Users Jacob Is Following
Retroid RetroidOfficial
Hi there! This is the official Retroid Interacive account, we are the creators of the Wii U game PictoParty.
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
ミムラ sumomomo33
miiを自分代理のむらびと(黄色頭巾)に似せてみました⊂(・∀・ ) 絵を見てくださり、ありがとうございます\(´∀`〃) 向こうではイリオモテヤマネコ並みの出現率ですが、黄色いとり という名でやっております_(:э」 「)_
Mamodxx Mamodxx
Λρεх TailsTheFoxxy
__ __ \ \ / /__ \ V / _ \ | | (_) | |__| \ ___ / What's up! The games I mainly play are Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and a lot other games! ▲Don't be rude or else I'll kick your... *battery dies* Ok I'm back...▼ ▲My Friends▼ SuperMarioGold (Bro) ςριÐεг ._Colin_. Ģinger (Twin) stone_eye ▲Later▼
IKAさま ikachiyo
自由気ままにお絵描きしたり、イカしたりハンターだったり雀士などをしております 共感、コメント、フォローを励みに日々精進(・・出来たらいいなあ) 特にコメントは返して無いときもございますが頂けるとニマニマしながら眺めるほど嬉しいです。 フレンドに関しましてはリア友と今まで絡んでくれたイカをプレイしている人とさせて頂いております。 フォローはするも外すもご自由にどうぞ
Senpai HunterDotDotDotD
In Japan, senpai (先輩) is a mentor or senior. The mentor system is found at all levels of education, and in sports clubs, businesses, informal or social organizations. The relationship is an essential element of Japanese seniority-based status relationships, similar to the way that family and other relationships are decided based on age.
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
Leaf HourglassNavi
I am this →♀. Not this →♂ Just thought I'd let ya know. "Do it for the sparkles." ~SpineMouth
Lauren BlazingCorridor
Sara metalgearlynn
Well hear me out, TJ ""Henry"" Yoshi, I'm about to explain how I left Miiverse in 0.5x A presses
DAVIS 00 Davish1
My name is jason Haha fooled u lol I'm 16 and I make silly drawings I would like to thank the user who made 2500+ accounts just to follow me Alt account: THENEWDAVIS00
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
Jamie AfroNinja1996
Wacky toon boy who loves to doodle and eat noodle. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon. @afroninja180
Lario Here lario4
Hey it's me Matthew and this is my second acount! I hope you have unlimted fun on my minecraft severs. P.S. My other account is SuperLarioBros so friend that account if you want to see some cool stuff. Also friend my friend Hydra Team Because he's awesome. Well got to go, Bye!
Noah ChainChompBro
Writing stick handler and licensed Invisible Boatmobile driver. Powered by cartoons, video games and lotsa spaghetti.
NesMeister helloz1234
Hi! I'm NesMeister (Aidan). Thank you for visiting my profile and be sure to follow I'm a 15 year-old Nintendo fan loves to draw Sorry if I hardly post now, I'm just losing interest. I love RPGs like Mother, Pokémon and Mario & Luigi Friend Requests to play Splatoon with me, certainly are appreciated No Wii U Chat PLZ Thank you for 740+ followers
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Holly hollyfig
*comments closed since I REALLY don't have the spare time to reply to them all the time. I thank my fans and followers immensely for the continued support :) I love drawing, gaming, Toon Link and guacamole. And Toon Link. Currently working as a web designer. Thank you for visiting! :)
Chris Warner7791
This user's profile comment is private.
shower gel insurance_lizard
Balrog BalrogTheMaster
Lil'Drizzo littledriz
Totally the Driz's lttle brother and not his back-up account. OK, actually I am. I never thought I'd have to make an alternate account for when I'm banned, but it finally happened. Main Account: Da-Driz
Anonymous Anonymous_pro2nd
NSW☆Paul Folkloner
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed. Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Brendan Bgamer1234567890
Hi! My name is Brendan. I am a HUGE video game fan. I love Mario, Zelda, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Call of Duty, Metal Gear, Smash Bros, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy, and much more. Have had a Wii U since launch day. My favorite games below are games I own for 3DS and Wii U Systems. Avenged Sevenfold is the best band in the world. Thank You and have a nice day!
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Joshua Blaumagier
Hey guys. I do Let's Plays on YouTube and I help out TSG, gaming to raise money for charities.
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Allen darklord1
affes bane Baradragon
My names James, I enjoy stuff. Like my Xbox and annoying Affe.
Oh look! Its a profile comment!