bonneaulyon
j'ai 12 ans je suis en 5 ème je t aime ines j'adore la boxe les jeux vidéo les manga tokyo ghoul splatoon minecraft xenoblade je suis aussi drôle selont les gen JE VOUS AIME TOUS MAIS ABONNER ☆★ merci abonner vous pour plus de feun ! :} merci pour les 100 abonner !
Kath mimkath
Hi, you can call me Kath, Katrinalink or Metacat... all those name mean the same. sayonara, miiverse. I would like to thank everyone who supported me here... I would never had been the person I'm right now if you guys didn't support me, thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm 15 years old btw.
ari finalgirl16
•Τommy_ms• turboAlpha
Je suis une personne malheureuse qui ne peux pas subir d'opération, à cause d'une belle-mère égoïste & d'un père qui c'est marié avec cette ordure. Tout pour que mon œil soit rétabli... je demande que sa, une opération. n'abandonne pas ta famille, tes amis, abandonne juste ceux qui ne croient pas en toi. L'œil aussi noir que l'ébène montre la colère monte. Juste voir des 2 yeux, le monde.
chadow pokelep
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Lil Manic ManicPlayz
YT:Satan Manic the dark hedgehog yeah You can call me Manic,Lil Manic,Mani or whatever 0w0 i wants hugs quick question:DO ALL YOUNG BOYS COUNT AS SHOTAS INCLUDING MYSELF?!?!?
Britti Britti-1
Dis Dood crazy8snake
Whats up friends from all over. Im here to talk a little bit about me:) 1. i was born in germany. 2. im 13 years old. 3. my favorite video game is splatoon. 4. i have an 9 year old sister 5. i love video games. 6. im really good at mario kart 8. 7. i have alot of gaming consoles. thanks to all of you for reading this.
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
sebas Bastian0610
dark fox fozzila
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★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
ゆきお(そら) sousorasora
Thank you Miiverse!Thank you everyone! 短い間でしたが、皆さんに出会えて良かったです(*´ω`*)ありがとうございました! 皆さんお元気で! 私は青いとりや支部にも出没中です。捕獲はG先生が手伝ってくれるかもしれない。 フォロワーさん皆が好きだ!! 11月7日 ゆきお Yukio
Hodei Hodei08
¡Hola! Soy Hodei y me encantan los videojuegos. Sobre todo pokémon, es mi saga favorita, me gustan los gatos y las patatas, además del anime el manga y la cultura japonesa. Tengo un canal en Youtube y me gusta el chocolate, espero que podamos ser amigos en miiverse.
clem clemenceboyard
bonjour je m'appelle Clémence j'ai 11ans j'adore les jeux d'actions et surtout n'oublier pas de vous abonner svp
Jàck JackFromYoutube
hi im am from youtube so my name is jack and im am 8 years old so i was born new orleans to ocala on 2012 so i really like games and be explore events!
coco cocovillers
bonjour je suis coco de villers carbonel dans la picardie . JE fais des truc cool sur miiverse alors rejoignez moi sur ma page MON but sur miiverse : atteindre les 1000 abo je suis gentil pas mechant j adore jouer au jeux video de combat etc... ma passion est les oiseaux et surtout les perroquets . ↓ ↓ est abonnez vous au passage ça me fera tres plaisir !!!!! :) :)
Beechy77 joshwahwah36
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【MICKY】 satoukyouya1219
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
»shnebs« sonriio
just a good christian dude who like to talk about strategy. abia states born and raised current favourite games paladins brawl stars ratchet and clank uncharted 4 legend of zelda breath of the wild splatoon 1 pokkén tournament 1 and phantom hourglass not active that much probably once every other night on holidays. studying to become a game dev. have a good life
Patchy CajunSpecial
Ànt ianlucca2
noot noot noot hi guys welcome to back another miiverse but i hope you guys have good post and great time noot noot noot! glasses and kind of crazy and super fun and miiverse my best friends autmaton and daniel! but be cool and dont be mean or block me have fun on miiverse mom and dad is my awsome parents hve good time on miiverse
Frisk YoshiGamer57
cuidado con el hombre que habla con manos... ¡¡¡DETERMINACION!!!... aqui abajo se comparte AMOR coje todas estas "bolitas de amistad" I.I.T.!!!! en este mundo es matar o MORIR -flowey y gaster
こよるは 2G1NAGOMI
◆ まさ ◆ sub masa0o777
よろしくおねがいします! お気軽に、コメントして下さい。 ■□■無言フォロー大歓迎!!■□■ フォローしてくれた方は、なるべくフォローします。 【最近やってるソフト】 ・スナックワールド ・SDBH ・パワプロヒーローズ (投☆832・野☆748) ・妖怪ウォッチシリーズ全シリーズ [トロフィー・図鑑allコンプ・バスタ妖怪愛999] SUKIYAKI x2 SUSHI x2 TEMPURA x1 (3新エンマ・4神 他 増殖済) ・三国志・オセロ・マリオ・ドラクエ・イナイレ 他 ●別アカ メイン:masa00777 ○ユーザー 大人x1 子供x2(♀・♂) ●端末 メイン2台(アカあり)・サブ1台(オフ) (New 3DS LLx3台・Wii Ux1台) ※改造・中傷・詐欺行為はやめましょう。
KirbyDxFan jean212
だいふく 922sotaro
顔ポチありがとうです 顔ポチどうやってやった? 弱く?普通に?強く?ハンマーで? どれだった? さぁ自己紹介をしましょう! 名前は、だいふく だいふくが好きだからでは ありません 活動は普通にしてます 活動ゲーム状況 ◎=してるお ○=普通に ×=あまり キューブクリエイターDX ◎ プロ野球ファミスタクライマックス○ A列車でいこう3D × マリオカート7 × パワプロヒーローズ × フォローは、無言OK ブロックする条件は、 僕が出した投稿荒らし、暴言をした人 僕に暴言をいった人です。 ※投稿はあまりしてません (めんどくさいのでw) 8月25日 13時頃 ファーストキッスは なすのあじ みんな覚えてね!!!!!!!!!! 一言 よろしく! 引退のお知らせ 11月7日にミーバース引退 致します。皆さんに、 フォローや、色々教えてくださったり ありがとうでした。 11月3日更新
Julio36 ptitpoisman
Hi, welcome to my miiverse page! I love drawing :D Im a big fan of Five nights at Freddy's! My favourite games: Five nights at freddy's Need for speed world Minecraft BeamNG drive and Robocraft
fred pro ★ mamour-005
salut a tous c mamour g minecraft splatoon mario maker pokken tournament new super mario bros u mario kart 8 et disney infinity 3.0 et zelda wind waker et breath of the willd ,zelda tp hd et MH3U → abone toi ←;-)
Link zelda_botw_link
Hey! Hier ist ein kleines The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Fangirl ^¬^ Ich habe leider nur Breath of the Wild gespielt, aber es ist trotzdem mein Lieblingsgame!
Linkle·•☆ Dianesamonster
¡¡Holi a todos los followers!! ★•·{Hi to all, followers!!!}·•☆ Supongo que medio mundo ya lo sabeis: VA A CERRAR MIIVERSE. Quiero agradeceros a todos por todo el apoyo que me habeis dado, sobretodo a Fosters, Ena, MOMO, {RAS}midna... TQM, Chic@s!!! Nunca os olvidaré (y tampoco me olvideis!!! º_º) Y gracias por los +580 seguidores!!! _(¡υ¡)/ hasta el infinito y más allá!!!
Chrıs Trickery
kyllian kylliansport
200abo merci;)
T-man 2.0 TannerI
Hey, fellow Miiversians! I'm Tanner! I have a knack for drawing silly pictures of Link, Cloud Strife, Darth Vader, and more. Follow me to see what new drawings I'm working on. No Wii U chat. I WILL NOT be accepting any more drawing or friend requests. Just too much of a burden for me to handle before Miiverse ends. Thank you for your understanding. >Click!<
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
sam finn2063
I have a nintendo 3DS and a Wii u I'm a beginner at video games but after a lot of practice I'm getting better. And I hope to get more followers on my profile. So I like soccer and playing and when I have finished stuff I can play video games like splatoon,spider-man 2,mario kart 8 and more games. Also it's fun to know peoples experience with games. I can also do friend requests.
Zelda addict